Social Groups and Social Identity A social group comprises individuals who share similar opinions, beliefs, values, goals, and behaviors. Notably, social groups are key social structures of the...
Latest News - Sociology
Parenting Styles Being a parent is a process of raising children by providing and caring for their physical, emotional, social, and mental well-being until they develop to be adults. There are...
Family Issue-Abuse In society, family differences are apparent. It is not uncommon to find single-parent families, blended families, and nuclear families, among others, in society. In some cases,...
Social Work Research An experiment is a scientific procedure carried out under controlled conditions to demonstrate a known factor, discover an unknown effect, and test a hypothesis. Social workers...
Classical Experimental Design Substance Abuse Introduction- The 12-step program designed by Alcoholics Anonymous represents powerful support groups that assist people in their recovery from...
Experimental Research Design Experimental research design can provide valuable findings in the social sciences field since this research process involves conducting research in an objectively...