Latest News - Law

Discussion -The Fourth Amendment

Discussion – The Fourth Amendment The phrases and the words contained in the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution seem straightforward without any difficulties in interpretation....

Response – Civil Liability

Response – Civil Liability The country is moving closer to becoming a police state and that can be a result of the National Defense Authorization Act that was approved by the Senate in 2012...

Law Enforcement Structure in the United States

Law Enforcement Structure in the United States The state law enforcement agencies are made up of sheriffs, their deputies, and district attorneys. They are elected by county voters and often have a...

Pursuing Criminal Syndicates

Pursuing Criminal Syndicates Some of the strategies used to curb organized crime include the prosecution and execution of gang leaders as well as their deportation. The capture of gang leaders is...

Response – Policing and Problem Solving

Response – Policing and Problem Solving The crime rates recorded in different neighborhoods in the United States vary with some areas recording higher criminal activities than others. One of...

Personnel Issues and Practices – Stress

Personnel Issues and Practices – Stress To prevent and manage stress in police officers, two main methods can be used. One is engaging support systems while the other is exercising regularly....