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Artificial Intelligence in Food Security

Artificial Intelligence in Food Security

Besides biotechnology, discuss another form of technology that seems to have the greatest potential positive effect on food security.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is another form of technology besides biotechnology that seems to have the greatest potential positive effect on food security. It can be applied to collect and analyze data on various factors that affect food security, including human and weather factors, and create a computational simulation to predict future demand, weather patterns, and other conditions that can help support the sustainability of food supplies in the future (How et al., 2020). AI can also be applied to explore inaccessible regions and zones for their potential to support agriculture and improve supply chains’ efficiency to reduce the wastage of supplies and timely deliveries whenever needed (Spanaki et al., 2021).

Discuss any potential negative uses of that technology and climate change impacts (for developing or developed countries).

Although AI has the potential to improve environmental production, it is important to understand that it has potential negative uses and can negatively impact climate change. For instance, AI can be utilized to optimize production efficiency, which can lead to ignoring other factors of production, including human input (Sparrow et al., 2022). The optimization of production can lead to human exploitation as well as degradation of the environment with long-term climate impacts. AI also exposes the agricultural industry to cyberattacks, which can lead to issues with the agricultural supply chain. AI can also be used to eliminate traditional seeds from the agricultural system, such as cassava and sorghum, and only focus research on commercial seeds, leading to a concentration of ownership and control of agriculture (Sparrow et al., 2022).

 In what ways do the benefits of these technologies outweigh the negative consequences they have on food security? Be specific and provide examples.

The benefits of AI in agriculture outweigh the negative consequences they have on food security. Although the use of AI risks bias in seed development and production and misuse of data, AI supports the use of data-driven agricultural production, which improves yields and sustainability (How et al., 2020), and unrestricted distribution of resources for production due to its open use (Sparrow et al., 2022). It also supports the automation of production processes and supports production in areas of limited access (Spanaki et al., 2021).


How, M. L., Chan, Y. J., & Cheah, S. M. (2020). Predictive Insights for Improving the Resilience of Global Food Security Using Artificial Intelligence. Sustainability 2020, Vol. 12, Page 6272, 12(15), 6272.

Spanaki, K., Karafili, E., Sivarajah, U., Despoudi, S., & Irani, Z. (2021). Artificial intelligence and food security: swarm intelligence of AgriTech drones for smart AgriFood operations. Production Planning and Control, 33(16), 1498–1516.

Sparrow, R., Howard, M., & Degeling, C. (2022). Managing the risks of artificial intelligence in agriculture. NJAS: Impact in Agricultural and Life Sciences.


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Artificial Intelligence in Food Security

Artificial Intelligence in Food Security

1) Besides biotechnology, discuss another form of technology that seems to have the greatest potential positive effect on food security.

2) Discuss any potential negative uses of that technology and climate change impacts (for developing or developed countries).

3) How do the benefits of these technologies outweigh their negative consequences on food security? Be specific and provide examples.

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