Latest News - Sociology

Social Institutions- Religion

Social Institutions- Religion Most religions, such as Christianity, begin as a cult, then transition into a sect and then into an ecclesia. Cults sprout as new religious groups which are considered...

The Building Blocks of Culture

The Building Blocks of Culture People need building blocks to adapt to a different culture, including communication, shared values, language, symbols, routines, and rituals. Learning to speak the...

Emotions during Religious Ceremonies

Emotions during Religious Ceremonies When the notion of emotions during religious ceremonies comes to mind, it is pertinent to note that a majority of emotions often have properties of the salience...

Social Problem

Social Problem A social problem is any behavior or condition having negative consequences for many people, hence requiring actions to address the behavior or condition (Cassella,n.d). Social...

Rodao Family

Rodao Family Case Summary Handling children with aggressive behaviors can be a challenging experience for teachers, parents, and guardians. Social workers play a crucial role in managing children...