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Personal Leadership Analysis

 Personal Leadership Analysis

Leadership requires various skills and competencies that shape leadership effectiveness. The competencies influence a leader’s decisions and how they interact with followers. A person’s personal leadership analysis can help them determine whether they have the leadership skills and competencies required to complete leadership roles. This report focuses on the five competencies required to deliver effective leadership in the healthcare sector. The first part outlines an individual leadership development plan. The second part outlines my personal leadership gap based on the competencies that I lack. The final part is a detailed discussion of my plan to develop the competencies needed to be an effective leader in the healthcare sector.

Part 1: Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations

The success of healthcare organizations is influenced by customer satisfaction and the organization’s reputation. Leaders play a vital role in ensuring that the patient’s needs are met without compromising the organization’s goals. Although I have the leadership skills and knowledge needed to be an effective leader, there are various competencies that I need to develop such as communication skills, relationship management, professional responsibility, social responsibility, and adaptability to align with the industry needs. Table 1 below summarizes the competencies I need, the development activity I will use to develop the competency, the timeline for envelopment, performance measurement, and organization/industry need alignment.

Table 1: Critical leadership competencies for healthcare organizations

Competency Need Development Activity Timeline Performance Measurement Organization/Industry Need Alignment

Good communication skills

Participating in debates


Engaging in online discussions

One month A decrease in miscommunication with friends and colleagues Ability to communicate concisely and clearly with external and internal clients

Relationship management

Attending networking meetings.

Volunteering in the community

One month An increase in the number of people in my professional and social network Ability to establish and maintain relationships and promote constructive interactions with groups and individuals.

Professional Responsibility


Looking for jobs in a challenging work environment within my profession Four months A good performance rating at my workplace The ability to align organizational and personal conduct with professional and ethical standards



Social responsibility


Volunteering in community activities Four months Being recommended by community leaders to oversee charity events and other volunteering programs within the community Responsibility to the community and a commitment to lifelong improvement and learning
Adaptability Volunteering to serve as a leader in community projects Four months Adjusting to situations within a short time Ability to maintain flexibility and adapt to changes in the healthcare setting

Part 2: Personal Leadership Gap Analysis

Effective leadership in the healthcare industry requires aligning leadership practices with the organization’s needs. Leadership gaps can be identified by focusing on the organization’s needs and the roles of a leader. For instance, healthcare organizations require developing a good relationship with patients, demonstrating empathy when communicating with patients, accepting responsibility for actions and decisions to protect patients’ welfare and the organization’s reputation, achieving positive patient outcomes, demonstrating empathy, and creating a friendly environment for employees and patients. Table 2 below summarizes the leadership needs in the healthcare industry, organizational needs, my personal STAR assessment, and variances or gaps.

Table 2: Personal Leadership Gap Analysis

Industry Needs Organizational Needs Personal STAR Assessment Variances or Gaps
1. Good communication skills


A good relationship with patients

Demonstrating empathy when communicating with patients.

Average communication skills I have good written communication skills but average verbal communication skills.
2. Accountability



Accepting responsibility for actions and decisions to protect patients’ welfare and the organization’s reputation. Average accountability The situation at hand influences my level of accountability.
3. Achievement orientation


Achieving positive patient outcomes Average achievement orientation My level of achievement orientation in the professional setting is average.
4. Interpersonal understanding



Empathy Expert I have good interpersonal understanding in the social setting, but I still have to improve my interpersonal understanding in the professional setting.
5. Relationship building


Friendly environment for employees and patients Expert I am good at building relationships in the social context but need to improve my relationship-building expertise in the healthcare environment.

Industry Needs versus Organizational Needs

Industry needs are linked to organizational needs. For instance, the healthcare industry needs good communication skills. The organizational needs related to good communication skills include maintaining a good relationship with patients by ensuring that they understand their diagnosis, the healthcare costs they are required to incur, and all the procedures and medication in the healthcare delivery process and demonstrating empathy when communicating with patients. Next, the healthcare industry needs accountability. The organizational needs related to accountability are the need for healthcare professionals and doctors to be accountable for their actions and decisions to protect patients’ welfare and the organization’s reputation. The third healthcare industry need most healthcare organizations emphasize is achievement orientation. Achievement orientation is related to the healthcare organizations’ focus on achieving specific positive patient outcomes and improving patient care quality. The fourth healthcare industry is interpersonal understanding. Interpersonal understanding in healthcare organizations is related to the need for healthcare professionals to be empathetic and maintain a close professional relationship with patients to understand their needs. The fifth healthcare industry need is relationship building. Healthcare organizations require healthcare professionals to create a friendly environment for patients by building mutually beneficial relationships.

Career Advancement Opportunities

According to Green et al. (2021), career advancement is the development of sociological, psychological, physical, educational, economic, and chance factors that combine to shape a person’s career over their life span. The main stages of career advancement are exploration, growth, maintenance, and decline. The exploration stage includes trying various occupational options through part-time work and volunteering. The growth stage includes developing practical ideas about what a person intends to do. The maintenance stage includes pursuing new professional and personal goals within a person’s career. The decline stage is the retirement period when an individual begins to focus on other interests unrelated to their career.

Currently, I am in the exploration and growth stages. One of the career advancement opportunities that I can leverage to grow my career is working as a nurse assistant in an elderly care facility. The job can help me gain the knowledge, skills, and expertise to offer patients quality nursing care. Working as a nurse assistant in an elderly care facility also creates an opportunity to learn about medication dosages and the treatment for various diseases that affect older adults. I can also use the position to learn about other careers within the nursing profession from my colleagues. I can also use my experience at the nursing facility to enhance my resume, thus increasing my eligibility for various nursing assistant jobs. I can focus on being the best-performing employee so that I can get a recommendation from the facility’s leaders for future job applications.

The second career advancement opportunity that I can leverage to grow my career is working as a physician assistant. I can use my medical knowledge to assist physicians in determining preventative healthcare for patients and help interpret test results. I can look for a local clinic within my neighborhood to hire me as their physician assistant before I acquire the knowledge, skills, and expertise needed to work as a physician assistant in a busy, large healthcare facility. I can use my position as a physician assistant to learn about administering medicine and taking medical tests to enhance my value in the healthcare setting. I can also take a diploma in pharmacy to boost my expertise in administering medication and acquire a license to expand my career choices.

According to Vilcahuamán & Rivas (2017), the application of technology in the healthcare industry has become prevalent. This creates an opportunity for me to advance my career by learning about the use of various information technologies in healthcare delivery. One of the areas gaining popularity in the healthcare field is health informatics. According to Wilson & Obasanya (2022), health informatics is the study of adopting, designing, applying, and developing information technology-based innovations in healthcare services planning, management, and delivery. I can focus on healthcare informatics to expand my career choices since health informatics includes health information management and electronic health records management careers. I can use my expertise in health informatics to outsource my services to healthcare facilities and train employees on how to use information technology in healthcare information management.

Part 3: Individual Leadership Development Plan (ILDP)

The main competencies that I need to be a successful leader in the healthcare industry include good communication skills, relationship management, professional responsibility, social responsibility, and adaptability. Based on my competency assessment summarized in Table 3 below, it is evident that I need to improve my competency in communication skills.

Table 3: Competence Assessment

Competency Need Development Activity Timeline Performance Measurement Organization/Industry Need Alignment

Good communication skills

Participating in debates


Engaging in online discussions


One month A decrease in miscommunication with friends and colleagues Ability to communicate concisely and clearly with external and internal clients

Relationship management

Attending networking meetings.

Volunteering in the community

One month An increase in the number of people in my professional and social network Ability to establish and maintain relationships and promote constructive interactions with groups and individuals.

Professional Responsibility





Looking for jobs in a challenging work environment within my profession Four months A good performance rating at my workplace The ability to align organizational and personal conduct with professional and ethical standards



Social responsibility



Volunteering in community activities Four months Being recommended by community leaders to oversee charity events and other volunteering programs within the community Responsibility to the community and a commitment to lifelong improvement and learning
Adaptability Volunteering to serve as a leader in community projects Four months Adjusting to situations within a short time Ability to maintain flexibility and adapt to changes in the healthcare setting

According to Shapcott & Gault (2017), good communication skills are characterized by clear and concise written and verbal communication. The healthcare industry requires professionals to communicate concisely and clearly with external and internal clients. Therefore, I need to improve my communication skills to support my career development and professional growth. One of the activities that I will use to develop my communication skills is participating in debates. Debates create an opportunity to exchange information and ideas by taking turns and supporting one’s arguments. Therefore, debates will help me improve my verbal communication skills. The second activity is engaging in online discussions. I will look for interesting topics being discussed on social media platforms and engage in discussions to improve my written communication skills and how I interpret other people’s arguments. I will complete these activities within one month. I will then assess my performance in the development of my communication skills based on the decrease in miscommunication with friends and colleagues. I will also ask my colleagues to assess my communication skills and give me feedback on whether my communication skills have improved. I will also request my colleagues to recommend improvement areas that I should consider to develop my communication skills.

The second competency that I need to improve is relationship management. According to Greve & Schlüschen (2018), relationship management refers to the process organizations use to create positive relationships with business partners or customers. Relationship management is vital in the healthcare industry because it contributes to achieving positive healthcare outcomes. Healthcare organizations also require healthcare professionals to establish and maintain relationships and promote constructive interactions with groups and individuals. Therefore, I need to develop my relationship management skills to enhance my value in the healthcare setting. One of the activities that I will use to develop this competency is attending networking meetings. I will use the networking meetings to determine the strategies I can use to approach people around me and establish a connection. Networking meetings will also help me develop my interpersonal skills, thus enabling me to enhance my relationship management competency. The second activity is volunteering in the community. I can use the volunteering sessions to learn how to interact with people from different backgrounds and maintain mutually beneficial relationships. I will assess my progress towards developing this competency based on an increase in the number of people in my professional and social network. I will also monitor my ability to retain the social and professional connections I make. I plan to develop the competency within one month and continue improving it later through interactions with patients and colleagues.

The third competency that I need to improve is professional responsibility. Professional responsibility is the obligation to act professionally as an organization’s representative. Healthcare professionals are required to align organizational and personal conduct with professional and ethical standards by following specific policies and procedures. The main activity I will use to develop my professional responsibility is looking for jobs in a challenging work environment. I will look for a work setting with strict policies and procedures and performance evaluation to help me develop my professional responsibility and discipline. A challenging work environment will also help me become more committed and meet the required professional standards. I will determine whether I have developed this competency based on the recommendations I get at the workplace. A good performance rating at my workplace will indicate that I have developed competency. I will then focus on continuously improving my professional responsibility by meeting the organization’s expectations and staying updated on the required professional conduct. I plan on developing the competency within four months. I will request my colleagues to rate my professionalism after two weeks, recommend improvement areas, and use the monthly performance review in the organization to assess my progress.

The fourth competency that I need to improve is social responsibility. According to Muenstermann (2018), social responsibility includes accountability for fulfilling a civic duty and ensuring that a person’s actions benefit the entire society. Healthcare organizations require healthcare professionals to maintain a responsibility to the community and a commitment to lifelong improvement and learning. Therefore, I need to work on my social responsibility competency to ensure that my actions benefit the patients and the community where the healthcare facility is located. Volunteering in community activities is the main activity I will use to develop this competency. Notably, volunteering provides a great opportunity to learn how to interact with people in the community and understand their needs. I can use this knowledge when interacting with patients and communities in the healthcare setting to ensure that my actions and decisions are for their benefit. Volunteering in community activities will also enhance my commitment to helping others, thus increasing my social responsibility. I plan on developing my social responsibility within four months. I will use the first month to learn about the strategies I can use to maintain engagement with the community around me. I will then apply this knowledge within the next three months to enhance my responsibility to the people I interact with and serve.

The fifth competency that I need to improve is adaptability. The healthcare setting is characterized by rapid changes caused by unexpected pandemics and technological advancement. Therefore, healthcare professionals must be flexible to adapt to the changes in the healthcare environment. Adaptability is also essential in ensuring that patient’s needs are met despite the disruptions within the healthcare environment. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare providers were expected to be adaptable and adjust to the patient flows in the healthcare setting, making difficult decisions about regulating oxygen supply and wearing personal protective equipment. I will develop this competency by volunteering as a leader in community projects. The volunteering opportunity as a leader will expose me to various situations that require adaptability and flexibility to meet specific objectives. I will volunteer as a leader for four months and use the opportunity to learn from my followers how to adjust to various situations without disrupting the group’s purpose. I will determine whether I have developed this competency based on my ability to adapt to situations within a short time. I will continue to improve my adaptability by taking risks and trying out new ideas until I become an expert.


Green, J., Kelleher, A., Wu, J., Satgunam, S., & Millner, U. C. (2021). Career Advancement Scenario Scale: Assessing the career advancement of individuals with SMHC. PsycEXTRA Dataset.

Greve, G., & Schlüschen, A. (2018a). From Customer Relationship Management to influencer relationship management. Diverse Methods in Customer Relationship Marketing and Management, 80–91.

Greve, G., & Schlüschen, A. (2018b). From Customer Relationship Management to influencer relationship management. Diverse Methods in Customer Relationship Marketing and Management, 80–91.

Muenstermann, I. (2018). Social Responsibility. IntechOpen.

Shapcott, J., & Gault, I. (2017). Essential Communication Skills: Building Blocks for good communication. Communication in Nursing and Healthcare: A Guide for Compassionate Practice, 15–26.

Vilcahuamán, L., & Rivas, R. (2017). Healthcare Technology Management (HTM) & Healthcare Technology Assessment (HTA). Healthcare Technology Management Systems, 1–21.

Wilson, G. M., & Obasanya, M. (2022). Principles of Health Informatics. Health Informatics, 15–38.


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Conduct a candid self-assessment of your health care leadership competencies and construct an 8–12-page comprehensive individual leadership development plan that can help you take your organization into the future.

Personal Leadership Analysis

Personal Leadership Analysis


Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

Different types of healthcare organizations have different visions, missions, values, and cultures. Leaders must assess the community and organization to determine what type of leadership best fits the organizational context. Effective leaders are those who are consistent, credible, authentic, flexible, and engage in continuous learning.

You will have your own brand of personal and professional leadership. It is important to periodically assess the fit of your style relative to the current environment and changing needs of the organization. Leaders who add value align their efforts and lead teams toward organizational goals. Research-based tools such as those developed by the National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL) are available to assist with the task of developing and aligning your skill sets with the changing needs of your organization.

By comparing areas of strength and weakness to the skill sets required to lead an organization, it is easier to determine the specific skill areas that need to be developed. Once you identify skills that need improvement, it is possible to develop an action plan to strengthen weaker areas and highlight strengths. A good action plan should contain specific strategies as well as a way to measure success. By comparing areas of strength and weakness to the skill sets required to lead an organization, it is easier to determine the specific skill areas that need to be developed. Once you identify skills that need improvement, it is possible to develop an action plan to strengthen weaker areas and highlight strengths. A good action plan should contain specific strategies as well as a way to measure success.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 2: Assess personal leadership competencies relative to the organizational (L2.4, L14.4, L22.4, L19.2, L7.2, L10.5)
    • Summarize relevant critical success leadership competencies required by healthcare
    • Compare personal leadership competencies to the critical success leadership competencies needed within the healthcare
    • Construct an individual leadership development plan that contains specific action steps, a timeline, and performance indicators
    • Explain how an individual leadership development plan aligns with industry and organizational needs.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health care (L6.1, L6.2, L6.3, and L6.4)
    • Write coherently, concisely, logically, and with strong support from relevant professional resources, in an appropriate format, with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a health care administration


Before you create and submit your assessment, it is recommended that you complete the following:

  1. Review materials related to the National Center for Health Care Leadership’s Healthcare Leadership Competency Model:
  2. Consider the needs of your healthcare organization that you identified in Assessment 1. Consider how you add value to the organization by contributing to the achievement of the internal benchmarks within your department and specific to your position of
  3. Conduct a candid self-assessment of your healthcare leadership competencies, using the Star Format Competency Rating Table [DOC]. Once you have a clear picture of your strengths and weaknesses, you will construct an individual leadership development plan to focus on the development of critical success competencies that can help you take your organization into the
  4. Search for professional, scholarly journal articles on the leadership skills and competencies needed in health care organizations today and into the You will need a minimum of five resources to use as support for your assessment


This assessment has three distinct parts.

  • Part 1: Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care
    • In Part 1, based on the information from your resources, provide an overview of the leadership competencies required to lead healthcare organizations into the
  • Part 2: Personal Leadership Gap
    • In Part 2, compare the competencies most needed by your organization (from your work in Assessment 1) to the skills you already possess (using the results from your STAR analysis).
  • Part 3: Individual Leadership Development Plan (ILDP).
    • In Part 3, use the information from your resources, your self-assessment, and your work in Assessment 1 to put together a cohesive individual leadership development plan (ILDP).

Read the requirements for each part carefully.

Part 1: Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations

Related Scoring Guide Criteria

  • Summarize relevant critical success leadership competencies required by healthcare
  • Write coherently, concisely, logically, and with strong support from relevant professional resources, in an appropriate format, with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a health care administration

Based on the resources you located, identify the top five leadership competencies needed within healthcare administration in order to ensure the success of healthcare organizations today and in the future.

Explain why each competency is critical to organizational success.

Part 2: Personal Leadership Gap Analysis

Related Scoring Guide Criteria

  • Compare personal leadership competencies to the critical success leadership competencies needed within the healthcare
  • Write coherently, concisely, logically, and with strong support from relevant professional resources, in an appropriate format, with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a health care administration

Following completion of the STAR assessment (using the Star Format Competency Rating Table [DOC]), consider your strengths versus those areas that require additional development. Provide a gap analysis that compares industry needs (as identified in Part 1), the needs of your organization (from your organization’s strategic direction), and the results of your STAR assessment. You may wish to use the Personal Leadership Gap Analysis Template [DOC] to help organize your analysis narrative.

In a brief narrative, explain any discrepancies between industry needs and organizational needs. Explain how your areas of strength can offer you additional opportunities for career advancement. You may include your Gap Analysis Template as an appendix to help support your narrative but are not required to do so.

Part 3: Individual Leadership Development Plan (ILDP)

Related Scoring Guide Criteria

  • Construct an individual leadership development plan that contains specific action steps, a timeline, and performance indicators and
  • Explain how an individual leadership development plan aligns with industry and organizational
  • Write coherently, concisely, logically, and with strong support from relevant professional resources, in an appropriate format, with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a health care administration

When constructing your individual leadership development plan (ILDP) make sure you are identifying at least three specific areas of weakness you need to focus on in order to meet industry and organizational needs.

For your explanation regarding the alignment of your ILDP to industry and organizational needs address the following:

  • Explain the action steps you need to take to increase your competency in those areas. Be sure your action steps are specific, include a timeline, and align with the overall goal of meeting industry and organizational needs.
  • Create specific performance indicators and measures for each action step to clearly illustrate how you will know that you are making progress on your

If it helps you organize your thoughts, you may use a table format for your ILDP, such as the Individual Leadership Development Plan Template [DOC]. Just be sure to provide enough detail in each section, relative to the expectations laid out in the scoring guide. You are not required to use a table format; if you prefer, you may simply write this section as a narrative.

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