Gratitude Journals Can Improve Nurses’ Mental Well-being
The article by Cumella (2022) Gratitude journals can improve nurses’ mental well-being discusses the burnout incidences observed among nurses and enumerates the vital role of gratitude journalling in improving the mental well-being of nurses. This paper aims to summarize the article’s contents and discuss the impacts of the content on my future professional nursing practice. Our assignment help will hone your writing prowess for papers that will awe your professors.
Article Summary
Burnout among nurses continues to be an issue of concern in the United States. The impacts of burnout noted include decreased work morale, patient dissatisfaction, increased mortality, and poor patient outcomes (Cumella, 2022). Furthermore, Cumella (2022) states that “Nurses with poor mental and physical health are up to 71% more likely to report making a medical error compared with those in better health” (p. 59). This, therefore, called for an intervention that would help mitigate burnout.
According to Cumella (2022), a gratitude journal helps nurses develop a positive attitude during stressful moments at work and helps them appreciate every single experience. Furthermore, a gratitude journal can help nurses boost their mood, sleep better, reduce stress-related physical symptoms like exhaustion, reduce nursing turnover, and improve patient satisfaction. In addition, the nurses are required to note down two to five gratitudes at least two to three times a week, which has been shown to reduce depressive symptoms and decrease levels of stress. Most importantly, using the journal is cost-effective and less time-consuming as it only requires 10-15 minutes of self-reflection with a focus on everyday pleasures, talents, strength, and any experience of kindness (Cumella, 2022).
Impact of Article Content on Future Practice
Certainly, a gratitude journal, as suggested in the article, would greatly benefit the nursing fraternity in future practice. To begin with, as a future nurse, the gratitude journal will enable me to wear a positive attitude despite difficulties faced while at work. The journal will make me appreciate the simple deeds while serving patients and, as a result, motivate me to continue being kind and motivated to work. Secondly, since a gratitude journal helps reduce burnout among nurses, there will be great connection and teamwork between myself and other healthcare supports, resulting in enhanced quality of care. Lastly, I will be able to find ways of dealing with psychological stress when faced with difficult workplace situations. Subsequently, it is recommended that health organizations liaise with professional bodies to develop journaling systems that would let all nurses submit gratitude journals.
In summary, burnout among nurses is indeed a nationwide problem, and there is a need to consider gratitude journals as an intervention to mitigate burnout. Gratitude journals have been proven beneficial in reducing stress levels, improving resilience, and reducing the physical symptoms of fatigue. Furthermore, it was noted that the organizations that implemented gratitude journals reported improved patient satisfaction, decreased nursing staff turnover, and increased retention. Consequently, as a future nurse, a gratitude journal will enable me to counter any psychological stress by appreciating the little things and experiences rather than focusing on the negatives of the situations.
Cumella, K. (2022). Gratitude journals can improve nurses’ mental well-being. Nursing, 52(12), 58–61.
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Gratitude Journals Can Improve Nurses’ Mental Well-being
This assignment must use the required article stated in the announcement described above to complete the following items:
- Title Page
- Introduction
- Explain that this paper is a summary of the assigned article
- Explain that the impact of the article contents on your own future practice will be presented
- The length of the Introduction must be 50-75 words
- Assigned Article Summary
- Clearly summarize the major content of the assigned article. This should be an improved version of your Week 4 submission.
- One or two short quotations with citations (must include the assigned sentence for quotation)
- Several paraphrased areas with citations (must include the assigned sentence for paraphrasing)
- Length must be 175-200 words
- Impact of Assigned Article Content on Future Practice
- Clearly state how learning from the assigned article will impact your future practice
- Must be your own ideas about the impact of the article on your future nursing practice
- Use the first person in this section
- No citations are needed in this section
- Length must be 125-150 words
- Conclusion
- Write a concise summary of the main points of the paper
- Provide a concluding statement
- Length must be 75-100 words
The reference for the assigned article should be a revised version of the Week 4 reference that was improved based on your instructor’s Week 4 feedback.