Women Leaders in My Organization
Today, it is common to see women in leadership positions because society has embraced this trend due to weakening patriarchy. To examine women in leadership Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas Medical Insurance, the organization I work for, will be used to explore the state of women in leadership. This company issues health insurance and has existed in this industry for 90 years. It has become the most prominent institution offering health insurance in Texas. Leadership is crucial in such a mega company, yet the company has five ladies in seven senior positions. Freda Wright is the Divisional Senior Vice President of Texas Health Care Delivery. At the same time, Jessie Quick holds the Divisional Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, 2023). Pati McCandless is the Vice President (VP) of Government Relations, Patty Escoe is the VP of Plan Operations, and Claire York is the VP of Public Markets. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you. We offer assignment help with high professionalism.
Even though women can occupy leadership positions today, society has not entirely accepted that they can entertain and exhibit excellent leadership. Even though this may not be the case in this organization, the fact that none of these women occupies the topmost position could be considered a challenge. McCullough (2020) has also added that women’s struggle to get into leadership is yet another challenge facing women in leadership (p.2). This challenge is one that even these women leaders in this organization can attest to. Social ideologies sometimes accompany this challenge and demand that hinder women’s progress (Phipps & Prieto, 2020, p. 3). The best examples of women who have succeeded amidst such odds are Malala Yousafzai, Indira Gandhi, and Simone de Beauvoir (Pettinger, 2021). Also, balancing the commitments at work and their domestic demands is another issue that women leaders face (Rosnes et al., 2020, p. 161). Yet another challenge women face in leadership is a lack of respect from the junior men, who still believe that women cannot control them (Fenny, 2019, p. 2662). Such ideologies are also leadership issues that affect women leaders.
In summary, the case of women leaders at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas Medical Insurance, supported by the information collected from the research journals, is an explicit confirmation that women in leadership are facing numerous challenges that they have to overcome in their daily lives, and these challenges only get worse when they hold positions of authority. Even though perspectives towards women are changing, challenges still need to be dealt with to make women’s leadership effective.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. (2023). Leadership. Retrieved from https://www.bcbstx.com/company-info/about/leadership
Fenny, A. P. (2019). Rising African women leaders in global health. The Lancet, 392(10165), 2662–2663.
McCullough, L. (2020). Barriers and assistance for female leaders in academic STEM in the US. Education Sciences, 10(10), pp. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci10100264
Pettinger, T. (2021). Women who changed the world, Oxford, UK. www.biographyonline.net. Retrieved from https://www.biographyonline.net/people/women-who-changed-world.html
Phipps, S. T. A. & Prieto, L. C. (2020). Leaning in: A Historical Perspective on Influencing Women’s Leadership, Journal of Business Ethics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-020-04566-6
Rosnes, E., Kessel, T. B., & Kanywenge, J. N. (2020). Women’s path to leadership through values work in a context of conflict and violence. In Springer eBooks (pp. 159–177). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-37748-9_9a:link {text-decoration: none;}a:visited {text-decoration: none;
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We’ll write everything from scratch
The purpose of this journal is twofold:
Reflect on and analyze the weekly learning, applying the concepts to the organizational design of a successful female-led organization. Use your current place of employment or the organization you selected to analyze in your reflection journals and final project.
Women Leaders in My Organization
Use the weekly reflection/analysis to complete the final project proposal and application section.
For this week’s assignment, describe your organization and the current numbers and situations of women in leadership.
Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric
My current place of employment is Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas medical insurance.
Times New Roman 12
APA 7th edition
In-text citations NEED to have page numbers
1 page
Due Sat 7/8
*****PLEASE LOGIN UNDER the School portal and use reading material from reading resources under module one.********
Shapiro Library Article: Leaning in: A Historical Perspective on Influencing Women’s Leadership opens in new window
This research explores the experiences, philosophies, and contributions of women leaders. The authors develop a framework linking internal and external factors to the behaviour of “leaning in” popularized by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg.
Website: Women Who Changed the World opens in new window
This is an overview of prominent female leaders in history.