Latest News - Religion and Theology

Servant Leadership in Religion

Servant Leadership in Religion Servant leadership is common in almost all major religions, including Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, and Judaism. However, even though they share this commonality,...

Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership The terms “servant” and “leadership” have differing meanings; therefore, when they are joined or used together, they create a paradox. The term servant...

Worldview Logical Form

Worldview Logical Form Having different views is a common phenomenon in human interactions. These contrasting views are also illustrated in the different worldviews. For instance, the existence of a...

Social Media

Social Media Undoubtedly, social media has transformed society in several ways. It has become positive as individuals can now connect with others worldwide and deepen their relationships....

Ethical Syllogism

Ethical Syllogism All experiments violate human rights. Some clinical experiments are ethical. Therefore, some ethical practices violate human practices.             While medical research has been...