Plausible Dissertation Research Topics
Selecting a dissertation research topic can be complex because the topic has to be relevant, clear, and manageable (Tanyu, 2021). The two pieces that might be fit for a discussion are the relationship between job crafting and employee turnover and the relationship between the work environment and employee turnover. The topic of the relationship between work environment and employee turnover might be a good fit for a dissertation because it will lead to new information about the role of the work environment in creating the intention to leave based on the changes experienced in the healthcare working environment during the pandemic. The focus will be on the healthcare environment because it is one of the sectors affected most by the pandemic. The topic might also be a good fit for a dissertation because a large audience is interested in learning about the relationship between the work environment and employee turnover to retain talented and skilled employees due to the high demand for qualified and skilled employees.
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Similarly, the topic of the relationship between job crafting and employee turnover might be a good fit for a dissertation research study because it provides insight into the role of management in creating a conducive work environment. The topic might also be fit for a dissertation because there is limited research on the relationship between task delegation in the workplace and employee turnover. The dissertation study can also focus on effective job crafting strategies that can reduce turnover to guide leaders and other researchers on applying job crafting as an employee retention technique. The topic might also fit the dissertation research study well because it can be broken down into dependent and independent variables. An independent variable is defined as the cause of a specific outcome, whereas a dependent variable is an effect in a research study examining a cause-effect relationship (Privitera, 2017). For example, the dependent variable can be employee turnover, and the independent variables can be various job crafting techniques.
Privitera, G. J. (2017). Research methods for the behavioral sciences. SAGE.
Tanyu, R. (2021). What are the qualities of a “good” research topic? What are the qualities of a “good” research topic? | AOPL Community.
We’ll write everything from scratch
For this assignment, you will develop a mind map or outline of your umbrella research topic (broad area of study) by identifying sub-categories, pieces, and possible sub-pieces.

Plausible Dissertation Research Topics
Perform a literature review search on your research topic of interest. You are not tied to this topic when you reach your dissertation sequence, but it should be a topic you find interesting now and also relates to your program and specialization. Throughout this course, you will practice your literature search techniques and develop a synthesized literature review using an identified focus sub-topic that stems from this topic.
Begin with your umbrella research topic of interest (broad area of study). Through a preliminary search on this topic, identify a minimum of three to five scholarly articles related to your research topic of interest.
Use a mind map technique to map five or more specific subcategories with pieces (ideas, terms, concepts).
Various mind map technique examples are presented in this lesson’s required resource list.
Identify five or more specific subcategories or ideas related to your broad topic. Use this lesson’s articles coupled with the information you currently have on the topic. Be sure to include in your resource list articles gained in this lesson’s search and other articles used previously to gain knowledge around your umbrella topic of interest. Your topic will most likely branch off to more than five subcategories, and these subcategories should branch out into pieces and possible sub-pieces.
Continuing with the mind map technique, branch out your subcategories into pieces. Using the questions outlined in this lesson’s lecture, branch off your subcategories into pieces and sub-pieces. As you move through these questions, you will find that some of the pieces are abandoned, and other pieces become more robust. This is acceptable.
Identify and reflect, within a separate document, on two subcategories or pieces that have piqued your interest as a plausible dissertation research topic. Limit your discussion to one paragraph for each topic. For each of the following two topics:
Discuss why one or more of these topics might be a good fit for a dissertation research study.
Develop a Reference List. Include references used in your preliminary search on your research topic of interest.
Length: Your submitted assignment deliverable will consist of 2-3 pages: One to two pages for your mind map and one-page identifying plausible topics of interest.
References: Include a minimum of 4 scholarly resources relevant to your selected research topic.