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Into the Wild – A Playlist of Freedom, Solitude, and Adventure

Into the Wild – A Playlist of Freedom, Solitude, and Adventure

Track One: “Adventure of a Lifetime” by Coldplay

This anthem captures the sense of excitement and possibility that fuels Chris’s odyssey. The lyrics about “breaking through the clouds” and “feeling so free” mirror his exhilaration at escaping the trappings of modern life and embarking on a truly transformative adventure. The lyrics speak to the thrill of the unknown and breaking free from the constraints of everyday life. This is seen through lines such as “We are diamonds taking shape,” which depict the aspect of discovering new things inherent in Chris’s journey (Pranoto et al., 2020). In the middle of ‘Adventure of a Lifetime,’ in the wilderness of Alaska, his longing for life and meaning is the drive that propels him forward. It is an upbeat, inspirational song that displays the optimistic and darker sides of Chris’s storyline.

Track Two: “She Will Be Loved” by Maroon 5

The main idea of this song is love and appreciation, which are the experiences that Chris McCandless encounters in this novel. The song’s lyrics dwell on someone accepting that they will be loved regardless of the situation and also reflect Chris’s search for acceptance of himself as is (Faristian et al., 2021). Notably, it goes further than just family, as the affinity is shared by many others, including Chris himself. In the course of the film, Chris, a young man who goes to Alaska to live life to the fullest, gets accepted and even celebrated for his principles and air of independence. The various characters, such as the hippies Chris encounters on his travels and the couple who eventually offer him a home, are ultimately the ‘Love’ embodied that Chris so desperately craves.

Track Three: “All Along the Watchtower” by Jimi Hendrix

This song is about being an outsider, and this is something that Chris McCandless is throughout the book. McCandless is always out of place, even in the wilderness. He also feels somewhat uncomfortable when he is among materially driven and greedy people. The feeling of discomfort and confusion in the music reflects Chris’s inner problems and his gradual alienation from the life he has left. In essence, ‘All Along the Watchtower’ is a song that represents the deep isolation that Chris experiences from the world he has shunned and the one he cannot escape. It is a brooding track that ties in with the feelings of isolation and searching for meaning, forming the basis of “Into the Wild.”

Track Four: “Home” by Machine Gun Kelly, X Ambassadors, and Bebe Rexha

Though Chris does not believe in having a home like any average individual, this song is all about longing for shelter and acceptance. Words about searching for a home, both the literal and the metaphorical, touch upon the essence of Chris’s loneliness. In trying to find answers to deeper questions in life and searching for meaning, the theme of belonging starkly contrasts the physical dismissal of societal norms (Barbone, 2019).

Track Five: “Walk On” by U2

Even as Chris becomes increasingly isolated, this song emphasizes the importance of perseverance and personal growth. The lyrics about “walking on” despite hardship and pain resonate with Chris’s steadfast determination to reach his ultimate destination, even at great personal cost. The song’s themes of spiritual awakening also align with Chris’s own philosophical evolution. The song’s central message—to “walk on” despite the challenges that lie ahead—speaks directly to Chris’s steadfast determination to reach his ultimate destination, no matter the personal cost (McDaniel, 2023).

Track Six: “Living on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi

As Chris journeys deeper into the Alaskan wilderness, he faces increasingly complex challenges to his survival. This uplifting rock anthem speaks to the resilience and determination needed to overcome adversity, which Chris demonstrates time and again. “Living on a Prayer” becomes an expression of the indomitable human spirit that fuels Chris’s journey (Carmack., 2021). As he faces life-or-death challenges, the song’s message of perseverance and faith in the face of adversity resonates deeply with the themes of “Into the Wild” and Chris’s own uncompromising pursuit of personal freedom and self-discovery.

Track Seven: “Into the Unknown” by Panic at the Disco

Chris’s journey certainly takes him into the unknown in more ways than one. This song is a perfect way to kick off the playlist because, lyrically and musically, it captures the mystery, excitement, and, above all, hope of the book. Chris has no idea what he will find at the end of his journey, but he does not let this stop him. The chorus lyric “I can go anywhere I choose and be lost in the wild” perfectly encapsulates his adventurous spirit.

Track Eight: “Born to Run” by Bruce Springsteen

Chris is a restless soul, always searching for something more than the conventional life he was born into. This Springsteen classic embodies that sense of wanderlust and the desire to break free from societal constraints (Carpenter & Skinner, 2020). The lyrics about “tryin’ to make some girl someday” also mirror Chris’s distance from personal relationships and his preference for solitude.

Track Nine: “No Ceiling” by Pearl Jam

As Chris ventures deeper into the Alaskan wilderness, he finds a sense of freedom and self-actualization that he had never experienced before. This song’s lyrics about “no ceiling” and breaking free from limitations reflect Chris’s personal journey of liberation and self-discovery. The raw, powerful instrumentation also mirrors the untamed, elemental nature of the environment he immerses himself in.

Track Ten: “Into the Wild” by Eddie Vedder

As the final track, this atmospheric folk song perfectly encapsulates the essence of Chris’s journey. Vedder’s evocative vocals and lyrics about the “call of the wild” beautifully capture the spiritual and emotional dimensions of Chris’s experience. The song’s meditative, introspective quality also mirrors Chris’s own internal journey of self-discovery and transformation (Stellino, 2021). “Into the Wild” serves as a poignant and haunting epilogue to the narrative, capturing the essential essence of Chris’s journey, his longing for freedom, his spiritual awakening, and the tragic consequences of his uncompromising quest for self-discovery.


Barbone, J. M. (2019). The effects of participant-selected background music on executive function task performance (Doctoral dissertation, West Chester University).

Carmack, P. (2021). Roots and wings: Emergent Listening and attentiveness to narrative ground as a unity of contraries. Listening56(2), 148–156.

Carpenter, A., & Skinner, I. (2020). Signifying (and psychoanalyzing) national identity in rock: Bruce Springsteen and The Tragically Hip. The Biannual Online Journal of Springsteen Studies4, 50–87.

Christian, F., Lestari, M. Y. W., & Hawa, F. (2021, March). An analysis of figurative language in Maroon Five’s songs and its contribution to teaching poetry. In Proceeding of English Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics (Eternal) Conference (Vol. 1, No. 1, Pp. 327–334).

McDaniel, C. (2023). Music, magic, and my mom: An ode to the songs we write and the ones we sing.

Pranoto, H., Setiyadi, D., & Kuswardani, Y. (2020). An analysis of interpersonal metafunction in “A Head Full of Dreams” Coldplay’s album of song lyrics. Linguamedia Journal1(2).

Stellino, P. (2021). Can truth be found in the wild? Pearl Jam and Philosophy, 123.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Instructions: Create a ten-song playlist that reflects the themes, people, actions, etc… of the book Into the Wild. For each song, write an explanation (at least three sentences) for the choice. The explanation should provide specific reasons and details on how the song relates to the book.

Into the Wild - A Playlist of Freedom, Solitude, and Adventure

Into the Wild – A Playlist of Freedom, Solitude, and Adventure

Album Cover: Design an album cover for the playlist. The design can use interesting graphics, be hand-drawn, incorporate creative fonts, etc… Be as creative as you wish. The design should incorporate at least three elements: Color, an interesting layout, and a visual element.

For the playlist, use the following format when presenting your ten songs:

Track One: “Into the Unknown” by Panic at the Disco

Chris’s journey certainly takes him into the unknown, in more ways than one. This song is a perfect way to kick off the playlist because lyrically and musically it captures the mystery, excitement, and above all hope of the book. Chris has no idea what he will find at the end of his journey, but he doesn’t let this stop him.