Latest News - English

Cryptocurrencies and Criminal Activity

Cryptocurrencies and Criminal Activity Introduction Uncertainties surrounding cryptocurrencies’ application in society, especially economically, contribute to the ongoing debates on the use of...

Response to a Photo

Response to a Photo The photo portrays former President Barack Hussein Obama holding a 6-month-old baby while posing for a ‘selfie’ with the child’s mother, Jolene Jackinsky, at an airport waiting...

Discussion – Freedom and Security in Real Life

Discussion – Freedom and Security in Real Life My personal experience with freedom and security involves the use of the internet. As a teenager, I always wanted to have my personal space where...

Training Pets to Get Used to One’s Absence

Training Pets to Get Used to One’s Absence Without a doubt, dogs have been man’s friend for many generations. And I am not an exemption. I find it unbelievable that some people do not love dogs....