Discussion Responses
Response to Professor
Hello Professor, thank you for your response. In version 3.0 of the supplier code of conduct, Samsung Electronics stipulates that all suppliers should adhere to the code of conduct and have the mandate to ensure that their sub-suppliers adhere to the stipulated code of conduct as they are an extension of the major supplier. The investigation by China Labor Watch showed that the children performed dangerous tasks that sometimes led to injury. In version 3.0 of the Samsung Electronics Supplier Code of Conduct, it is stated that any person under the age of 15 or employment age in a country shall not be employed by suppliers or their sub-suppliers.
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The code further states that young workers may be used in the case of student intern programs, but the young workers shall not perform work that can jeopardize their health or safety. Samsung Electronics further requires that before employment, one must provide all the legal identification given by the government (Samsung Electronics, n.d). In the investigation, it was found out that the underage workers were registered using documents of other workers, a violation of the code of conduct whose implementation is mandatory.
Kaynak (2011) explains that a supplier’s ethical or unethical behaviours have a large impact on a firm’s image. It is, therefore, important for Samsung to hold the supplier responsible due to the violation of the Supplier Code of Conduct. Romans 14:12 “So then each of us shall give an account of himself to God.”
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Kaynak, R., & Sert, T. (2012). The impact of service supplier’s unethical behaviour to buyer’s satisfaction: An empirical study. Journal of Business Ethics, 109(2), 219-226. Retrieved 16 March 2019 from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/257541723_The_Impact_of_Service_Supplier’s_Unethical_Behavior_to_Buyer’s_Satisfaction_An_Empirical_Study
Samsung Electronics. (n.d). Samsung Electronics Supplier Code of Conduct. Samsung.com. Retrieved 16 March 2019 from: https://www.samsung.com/us/smg/content/dam/samsung/us/aboutsamsung/2017/1-Samsung-Electronics-Supplier-Code-of-Conduct-ver3.0-180321.pdf
Response to Classmate 1
Hello, Great post! A report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO (2012) stipulates that using children in family farms does not necessarily lead to child labor but gives them valuable life skills. Dismantling child labor and other unethical labor means through the creation of laws has never been successful since big multinational companies have ways of going behind the laws. A better way is by encouraging consumers to stop using goods produced by the use of child labor. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (2012). Reducing Child Labor in Agriculture through Good Agricultural Practices. FAO. Retrieved 16 March 2019 from: http://www.fao.org/3/a-av096e.pdf
We’ll write everything from scratch
Discussion Prompt: Ethics in Action – CSR
Verite is an independent, non-profit research organization that examines the working conditions of people around the world. Go to the Resources tab on the Verite website and select the Knowledge Portal under the Tools section. Select a country that is of interest to you and review the Verite report on that country (ensure that there is a report for the country you have selected).
Discussion Responses
After reviewing this report, develop and post a clear and concise initial post (maximum of 250-300 words) that outlines the major problems listed in the report and provides recommendations for addressing these problems based on your understanding of your corporate social responsibility and a biblical worldview.
Reading assignments for discussion post
Stanwick, P., & Stanwick, S. (2016). Understanding business ethics (3rd ed.).
- Chapter 1: The Foundation of Ethical Thought (pp. 15-18)
- Chapter 3: Stakeholders and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Chapter 8: Ethics and the Environment (review)
- Chapter 11: Ethical Issues in the Developing World (review)
Sire, J. W. (2009). The universe next door: A basic worldview catalog (5th ed.).
- Chapter 9: A Vanished Horizon
- Chapter 10: A View from the Middle East
- Chapter 11: The Examined Life
Professor’s Response
In Chapter 11 of Stanwick and Stanwick (2016), the authors discuss Samsung Electronic’s child labor issues with its suppliers. In 2012 and in 2014, China Labor Watch, a nonprofit labor group, released investigative reports indicating that Samsung suppliers were using child labor in China. Investigators from the nonprofit labor group worked in the same factory department as the underage children. According to the underage children, identification cards from other factories were borrowed to register them for work.The children worked under the same conditions as the adults but did not receive the same pay rate and the children were expected to perform dangerous tasks that sometimes resulted in injury. Upon investigation, Samsung took measures against one of the suppliers and held them responsible for failing to monitor its subcontractors in accordance with Samsung’s zero tolerance policy on child labor.Hebrews 12:11 (Eastern Standard Version) tells us “for the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” Explain why you believe it is important for Samsung to hold their suppliers responsible for not upholding their zero tolerance policy on child labor.
Stanwick, P., & Stanwick, S. (2016). Understanding business ethics (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Classmate 1 Response
According to the Vertie report the issues that are affecting Mexico include: Coffee production with forced labor and forced child labor. Vertie conducted research in Guatemala coffee industry and found forced labor amount migrant workers. They found these workers were subjected to abuse and confinement. These workers are also subjected to verbal abuse and threats, guards are in place during working hours. It has also been reported that small coffee farms rely on family workers, which include children (Vertie, 2016).
Bean production with forced labor and child labor. Vertie reports that beans are produced by young school children. Theses children are subject to harsh weather, dangerous chemicals and long work days. These children are put at risk of severe injury. This also occurs with Tomato production and Melons. In the tomato fields the children are subjected to many pesticides and other dangerous chemicals. In Honduras 150,000 children under the age of 14 are working in melon production (Vertie, 2016).
My suggestion for the solution to these issues are not simple. With issues such as these that have had the ability to continue though there is known issue; is that their needs to be a government/legal intervention. In respect to coffee production, there has been a shift where the community is becoming more involved in where their coffee is coming from any unethical issues in their production. That could be true for beans, melons and tomatoes in the future. But currently there is a need for intervention. We have an ethical responsibility to ensure that the products we are making readily available in our country are ethically aligned.
In reflection on Acts 4:32-36 Christ calls us to share what we have and not take possession and ownership. These practices that are occurring in Mexico are horridness. Christ calls us to speak out regarding wrong doing. He calls us to protect one another and I feel that is our duty. “Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked” (Psalm 82:4, NIV).
Verite. (2016). Strengthening Protections Against Trafficking in Persons in Federal and Corporate Supply Chains.Retrieved from http://knowledge.verite.org/#/map