COVID Vaccine-Mandate
It is crucial to understand that the COVID-19 pandemic has inevitably culminated in more deaths of American citizens than the US combat operations during the Korean War. The novel virus caused more damage way too fast compared to any contemporary terrorist acts or hostile state. In this modern century, threats to national security would come from major power rivalries such as China and Russia and from basically fresh global challenges, including pandemics, climate change, and biological threats. As such, vaccination should not be a matter of voluntary testing but, instead, be mandatory to protect the most vulnerable members of society.
Firstly, globally, the ramifications of CoronavirusCoronavirus cannot be overly overstated. Rampant deaths, economic turmoil, and losses of jobs are among a few struggles that the world would have to grapple with within a world that would come after the pandemic. The elderly have been the most affected. However, even though people around the world are getting their education from their homes, even being stuck at home could also have an effect on their mental, physical, and emotional well-being.
Also, it is vital to note that the notion of voluntary testing of people and vaccination, as proposed by the CDC and the federal government, leaves millions of people unwilling to have themselves and their families vaccinated. Inevitably, this puts other people at risk. In this case, vaccination should not be a matter of voluntary testing but instead be mandatory to protect the most vulnerable members of society. It suffices to maintain that given the fact that this age would be one of the threats that affect the whole world, the various policies that have been in place in efforts to combat issues such as CoronavirusCoronavirus should be followed, regardless of whether they being seen as those infringing on some rights as per the constitution.
Further, as a general population, the persons who are pre-pandemic and the elderly were already isolated at the beginning of the pandemic. For example, an elderly woman who is above 80 years of age could depend on her adult child to bring over her day-to-day needs such as groceries (Javadi et al.). In the COVID-19 fallout, an individual such as this woman would be undoubtedly exposed from basically her everyday life, through her reliance.
Conversely, the immediate concern stretches way beyond the aspect of mortality rates. A vast majority of these elderly persons do not have access to social media platforms, which is a crucial tool for countering the notion of loneliness and even connecting with family members and friends during this critical period. The community activities that often took the elderly out of their houses have ceased. These people have fewer and fewer reasons to leave their houses and interact with other people socially. Such isolations could lead to exacerbation of existing medical conditions while at the same time escalating the aspect of fear as well as emotional suffering.
With this notion in mind, it is clear that there is a need for the vaccination program to be made mandatory for the greater good of everyone. From the start of January, the American government made efforts to ramp up the vaccination program for every person. “The administration took steps to make vaccines available at over 80,000 locations nationwide, worked with pharmacies to offer walk-in appointments, and put out a call to action to businesses and organizations across the nation” (“President Biden’s COVID-19 Plan | The White House”).
There have been job losses that have gone up to 20 million during the past year, and now, many people cannot afford what was previously easily accessible to them. This problem is further exacerbated by the persons who are still unwilling to have they or their families fully vaccinated. It derails efforts by the national government to protect the persons who have already been vaccinated.
Another reason for ensuring that there is mandatory vaccination for every person is the opening of schools for children and young teenagers. In this case, when children interact with teachers and other older youth who refuse to be vaccinated, they are exposed to the disease, inadvertently exposing their own relatives back at home at the end of the day. Companies’ efforts to ensure that their workers are vaccinated first before being allowed back to work are one way to curb the spread of the disease.
Besides, this would allow the most vulnerable members of our society to finally get back to what they used to do before the pandemic struck and expose them to the risks of death. With this knowledge in mind, it is clear. Therefore, mandatory vaccination should be made for everyone to ensure that everyone is on board in bolstering efforts to restore normalcy (World Health Organization). Also, the policymakers have to ensure that they frequently make re-evaluations on the mandate to ascertain that mandatory vaccinations remain pertinent and proportionate with the intention to achieve public health goals.
In conclusion, it suffices to posit that the mandated necessity to gain public health goals has to be evaluated under the premise that this aspect of vaccination could be repeated as the disease evolves. As such, the whole public should be sensitized to work together and not pull the “it is my right not to” card.
Works Cited
Javadi, Seyyed Mohammad Hossein, and Nasim Nateghi. “COVID-19 and its psychological effects on the elderly population.” Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 14.3 (2020): e40-e41.
“President Biden’s COVID-19 Plan | The White House”. The White House, 2022,
World Health Organization. COVID-19 And Mandatory Vaccination: Ethical Considerations And Caveats. 2021, p. 1,, Accessed 20 Feb 2022.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Topic: In the simplest sense, an argument paper is a paper that stakes out a position that opposes a position staked out in some other piece of writing. Utilizing the templates and argument structure we’ve discussed from They Say/I Say, write an argumentative essay on COVID vaccine mandates. Essays must reference 1-3 external sources and state a clear position/argument to be discussed throughout.

COVID Vaccine-Mandate
Format: You are responsible for formatting your essay properly; formatting and careful proofreading are important for producing a polished finished product. Essays should be typed and double-spaced in 12 pt. font (Times or Times New Roman) with 1-inch margins; please mark the page numbers in the header or footer. Please use the MLA guidelines for in-text citations and works cited. We will go over citation guidelines in class, but we also know the web has many resources, such as (Links to an external site.).
Length: 3-4 pages