Biblical Perspectives
Response to Classmate
Hello, thank you for sharing your thoughts on creation. Darwin’s theory is plagued with loopholes, the first and obvious one being where did the primordial soup come from? Who created the first amoeba? Why have the current apes in the world not evolved into humans? Why haven’t humans continued to evolve to perhaps all-knowing aliens?
When a man wants to run from the truth, he will seek other truths to justify the lies. Like you have cited, “The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14, ESV). A person who does not want to accept there is an Almighty God who commissioned creation; will come up with other theories, and fellow non-believers will support the theories with convenient evidence. Need help with your assignment ? Reach out to us. We offer excellent services.
Man has the capacity to think, problem-solve, intuition, and a conscience that guides him on what is right and wrong. Apes do not have the same capabilities, and neither do amoebas. Man’s inner spirit and conscience cannot possibly have evolved from an ape when apes do not have the same capabilities. It only goes to show that man, from the very beginning, was created with a spirit and conscience as well as intellectual capabilities that no other creature possesses. Man was created in the image of God.
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Biblical Perspectives
Hi, I need help to respond to my classmate’s biblical discussion post. Thank you.
Classmate’s Discussion Response
Discuss some of these origin theories and how they have become so widely accepted in the world today.
The origin theory that I will be discussing is the theory of evolution of life. According to Andrius (2011), “life has many definitional meanings but lacks a complete and consistent scientific explanation”. In an attempt to explain the origin of life scientists came up with different propositions backed up with evidence. One of the theories first proposed by an English scientist called Charles Darwin in his book titled, “The Origin of Species” in 1859. This theory states that all life on earth has a common ancestry (originates from primordial soup) and that life evolves or changes overtime by natural selection and survival of the fittest. (Ashraf & Sarfraz, 2016).
Biblical Perspectives
Charles Darwin postulated that humans evolve from apes (monkeys) overtime as a result of evolution and survival of the fittest see the link below for graphic illustrations. (🙂
This theory which has become the most acceptable and popular worldwide fails to identify God as the source and creator of life and mankind. The Bible made us understand that God created the heavens and the earth, and all its components including non-living things (Genesis 1:1-28, ESV). The theory that states that life evolves from primordial unicellular organisms such as amoeba do not make sense. One would ask about the origin of the primordial organisms, amoeba and the molecules of carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Sulphur that make up living things. (Andrius, 2011). I disagree with the theory which states that man evolves from apes. Man does not exist by evolution but by creation. And it is God that created man in His image to be like him. “So, God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27, ESV).
The problem here is that man tends to use natural means which includes scientific methods to unravel what God has spiritually created. God is a Spirit (John 4:24) and his works are done in spiritual ways before it manifests physically. But man cannot understand this by scientific methods. The bible states that “The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14, ESV). This is one of the reasons Charles Darwin thinks man evolves from apes.
How do theories come about?
Theories are a result of research work whose hypothesis holds through. When the hypotheses of research work are tested, and the results have been confirmed by several other experts in the field that have either repeated or have done similar work, it becomes a theory.
How do we know what theories to accept and build upon?
For a theory to be accepted, it must have been tested and confirmed by other experts in that field of study. The theory must be supported by evidence. It must also produce accurate expectations and open up new avenues of research and offer satisfying explanations (see understanding science.
Andrulis, D. E. (2011). Theory of the Origin, Evolution, and Nature of life. Life 2012, 2(1), 1-105; Retrieved from
Ashraf, M. A., & Sarfraz, M. (2016). Biology and evolution of life science. Saudi journal of biological sciences, 23(1), S1–S5. DOI:10.1016/j.sjbs.2015.11.012.