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The EA Creative Process

The EA Creative Process


The video discusses the approach business owners can use to manage a business and creative imperatives based on the responses of two speakers, Earl and Kim, on how business and creative imperatives are managed when developing a game. Earl argues that general managers, producers, executives and decision-makers should have a business and creative approach to running businesses to make more informed decisions on a product that can be successful in the marketplace. Earl also states that decision-makers need to understand that not all decisions have to be right. He gives an example of his organization by explaining that in every ten decisions, at least eight right choices are made in a good year. Kim argues that there is an evolution in how teams are developed due to splitting the roles of creative and business management or risk management and that splitting roles is one of the reasons her company is successful. She explains that in her organization, two distinct individuals had different responsibilities, and one person only cared about creativity to ensure that the company made the best game possible and improved rating and review points. She also argues that splitting creative and business imperatives results in fights, but being able to fight and do analysis in a way that matches the project was key. She adds that the structural thing that can be done to ensure that the organization is shipping the right product and that the organization is meeting its target is managing the business and creative imperatives differently. She also argues that structure will continue evolving or refining itself as each game her organization makes becomes more expensive and the risk level increases.


The video and course content acknowledge that leaders play a vital role in maintaining creativity in an organization. According to Dawson & Andriopoulos (2017), managers leading change may promote creativity by investing considerable effort and time to explain why innovation and creativity are important drivers for dealing with internal and external forces of change. The video and course content also show that creativity and business should be managed by clearly outlining the roles and responsibilities of employees and what the organization expects from them in promoting change and enhancing organizational performance. For instance, Earl mentions the role of general managers, producers, executives and decision-makers in his company understand that they have a responsibility to ensure that the game can be successful in the marketplace. Dawson & Andriopoulos (2017) argues that when individuals are informed that creativity, including valuable and novel ideas, is required and valued by their organization, they are more likely to act creatively. Managers, therefore, need to ensure that they focus on developing people, improving their self-confidence and abilities and providing them with challenging tasks (eCorner, 2021). The video also connects with course content by demonstrating that creativity is approached differently based on an organization’s industry. For instance, creativity includes developing a unique game that will attract as many customers as possible in the game industry. According to Dawson & Andriopoulos (2017), product designers draw most of their ideas from other fine art artefacts or by looking at nature and its patterns or colours. The course content and leadership video also acknowledge that teamwork promotes creativity by facilitating the sharing of ideas. Teamwork also improves the implementation of new ideas by making it easier to find solutions for problems that may arise in the implementation process.


The leadership video changed my perspective on how organizations should promote creativity. The video also enlightened me on the role of leaders in promoting creativity in an organization and embracing creative ideas provided by employees. One of the lessons I learned from the leadership video is that the need for creativity varies based on an organization’s industry. For instance, organizations in a highly competitive industry have to regularly introduce new ideas and push their workers to be creative to maintain a competitive advantage. The second lesson I learned is that promoting creativity in an organization requires understanding the strengths and capabilities of employees to avoid delegating tasks to employees with limited expertise in the area. For instance, creative employees should be in charge of implementing new ideas and managing creative projects. Leaders also need to ensure that employees remain motivated throughout the process of implementing new ideas. Motivation encourages creativity because employees feel appreciated for their input in the organization. The third lesson I learned is that leaders should acknowledge the creative ideas introduced by employees to encourage more creativity and create a sense of belonging. The fourth lesson is that a challenging work environment promotes creativity because employees strive to perform well. Leaders may create a challenging work environment by setting targets for employees and setting strict deadlines. It is, however, important to ensure that employees are not overworked to avoid demotivating them or developing a bad attitude towards the organization and their work. The sixth lesson is that business and creative imperatives should be managed differently to ensure that enough attention is given to the most important creative ideas and that enough resources are set aside to implement creative ideas.


Dawson, P., & Andriopoulos, C. (2017). Managing change, creativity and innovation. SAGE.

eCorner. (2021, October 21). The EA creative process | Video | Stanford eCorner. Stanford eCorner.


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The EA Creative Process

The EA Creative Process

(1) Cover page;
(2) Summary section of leadership video / minimum 1 page;
(3) Application section of how the leadership video connected to the course content / minimum 1 page;
(4) Reflection section of what lesson you learned from the leadership video / minimum 1 page;