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Leadership Interview Pitch – Contacting Leaders To Interview

Leadership Interview Pitch – Contacting Leaders To Interview

The Purpose and Rationale for the Interview

            The selected topic of focus is The Influence Personal and Purpose Mastery on Leadership effectiveness. This leadership interview will investigate personal mastery and purpose mastery of two leaders to determine how they influence how they perform their roles in their respective fields. Personal mastery is a journey towards self-improvement through increased self-awareness and looking at oneself from a different perspective (Garcia-Morales, Lloréns-Montes, & Verdú-Jover, 2007). This mastery helps a person to view the world objectively and create a vision that can help to reach specific goals. The purpose of the interview is to determine how well the interviewed leaders understand themselves and the strategies they have used to reach the specific level of personal mastery they are in. This is important because it will provide helpful information that can help one to improve their own personal mastery and to apply it in real-life leadership situations. On the other hand, purpose mastery is a set of principles and actions that help a leader to develop and be committed to a given vision; hence, being able to motivate their subordinates to work on achieving it (Ladkin, 2008). The purpose for choosing to evaluate the leaders’ purpose mastery is to develop a strategy to develop a purpose in daily-life situations. Therefore, this interview will focus its questions on investigating if the leaders have a personal and purpose mastery, how they developed it if they do, and the lessons that can be grasped from their experience to help others develop the same kind of mastery.

The Level of Leadership Selected

The selected level of leadership is the individual. There are three main levels of leadership; individual contributors, middle managers, and top managers. The reason for selecting the individual level of leadership is because this is where leadership primarily begins. A good leader must be able to possess the good characteristics of leadership at this level before they can be good leaders at the other levels. Individual contributors are people who contribute individually to an organization but are not leaders of any group (Maurer & London, 2018). These include people who are not interested in any management roles, but remain top contributors to the success of the business. This level of leadership is easy to ignore in the study of leadership. Most leadership theories and concepts focus more on the interrelationships between leaders and subordinates and less on the important role played by individual contributors. A person’s position within a company should not be the main factor determining their influence on others. For this reason, it was a unanimous decision by this group to study the leadership of individual contributors rather than any level of managers. The interview will analyze how personal and purpose mastery enhance the leadership roles of this level of leadership.

Interview Protocol

Interview Schedule

            The specific details of the interviews have not yet been developed, but the group is in the process of confirming the plans. The two potential interviewees for this project are Mark Brown and Lydia Raymond, who are both junior-level employees at a local business. Mark is an ICT employee while Lydia works as an accounting clerk. Both of these interviewees do not hold managerial positions at their company, but they make a huge contribution to the success of the company. Both of the interviewees have been contacted to organize for the interview but no replies have been received yet. Once the replies have been received, the group will go ahead to plan for the interview venue, date, and time and proceed from there. The following are the interview questions to be used.

Interview Questions

            This interview is developed using a mixture of open-ended and closed-ended questions. The closed-ended questions will be beneficial in getting definite answers while the open-ended questions are useful in giving the respondents the chance to expound on their answers and build on the interview to get the most from it.

  • What is your job position?
  • What qualifications did you need to get a job in this position?
  • What does your job position require you to do?
  • Did you personally choose this line of work?
  • Why did you choose or not choose this job?
  • How would you describe your personality traits?
  • What principles and values do you believe in?
  • Do you work in teams?
  • What contribution do you believe you make to your organization?
  • What are your thoughts on work relationships and their contribution to your job role?
  • How often do you communicate and collaborate with people to effectively perform your role?
  • Do you have a plan for advancing your work in the future?
  • Do you think your work at the moment is contributing to the achievement of your future plans?
  • Do you think it is important for you to excel at your current role to achieve your planned future?
  • Are you satisfied with your current job?


Garcia-Morales, V. J., Lloréns-Montes, F. J., & Verdú-Jover, A. J. (2007). Influence of personal mastery on organizational performance through organizational learning and innovation in large firms and SMEs. Technovation, 27(9), 547-568.

Ladkin, D. (2008). Leading Beautifully: How mastery, congruence and purpose create the aesthetic of embodied leadership practice. The Leadership Quarterly, 19(1), 31-41.

Maurer, T. J., & London, M. (2018). From individual contributor to leader: a role identity shift framework for leader development within innovative organizations. Journal of Management, 44(4), 1426-1452.


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Leadership Interview Pitch - Contacting Leaders To Interview

Leadership Interview Pitch – Contacting Leaders To Interview

Contacting Leaders To Interview

Read the Information Interview Help document linked in Resources and review the assignment scoring guide to ensure that you understand the criteria for this assignment.

Decide the level of leaders you would like to interview (individual contributors, middle managers, or top managers). Also, in your learning group, choose an aspect of leadership from the Cashman text topics (personal mastery, purpose mastery, interpersonal mastery, change mastery, resilience mastery, being mastery, or coaching mastery).

Each of you should request and schedule 45–minute interviews with two different leaders. Interview leaders at your learning group’s chosen level, and center both interviews on your group’s chosen aspect of leadership.

Note: Your interviews should be conducted in person. You will do your interviews in week 3 or 4 of the class and use them in your team project and your personal project. You may use some of the questions developed in the reflection exercises in the text in the chapter on your topic.

Write up your interview focus. Your instructor will provide feedback on your interview focus. Include the following information:
• State your intended purpose for the interview. Provide an explanation of the topic and why you chose it.
• Specify at what level of leadership you are interviewing.
• Outline your schedule for both interview sessions. Include the names and titles of the leaders with interview dates and times. If you have not been able to confirm your appointments, please include a report of your progress.
• List the interview questions you plan to use from your learning group’s chosen aspect of leadership.
• Edit and spell-check your work before submitting it to the assignment area.

• Interview Pitch Scoring Guide.