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Six Health Care Strategy Priorities

Six Health Care Strategy Priorities

Response to Classmate 1

Hello, thank you for your response. Effective Prevention and Treatment involves healthcare facilities embracing running programs that promote effective prevention of diseases and treatment of the same. Self-management involves emphasizing a patient’s responsibility and acting in tandem with the provider community; it moves beyond educating individuals to teach them to identify challenges about their illness and solve related problems actively. While chronic conditions cannot be treated to their full where the outcome is a complete reversal of the disease, they can be prevented. Self-management establishes a pattern for health at the onset of life and provides strategies for illness mitigation and later-in-life management (Grady & Gough, 2014)

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Prioritizing effective prevention and treatment may be costly at the onset, but the long-term results are expected to reduce the cost of healthcare in a hospital facility. Self-management plans for patients, as proposed by the King’s Fund (2012), should include patient and carer education programs; advice and support about diet and exercise; pain management; patient access to their records; medicines management advice and support; use of telecare and telehealth to aid self-monitoring; telephone-based health coaching; psychological interventions (e.g., coaching); pain. To achieve this, staff will need to be delegated to implement the strategies mentioned earlier, and once they are up and running, it will become easier to manage patients, have fewer walk-in patients, and generally reduce the cost of care in the hospital.

Additionally, Campbell et al. (2009) provide a way to achieve better results, and this includes integrating evidence-based interventions such as supporting persons to adopt new behaviors, for example, through brief advice whenever a patient comes in for a consultation, community interventions in schools to minimizes obesity in children. Regulatory actions such as controlling the number of alcohol-selling outlets in the community, So working with other bodies will make the implementation very feasible. The approach will be more affordable for the consumer. For example, adopting a healthier diet and reducing intake of alcohol, cigarettes, and soft drinks will most likely minimize a person’s daily/weekly spending. Walking or riding a bike rather than taking the bus or driving to work will also be a cheaper and healthier option for people.

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Campbell CA, Hahn RA, Elder R, Brewer R, Chattopadhyay S, Fielding J, Naimi TS, Toomey T, Lawrence B, Middleton JC (2009). ‘The effectiveness of limiting alcohol outlet density to reduce excessive alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms.’ American Journal of Preventive Medicine, vol 37, no 6, pp 556–69.

Grady, P. A., & Gough, L. L. (2014). Self-management: a comprehensive approach to the management of chronic conditions. American Journal of public health104(8), e25–e31. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2014.302041

The King’s Fund (2012). From Vision to Action: Making patient-centered care a Reality. Available at: publications/articles/vision-action-making-patient-centered-care-reality.


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Six Health Care Strategy Priorities

Classmate 1 Response

Thank you for your well-thought-out post. You listed “Effective Planning and Treatment” as your number one (1) priority out of the six healthcare strategy priorities. Would this be related to self-managing chronic conditions? It has been proposed that, ultimately, all self-management intervention programs are directed at enhancing the ability of individuals to improve their health status, regardless of where the individual may fall on the health-disease spectrum (Grady and Gough 2018, p. S433).

Six Health Care Strategy Priorities

Six Health Care Strategy Priorities

Considering the cost of healthcare, how feasible would it be for a healthcare organization to focus on effective prevention and treatment as a number one priority? Is this approach more affordable for the consumer?
