Utilitarian Ethics
Write at least two paragraphs explaining what a utilitarian would say should be done in the trolley case from the video. How would they reach this position? (Make sure to appeal to the basic moral principles of the theory) Do you think they make the right judgment? Justify your responses.
Utilitarianism involves the utility analysis and assessment of actions’ tangible or intangible consequences. Subsequently, tangible consequences are measured in terms of the common currency, which is better, and intangible currency is measured in its ability to cause happiness. A utilitarian would say that pulling the lever that redirects the train is the moral thing to do in the trolley case. Based on the common currency, which is better is considered. The question, therefore, is,” Would it be better to pull the lever and harm one person or not turn the lever and harm four people?” Accordingly, it would be better if the lever was pulled and four lives were spared while only one was harmed (trolley problem#1, 2011). Any other action would lead to the harming of four individuals. Based on the ability to cause happiness, the four people rescued would be happy they are saved, while the one individual would be unhappy or happy four people were saved at the cost of his life.
Therefore, this is the proper judgment because any other action would yield more loss and unhappiness. Accordingly, if the lever isn’t pulled, four lives will be lost; therefore, based on the common currency, it’s a loss. Also, the loss of four lives or harm would cause unhappiness in the family of each affected individual. Therefore, any other action would go against the utilitarian theory. Subsequently, their action is justified and the most appropriate.
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PBSNeedtoKnow. (2011). Trolley Problem #1 [Video]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/w–ShKr3d9E
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Assignment 4 – Utilitarian Ethics
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Utilitarian Ethics
Watch the following video:
Write at least two paragraphs explaining what a utilitarian would say should be done in the trolley case from the video. How would they reach this position? (Make sure to appeal to the basic moral principles of the theory) Do you think they make the right judgment? Justify your responses.
A Note on Writing Assignments in this Class:
The ultimate purpose of every writing submission is to clearly and correctly explain and apply philosophical material in your own words. When writing your responses, imagine that the reader is not in the class and is entirely unfamiliar with the material. If the only introduction to the topic she has was your paper, would it give her proper understanding of the issues? It is imperative that your submissions are in your own words, using sentences that you could use in conversation. Using someone else’s words, or making slight changes to words from the text or another source, do not prove that you understand this material, so explaining things yourself is vital. Submissions will be evaluated using plagiarism detection software.
Begin writing your answer in this document (but use double-spacing) and save the file in .docx format. When you are ready to turn in your work, press ‘Upload’ in the appropriate area for this assignment. Each assignment is worth 30 points. Your response should begin just below this paragraph. ¯