Latest News - Philosophy

Fake News with Appeal to Emotion

Fake News with Appeal to Emotion On this link is the fake news story with images from Getty Images, showing people holding signs that advocate against hate crimes against Asians concerning COVID-19....

Sherlock Holmes- Induction or Deduction

Sherlock Holmes- Induction or Deduction Sherlock Holmes uses deduction thinking but often applies inductive argument for most of the hat construction explanations. He uses probable conclusions from...

What is Critical Thinking?

What is Critical Thinking? Critical thinking refers to one’s approach of thoughts regarding any subject, content, or issue that assists the thinker to enhance the quality of thought processing...

Discrimination Laws- Abercrombie & Fitch Case

Discrimination Laws- Abercrombie & Fitch Case The Abercrombie & Fitch lawsuit was litigation filed in court by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on behalf of Samantha Elauf,...

Case Analysis- Factory Farms

Case Analysis- Factory Farms The moral problem in the case study of factory farms is that poultry suppliers such as Perdue use unconventional scientific means to increase productivity to make huge...