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The Ropes to Know and the Ropes to Skip

The Ropes to Know and the Ropes to Skip

Revised Guidelines for Supervisors

Ropes to Know

  1. Communication is essential for all processes, including change management. The leader must set up open lines of communication to include employees in issues affecting management.
  2. Perform performance assessments to facilitate improvement, but always ensure that assessment measures are transparent.
  • Setting a good example by practicing the kind of behavior and values that employees are expected to emulate is essential for motivation purposes.
  1. Create a culture of agency and autonomy for employees to be intrinsically motivated to work hard.
  2. Ensure that there is open communication of every employee’s expected roles and responsibilities to enhance autonomy and productivity.

Ropes to Skip

  1. Avoid stagnation by ignoring the need for constant change within the organization.
  2. Do not work without setting clear goals that will guide the employees on the direction they are to take.
  • Do not micromanage the employees as it will limit their creativity.
  1. Do not maintain conflicts without proper management as they negatively influence teamwork and collaboration in the organization.
  2. Do not treat any employees as inferior to others because every employee makes an important contribution to the organization.

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Importance and Implications of the New Science Guidelines on the Success of the Enterprise

            The New Science of Leadership as developed by Wheatley (2011) compares leadership to the concepts of science; thus providing realistic ways that people can improve their leadership skills and success in business organizations. The guidelines that have been developed above were developed based on the ideas of new science in leadership. These guidelines encourage leaders to take action to dynamically change the success of their leadership. According to Wheatley (2011), the world is made up of interpenetrating fields that influence people’s actions. In an organizational setting, there are various important factors that make up these fields, which influence the behaviors of the employees. Failure to nurture these fields creates a risk of chaos, which can negatively affect the performance of an organization. These guidelines are important in developing the kind of environment that would prevent the creation of chaos to negatively impact the performance of the employees.

One of the importance of these guidelines is that they encourage the development of order and prevent chaos. In an organizational setting, it is important to create a positive environment that encourages orderly work. Wheatley (2011) posits that order can emerge out of chaos if the right environment is created. In these guidelines, the right environment for order is created through enhanced communication, the development if positive relationships, and the encouragement of teamwork and collaboration. Employees in an organization that follows these guidelines are likely to be cohesive and motivated for good performance. Therefore, the implication of following these new science guidelines is enhanced productivity and success in projects that team members may be working on.

These new science guidelines are also important in the encouragement of developing vision. Wheatley (2011) encourages leaders to embrace vision as an invisible field. There are various factors within the organization that influence and bring the vision to realization. One of those factors is the creation of positive relationships. This is why the guidelines encourage the development of positive relationships between the organization’s members even though every employee gets to maintain their agency and autonomy. While the employees maintain their individuality, they are helped to recognize that they are a part of a team. As a result, the workplace is recreated as a world whose success they are all dedicated to achieving. In such an environment, the vision that has been set has a greater chance of being successful.

Behaviors Needed from Leaders

To be successful guides for the rest of an organization and successfully implement the new science guidelines of leadership, there are certain behaviors that leaders must develop. First, they must develop the ability to lead by example. Regardless of how good the leadership strategies are, the employees will only be able to emulate the behaviors of their leaders (Bass & Bass, 2009). Employees tend to follow the kind of culture that their leaders set. For example, a leader who is poor at communication cannot expect good communication from their subordinates. The employees will be only as open as their leader has demonstrated. Hence, it is important for leaders to live by example to encourage employees to follow them.

Another behavior that leaders should develop is to be collaborative. Effective cohesion in the organization will require collaboration between the employees and their leaders. A participative leadership model is encouraged to create the best environment for order and productivity. Participative leadership is one where the leader involves the employees in their decision-making (Northouse, 2018). The input of the employees is taken into consideration in making important decisions that affect them and the rest of the organization. When a leader develops such behavior, they encourage the engagement of employees to nurture intrinsic motivation as encouraged in the new science guidelines.

A leader should also emulate the behavior of building relationships. As seen in the section above, relationships play an important role in creating order in an organization. It is important that there is positive interaction between the employees in a manner that encourages productivity (Bass & Bass, 2009). The leaders can develop such behaviors by developing team-building activities, training employees on relationship management, and encouraging the development of better conflict management skills for each member of the organization. With these skills, the employees will be in a better position to develop interpersonal relationships and deal with the challenges that inhibit the development of such relationships.


            Leadership plays an essential role in the success of an organization. Hence, it is important that leaders understand the best strategies to develop the best possible leadership. This paper has presented some of the guidelines that leaders can follow to enhance their leadership. These guidelines have been developed using the concepts of new science. These concepts assume that the world is made up of fields that influence people’s behaviors. In the organizational setting, leaders have to develop these fields to influence the actions of employees and develop order. As this paper demonstrates, creating good relationships, communication, collaboration, and having a vision are some of the ways that leaders can create the best environment for productivity.


Bass, B. M., & Bass, R. (2009). The Bass handbook of leadership: Theory, research, and managerial applications. Simon and Schuster.

Northouse, P. G. (2018). Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications.

Wheatley, M. (2011). Leadership and the new science: Discovering order in a chaotic world. ReadHowYouWant. com.


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The Ropes to Know and the Ropes to Skip

The Ropes to Know and the Ropes to Skip

Given the new science realities, rewrite your ropes to know and ropes to skip for leaders, including guidelines for planning, measuring, motivating people, managing change and information, designing jobs, and encouraging relationships. Explain the importance and implications of these new science guidelines to the success of the enterprise and describe the behaviors needed from leaders.