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The Founder and The Restaurateur

The Founder and The Restaurateur

The restaurant industry is highly competitive, thus creating a need to invest in effective marketing strategies. The Founder is a film explaining how McDonald’s was created. Ray Kroc, the businessman in the film, begins by describing a customer’s influence on restaurant marketing. Based on his argument, restaurants should focus on supply and demand. He proposes customization as the most effective strategy in restaurant marketing. Customers are attracted to customized products because they want a unique experience, thus making secret ingredients a great selling point. According to Whitby (2022), a selling point is a product or service attribute that persuades customers to purchase. The film also portrays the role of customer service in restaurant success. The flow of customers increases with the increase in service efficiency. The film shows that customers are attracted to restaurants offering faster services. However, service efficiency is dependent on putting the right team together. This includes identifying every team member’s strengths and weaknesses, working on eliminating the weaknesses during the training, and improving strengths. Do you need help in your assignment?

The Founder demonstrates the role of site selection in the success of a restaurant business. Site selection should incorporate the latest trends that other restaurants are embracing. For instance, Dick and his brother opted to embrace drive-ins because they were the current trend when they entered the restaurant business. They needed to differentiate themselves from the competition by specializing in high-quality services and having qualified uniformed waitresses. The film also demonstrates that a restaurant’s success depends on the food it sells. The main focus should be on the consistent quality that meets customer preferences and specializing in what sells. Staff needs the training to equip them with the skills to cook the selected food and good customer service to create a friendly environment that portrays a high level of hospitality.

On the other hand, The Restaurateur is a documentary on the construction of two restaurants. The main similarity between The Restaurateur and The Founder is the emphasis on site selection as one of the most important factors that enhance restaurant marketing. Danny Meyer states that site selection should be enhanced by creating a good layout. In his opinion, layout influences hospitality by creating ambiance and offering a unique experience. The restaurant also demonstrates the role of human resources in restaurant marketing. For instance, the film indicates that chefs and kitchen staff need the skills and expertise to deliver high-quality food that exceeds customer expectations. Kitchen staff may also be added continuously based on customer flow and food and labor costing. Sales should generate enough income to meet all operating expenses without reducing service quality (Blokdyk, 2019).

The Restaurateur also demonstrates the need for market research to understand customer needs. This observation is also evident in The Founder, where Dick and his brother conducted market research to understand customer needs and preferences, their target market’s demographics, and the restaurant market trends. Although the two films depend on skilled staff to achieve the required growth, the hiring process in The Restaurateur is more formal and organized because a strict interview process is used. Servicescape in The Restaurateur is also more diversified to accommodate customers looking for French and Indian cuisines. The main difference between the two films is that while The Restaurateur focuses on quality and layout as the main selling points, The Founder focuses on site selection, quality, and hospitality as major selling points.


Blokdyk, G. (2019). Business Efficiency A Complete Guide – 2019 edition. 5starcooks.

Whitby, R. D. (2022). Fundamentals of marketing and selling. Lubricant Marketing, Selling, and Key Account Management, 13-28.


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Watch two restaurant management-related films (“The Founder” and “The Restaurateur”) available to stream through the OC library, and write a 500-word journal reflection comparing and contrasting the two films.

The Founder and The Restaurateur

The Founder and The Restaurateur

Incorporate at least 10-course concepts/terms in your discussion (i.e., restaurant marketing, human resources, site selection, food and labor costing, quality, layout, servicescape, hospitality.