The American Government – The Engine of Public Policy
Public policy
Public policy is defined as the general structure within which government activities are conducted to accomplish public goals (Cochran & Malone, 2014). Policies are voluntary ways of doing things that are formulated to respond to a supposed issue. Public policies are refined by following a definite policy practice implemented through regulatory measures, laws, funding priorities, and courses of action taken by the government and imposed by a public entity. Groups and individuals attempt to influence public policy by mobilizing advocacy education, interest groups, and political lobbying. A formal policy offers direction to governments over various actions and offers shared accountability connections between the government and the citizens (Cochran & Malone, 2014). The process of formulating policies incorporates various major aspects, such as the goals the policy is designed to achieve, a description of the issue to be tackled, and the policy instruments that are used to tackle the problem and achieve the goals of the policy.
The purpose of the three branches of government
The American government operates by observing the separation of powers and maintaining checks and balances in governance (Dawes, 2016). The two principles are applied to ensure that no government branch has more power than the other and to protect the liberties and rights of citizens. Power is therefore equally distributed among the three government branches, which are; the legislature, executive, and judiciary. There is a significant difference in the authority granted to each branch, and each of them is granted an independent political power base. However, each branch exercises power over the other. For instance, the judiciary is appointed by the executive, but the consent of the legislature is required. The judiciary also has the power to remove unconstitutional laws passed by Congress and approved by the president (O’Neill & Williamson, 2014). The executive branch implements laws. It consists of the Cabinet, the president, and the vice president. The president’s role is to lead the country and the federal government. The vice president is required to support the president and assist in making decisions. The role of cabinet members is to advise the president. The role of the legislature is to draft recommended laws and discard or approve presidential appointments for heads of federal agencies, federal judges, and the Supreme Court. This legislature includes Congress and special offices and agencies that support Congress. The role of the judiciary branch is to evaluate laws and determine whether they conform to Constitutional rules (O’Neill & Williamson, 2014). The highest court in the United States is the Supreme Court, which incorporates nine justices. Cases have to go through the court system before they are heard at the Supreme Court.
How each branch of government may influence public policy
Every branch of the government has a different role in influencing public policy. The judiciary offers the least favorable platform for the formulation of various health policies. Judges are considered to be unprejudiced and able to assess arguments and evidence from various sources impartially. The judiciary mainly influences health policy through court rulings (Teitelbaum, 2013). For instance, the court influenced health policy on contraception through the Roe v. Wade and Griswold v. Connecticut cases. In the cases, the court defended women’s reproductive rights and established a constitutional right to privacy. The court applied the new right to privacy to avert the state from meddling with the distribution and sale of contraception. It clarified that contraception relates to the most personal human relationships and activities.
The legislature has the capacity to collect information from various impartial sources and has the mandate to promote and protect public health. The legislature also has the authority to participate in a lengthy deliberative process for the enactment of legislation. Additionally, it has exceptional authority to develop policies (Teitelbaum, 2013). Its scope is, however, limited by the restrictions of the appropriate legislation. Therefore, while the different agencies of the state and federal governments that are in charge of health can strongly influence policy by making rules, the legislature puts limits and direction in place. The mental health policy field has demonstrated a pattern of implementing judicial leadership preceding the enactment of laws. The courts constitutionally needed a standard of proof at hearings relating to civil commitment to be more than a majority of evidence. This implies that commitment requires convincing and clear evidence (Teitelbaum, 2013). The courts also recently developed standards of denial of treatment for people with mental health issues. The United States’ mental health law has been profoundly improved to adhere to the legal requirements set by the judiciary.
The executive branch plays an active role in forming health policy by offering all required data, reasoning, and evidence essential for the formulation of reasonable and strong health policies. For instance, the United States Department of Health and Human Services has an unequaled ability to acquire data in policy and clinical research, public health and prevention strategies, and financial impacts. Governors and presidents can strategically use their agencies to attain sustainable health benefits for citizens (Teitelbaum, 2013). For example, the Human Genome Initiative was established to address most of the vital scientific inquiries about the prevention, discovery, and treatment of genetic conditions and the legal, social, and ethical questions. The executive branch also has the authority to shape, establish, and expand health policy by applying interpretive guidance, rulemaking, and executive orders.
Cochran, C. L., & Malone, E. F. (2014). Public policy: Perspectives and choices. Lynne Rienner Pub.
Dawes, A. L. (2016). How we are governed: An explanation of the Constitution and government of the United States. a book for young people. Palala Press.
O’Neill, M., & Williamson, T. (2014). Branches of government. The Cambridge Rawls Lexicon, 65-68.
Teitelbaum, J. B. (2013). Essentials of health policy and law. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
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The American Government – The Engine of Public Policy
Define public policy. I identify and explain the purpose of the three branches of government. Discuss how each branch of government may influence public policy. Research an example from the recent news (such as civil rights, health care, education, or others) and explain how each branch of government could influence the direction of that specific public policy.