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Talent Management Plan for Pilots at Southwest Airlines

Talent Management Plan for Pilots at Southwest Airlines

Recruitment Sources

Employers can look for pilots through a variety of methods. These include internet sources, where with so many experts online these days, internet sources are the ideal way to locate a huge pool of prospects. As a result, the hiring manager is likely to come across thousands of resumes containing exceptional skills. Furthermore, prospects will apply nearly immediately after seeing a job posting, making it easier for hiring managers to analyze and locate the ideal applicant quickly.

Secondly, recruiters can source candidates through traditional sources, whereby the materials are useful for recruiting since candidates frequently evaluate them. Nevertheless, unlike the internet, this source lacks competitiveness, and candidates may take a long time to apply for openings, slowing the recruiting process (Asch, 2019). Third, when a candidate is found through recommendations, this is known as a person-to-person source. In this instance, referred applicants are always difficult to discover, which might cause the recruiting process to be delayed. Furthermore, this method may be expensive because this form will compel the firm to implement a referral reward scheme.

Selection Methods

The complete selection procedure when enrolling for a pilot position entails a written test in math, physics, English, a psychometric assessment, a team debate assignment, as well as an individual interview (Harvey & Turnbull, 2020). The procedure is meant to help applicants figure out if they have what it takes to become an airline pilot, and it is essentially one initial step onto the flight deck. Some of the methods to be applied include application forms and curriculum vitae since it’s critical to collect the same information from all candidates in order to establish uniformity in the shortlisting process. Secondly, conducting panel interviews where applicants are given important structured questions about the position will allow the panel the opportunity to choose the best candidates. Lastly, assessing cognitive capacity will be the most effective means of evaluating employee performance in most professions. It demonstrates the employees’ capacity to make reasonable judgments, learn quickly, and think abstractly.

For the following reasons, I will consider the three selection methods indicated above. First, the collection of application forms and curriculum vitae is a significant method of collecting the same information from all candidates to establish uniformity in the recruitment process (Harvey & Turnbull, 2020). Because all applicants are provided an equal and fair chance to compete, this technique is dependable and genuine. Secondly, conducting panel interviews where applicants are given important structured questions about the position allows the panel to choose the best candidates (Harvey & Turnbull, 2020). This strategy is basic and straightforward, and interviewers may glean additional information from applicants, such as communication skills and emotional intelligence. Finally, assessing cognitive capacity will be an effective means of evaluating employee performance. It demonstrates the employees’ capacity to make reasonable judgments, learn quickly, and think abstractly. Simulator testing and logic tests are two examples of tests that can be provided.

Training and Development

Some of the procedures for training that I would suggest include classroom-based training because becoming a proficient pilot for a respectable corporation like Southwest Airlines needs ongoing technical education from an expert. Although this training approach is more expensive because each pilot is trained at the same time, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. The second procedure will be on-the-job training, where pilots gain new skills as a result of their regular interactions. This procedure is inexpensive and does not need any planning. Furthermore, on-the-job training encourages pilots to improve day by day (Fleenor et al., 2020). This strategy might compromise the safety of the airline passengers and crew because the pilot is attempting to learn on the job. Lastly, training and development can occur through interactive training, where pilots discuss and learn from one another’s experiences. Because employees learn from their peers and even more experienced people, this strategy is both inexpensive and successful.

Performance Management Systems

Employers can assess the performance of pilots using various performance management systems. It helps in assessing whether objectives are met while waiting for feedback. Some of the methods used in performance management systems include Management by Objectives (MBO), which refers to a strategic management framework that tries to enhance an organization’s performance by setting clear goals on which both management and workers agree (Stentoft et al., 2021). The right to have a say in setting objectives and action plans, as per the concept, increases employee engagement and dedication and also synchronizes goals across the firm. The 360 Degree Feedback is another effective performance management system; in this system, one is evaluated not just by the supervisor, but also by colleagues, direct reports, or occasionally even consumers. One gets an assessment of how they see themself and how others see them (Fleenor et al., 2020). The last performance management system will be the Assessment Center Method which is frequently utilized in the interview process to assess applicant appropriateness. An assessment comprises a series of tests or practical simulations designed to determine if an individual is the proper fit for a certain job or still operates at their best.

I would recommend the Management by Objectives performance management system since managers clearly convey the organization’s objectives to workers, and every person is evaluated on how well they accomplish their associated goals (Fleenor et al., 2020). Employees who do successfully are rewarded, while those who do not do well receive appropriate training.

Minimize Voluntary Turnover

Some of the methods to employ in order to minimize voluntary turnover will include hiring the best candidates since this strategy is also beneficial as it produces long-term outcomes and encourages superior work performance. Secondly, providing a competitive salary and benefits package will effectively minimize employee turnover, particularly in competitive marketplaces like the aviation industry.

Employee Retention

Pilot retention will be among the top Southwest Airlines HRM objectives. It’ll be a good idea to give the pilot a decent salary and benefits plan. There is fierce rivalry in the airline sector, and Southwest Airlines will only keep its pilots by providing a unique perk that none of its competitors can match. This may be accomplished after a comprehensive examination of the competition to align compensation packages with the industry’s threshold.


Asch, B. J. (2019). Military compensation to support retention, performance, and talent management. RAND CORP.

Fleenor, J. W., Taylor, S., & Chappelow, C. (2020). Leveraging the impact of 360-degree feedback. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Incorporated.

Harvey, G., & Turnbull, P. (2020). SOUTHWEST AIRLINES. Case Studies in Work, Employment and Human Resource Management, 80.

Stentoft, P. A., Munk-Nielsen, T., Møller, J. K., Madsen, H., Valverde-Pérez, B., Mikkelsen, P. S., & Vezzaro, L. (2021). Prioritize effluent quality, operational costs, or global warming?–Using predictive control of wastewater aeration for flexible management of objectives in WRRFs. Water Research196, 116960.


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This internship is turning into a great hands-on learning opportunity for you. Your manager has tasked you with proposing a talent management plan for pilots at Southwest Airlines. Your proposal will be considered by the Director of HR to make a formal plan.
Develop a 3- to 4-page proposal that includes the following:

Talent Management Plan for Pilots at Southwest Airlines

Talent Management Plan for Pilots at Southwest Airlines

A recommendation of 3 recruitment sources that are best suited to recruit pilots. Consider the quantity of resumes generated, the percentage of resumes likely to result in accepted offers, the time to fill a position, and the cost to fill a position.
An evaluation of common methods used to select a candidate
Recommend 3 methods for selecting new pilots. In your evaluation, consider reliability, validity, utility, and legality.
An evaluation of common methods used to train and develop employees
Recommend 3 methods for training pilots at Southwest Airlines. Consider learning and development outcomes, cost of training and development, effectiveness of training and development, and risks.
An evaluation of common performance management systems
Recommend 1 method for performance management of pilots at Southwest Airlines. Consider strategic congruence, validity, reliability, acceptability, and specificity.
An evaluation of common methods to minimize voluntary turnover