Latest News - Sociology

Mass Media and Socialization

Mass Media and Socialization Media is all around; it comes in magazines, newspapers, books, radio, and others. It is used in work-related activities, entertainment or leisure, educational research,...

Policy Identification

Policy Identification The social problem The social problem common in the organization is gender inequality. According to Lorber (2010), gender inequality arises from the unequal treatment of women...

Social Control Theory Applications

Social Control Theory Applications In 1969, Travis Hirschi came up with a theory that suggested that the strength and sturdiness of an individual’s attachment or responsibilities to the...

Culturagram-Hamza Case Study

Culturagram-Hamza Case Study The Relevance of the Culturagram to Assessment In the case study, Hamza is sent to the social worker by his teacher because the latter feels the former does not fit in...

Key Policy Issues-Affordable Care Act

Key Policy Issues-Affordable Care Act Affordable Care Act Integration The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, is a health care reform policy passed in March 2010. The goal of this policy...

Deviant Acts

Deviant Acts Ranking deviant acts on a scale of 1 (least bad) to 10 (most deviant) Buying a DVD duplicate of a contraband theater film on the street. You are purchasing a PlayStation 5 and trying to...