Role of the Church in Economic Development and Poverty Alleviation
Response to Classmate
HI, Great perspective!! The role of the church in economic development and poverty alleviation is apparent. In 2010, I listened to a sermon by Mathew Hagee of the John Hagee Ministries, which made a powerful impression. I thought the preacher was talking about a utopian church at that time. In the preaching, Matt talked about the church’s role as exemplified by Jesus Christ. The three things that stood out for me were that the church needs to educate, feed, and offer to heal the community. He said that a church should have the resources to build a school(s), a hospital(s), and a food shelter where the poor in society can have access to three warm meals a day. The Bible has numerous passages on the blessings that the children of God possess, including material blessings. If we as Christians took hold of the promises and became faithful and trustworthy stewards of the talents, gifts, and wealth God bestows upon us, then what Matt Hagee was preaching would be a reality in every church in the world.
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So yes, the church needs to go beyond fulfilling the spiritual needs of society. As you have cited Shatkin (2016), the church should involve itself in offering counseling services, running children’s children’s programs, and educating the poor, among others. Awakening the congregations to the real purpose of the church is the first step to impacting the world. This positions the role of the church in economic development and poverty alleviation.
Similar Post: Interpersonal Reflection
Shatkin, G. (2016). Collective Action And Urban Poverty Alleviation: Community Organizations And The Struggle For Shelter In Manila. Routledge.
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Role of the Church in Economic Development and Poverty Alleviation
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Role of the Church in Economic Development and Poverty Alleviation
Classmate’sClassmate’sof the Church in Economic Development and Poverty Alleviation
The reading Walking with the Poor by Bryant Myers changed my view on poverty. Most importantly, I learned that poverty manifests in many different areas, such as spiritual, mental, physical, and social aspects of human life (Myers, 2011). For this reason, efforts to eradicate poverty within society must focus on all these areas to succeed and yield sustainable results (Myers, 2011).
The reading also allows me to see the causes of poverty from a new perspective. I have become aware of the fact that the causes of poverty may be social, mental, spiritual, or physical (Myers, 2011). This realization has changed how I perceive economic development. I now feel that any nation seeking to achieve sustainable economic development must not only focus on improving the living standards of its people but should pay attention to their social, mental, spiritual, and physical needs (Myers, 2011).
I feel that the church’s role in poverty alleviation and economic development needs to go beyond just fulfilling the spiritual needs of members of society. It should also promote the fulfillment of the social, mental, and physical needs of members of the society. It can achieve this byby attempting to satisfy these needs through community outreach programs such as immunizing children, offering counseling services, and educating low-income people (Shatkin, 2016). It can also achieve this through public advocacy, wherewhichpressure the government to ensurfulfille needs (Agbiji & Swart, 2015). The church should also seek to address the root causes of poverty in society instead of giving gifts and solutions that only partially solve the problem of poverty (Agbiji & Swart, 2015).
The Bible in Matthew 25: 31-40 focuses on the role of the church as well as that of believers in caring for the poor. It calls us all up to take care of the poor in society on Christ’s beChrist’stthew 25:40 (NIV) states that “The King w”ll reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Here, the”Bible encourages Christians to do good deeds when dealing with the poor, for by so doing, they do unto Christ. I will apply this teaching in my life, now and in the future, by consistently doing good deeds for all I encounter. I now realize that everyone is poor, for no one lacks a deficit, be it social, mental, physical, or spiritual. As such, I must always be willing to assist persons I encounter daily at different points of their needs.
Agbiji, O. M., & Swart, I. (2015). Christian religious leaders and the challenge of sustainable transformational development in post-military Nigeria: Towards a reappraisal. koers, 80(1), 1-13.
Myers, B. L. (2011). Walking with people with low incomes: Principles and practices of transformational development. Ossining, New York: Orbis Books.
Shatkin, G. (2016). Collective action and urban poverty alleviation: Community organizations and the struggle for shelter in Manila. Routledge.