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Rhetorical Analysis – 7 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Is One of the Fastest-Growing Job Skills

Rhetorical Analysis – 7 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Is One of the Fastest-Growing Job Skills

The article “7 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Is One Of The Fastest-Growing Job Skills” is an informative piece that targets human resource managers and job seekers by exploring why individuals with high emotional intelligence are more valued than those with high intellectual quotients. Harvey Deutschendorf, an emotional intelligence expert, explores seven reasons why emotional intelligence is a crucial component in hiring employees. He claims that individuals with high emotional intelligence can handle pressure effectively, understand and cooperate with colleagues, tend to be good listeners, are more open to feedback, empathize, be role models, and make decisions critically and creatively. He alludes that high emotional intelligence is a crucial component in contemporary society. Individuals who bear the attributes mentioned above can easily adapt to new environments, respond positively to organizational changes, effectively manage their emotions, and work collaboratively with individuals of diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

Emotional intelligence enables them to make informed decisions considering how it would impact others; hence, it can be crucial in managing situations in case of negative consequences. Besides, they tend to be not easily perturbed when things fail to go according to plans, spreading a contagious attitude worth emulating. Also, their sensitivity to peoples’ different backgrounds and viewpoints enables them to be cohesive and easily trusted by their colleagues, making teamwork easy to achieve.

Authors Overall Goal

The author tries to explain to job seekers the importance of developing high emotional intelligence, a crucial factor that hiring managers consider in the contemporary corporate world. He also informs hiring managers of the overriding benefits of high emotional intelligence to a high intellectual quotient in the workplace.

Strategies Author Use to Achieve Purpose

The author successfully uses the three components of persuasive communication, logos and ethos in the article. The three components were coined by Aristotle, one of the great philosophers of Greece, as the persuasion modes to convince audiences.  Ethos, also known as ethical appeal, concerns efforts to convince the target audience using the character of credibility as he documented his area of expertise. In contrast, logos, also known as the logical appeal, is prevalent in the article. It refers to efforts to convince audiences using reason and logic through surveys, testimonials, facts, data, or other supporting details to back up claims.

Logical Appeal

The author successfully uses logical appeal to convince his audience. The author begins the article by stating, “According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report, emotional intelligence will be one of the top 10 job skills in 2020” (Deutschendorf, 1). In the second paragraph, he states that “In a 2011 career builder study of more than 2600 hiring managers and human resource professionals, 71% stated they valued emotional intelligence in an employer over IQ; 75% said they were more likely to promote a highly emotionally worker” (Deutschendorf, 1). Besides, only 59% of the survey participants claimed they could promote an employee with a high intellectual quotient with low emotional intelligence. The author uses credible sources with facts, statistics, and survey reports to support his claims. He argues that emotional intelligence is among the top ten job skills in the contemporary corporate world as its importance tends to outweigh high intellectual quotient qualities. He claims that high emotional intelligence enables employees to handle pressure effectively, makes them understand and cooperate with their colleagues and superiors, and makes them empathetic and good listeners who are more open to feedback. Also, it enables individuals to be more thoughtful and think creatively and critically before making decisions, making them role models to others.

Ethical Appeal

The author uses ethical appeal effectively in the article by proving his credibility to the target audience to convince them of his claims. At the end of the article, the author states his designation and documents his area of expertise as an emotional intelligence expert who is a speaker and author, which convinces the audience to accept him and accept claims he makes.

In conclusion, the article “7 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Is One Of The Fastest-Growing Job Skills” is an educative and informative piece that enlightens individuals about key attributes important in the contemporary corporate world. The claims he makes tend to be valid as he bases his arguments on credible sources like the World Economic Forum’s Future of Job Report and Career Builder Survey with figures and facts. Therefore, he concludes by stating that emotional intelligence is a valuable asset that most corporations consider as a key attribute that prospective employees should possess. It has various advantages in the work environment. The benefits include handling pressure, embracing cultural diversity, accepting organizational changes, empathy, being good listeners who are open to feedback, being role models, and having good decision-making skills.

Works Cited

Deutschendorf, Harvey. “7 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Is One of the Fastest-Growing Job Skills.” Fast Company, Fast Company, 6 May 2016,


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7 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Is One of the Fastest-Growing Job Skills

7 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Is One of the Fastest-Growing Job Skills

Description: As a rule, rhetoric can be defined as speaking or writing in a particular way to achieve a desired effect. To do a rhetorical analysis, you must examine how well an author’s rhetorical strategies work to persuade a target audience to embrace a message. For this essay, choose one of the five career-related articles below and compose a rhetorical analysis in which you evaluate the quality and authority of the piece and its argument.

Harvey Deutschendorf’s “7 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Is One Of The Fastest-Growing Job Skills”