Research Article Review-Patient Safety and the Quality of Care
Patient safety and the quality of care go hand in hand. Based on existing research evidence, patient safety is a defining factor for the quality of care delivered to patients (Garcia et al., 2019). Achieving either patient safety or high-quality care remains a major challenge in nursing. Research has linked having a patient safety culture to improved quality of care ratings (Yount et al., 2020). Reliable and valid research evidence is needed to help develop a culture of patient safety in nursing and achieve high-quality care.
The article by Vaismoradi et al. (2020) reviewed existing literature on existing evidence and knowledge on factors that influence how nurses adhere to the principles of patient safety. The review focused on patient safety-focused literature within various nursing settings, such as in the care for and the management of peripheral venous catheters, in surgical care, medication management, during handover between shifts and wards, in cardiac care, and in general nursing care and following precautions associated with prevention of care-associated infections. The article argues that the factors influencing how nurses adhere to patient safety principles are both individual and systemic. The literature review found that regardless of the nursing care setting, nurses adhere to patient safety principles when patients actively participate in care; the healthcare providers were knowledgeable, understood their roles, and had positive perceptions and attitudes towards patient care. Additionally, carrying out collaborative nursing roles, using the right equipment correctly, and using electronic systems such as electronic health records (EHRs) have influenced how nurses adhere to patient safety principles. Giving nurses regular education and feedback and standardizing care processes further improved adherence to patient safety principles.
The researchers are qualified in the subject as they all work in nursing or in a field related to nursing. Although the results are generalizable and transferable to other care settings, there is a potential bias in the review as the authors only focused on and included papers that explored practices and strategies in nursing that promoted how nurses adhered to patient safety principles. The authors provided their approaches to sampling and research well, including the research paper design and how it was selected. As a systematic literature review paper, the article has provided the approaches the authors employed to search for the articles included in the review, the number of articles returned after the search, and the quality appraisal of the papers and basis of inclusions, as well as the framework utilized for data abstraction and synthesis.
The research findings are reliable and valid for various reasons identified after reviewing the paper. Firstly, the authors are well versed in nursing and safety in nursing care; therefore, it meets the authority standards. The articles included in the review also cover the areas of nursing that are linked to better safety and quality of care outcomes in nursing, such as collaboration, education, supportive environment, medication process safety, nursing attitudes, and use of technology in nursing care therefore, improving the validity of the article’s content. The article has also been published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, a peer-reviewed journal. Additionally, the article meets the currency and audience criteria of testing reliability and validity as it was published in 2020 and is published with the nursing professional community as the target audience. The article does not calculate the significance of the results; however, the evidence provided is important in understanding how to improve nurses’ adherence to patient safety principles.
Garcia, C. D. L., de Abreu, L. C., Ramos, J. L. S., de Castro, C. F. D., Smiderle, F. R. N., dos Santos, J. A., & Bezerra, I. M. P. (2019). Influence of Burnout on Patient Safety: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Medicina 2019, Vol. 55, Page 553, 55(9), 553.
Vaismoradi, M., Tella, S., Logan, P. A., Khakurel, J., & Vizcaya-Moreno, F. (2020). Nurses’ Adherence to Patient Safety Principles: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020, Vol. 17, Page 2028, 17(6), 2028.
Yount, N., Zebrak, K. A., Famolaro, T., Sorra, J., & Birch, R. (2020). Linking Patient Safety Culture to Quality Ratings in the Nursing Home Setting. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 41(1), 73–81.
We’ll write everything from scratch
In this assignment, you will identify interesting findings from research studies and determine if the results of the research were reliable and valid.
Step 1: Identify a Research Study:
Please select a research study from a peer-reviewed journal article.
Step 2: Write a two to three-page (minimum) paper where you review and evaluate a research article for the following:.
Research institution/qualifications of the researchers/potential for bias
Sampling and research methods
Reliability and validity
Statistical significance of the results