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Replying to Masaki

Replying to Masaki

Hello Masaki,

Great work with your post! You opened your discussion with an interesting view of what a literature review is not. In making someone understand a concept as critical as a literature review, all the misconceptions surrounding it must be highlighted. From this, one can proceed to know what to address when covering a literature review without missing the important areas. Conducting productive research that would add to the existing body of knowledge on a specific topic or area of research would entail that one lays a background on what has already been established to avoid duplication. Research should be conducted to improve on what has already been done or fill a gap already identified by other researchers. Therefore, apart from improving understanding and demonstration of one’s knowledge on their topic of research, one also contributes to that discipline by bringing new evidence that will improve on the specific area of research. Get in touch with us at We offer assignment help with high professionalism.

An area that I find not adequately addressed in your post is how to prepare and find useful published work for use in research. Having a hypothesis is not enough as it does not point the novice researcher in the direction of identifying the research materials to use. Instead, Greener & Martelli (2018) suggest that one begins their search by using the keywords for their research to find any information on search engines like Wikipedia, Google Scholar, and Google. They should then proceed to query databases that provide a variety of published and peer-reviewed sources, which are the most important resources for literature on a given topic. Using articles available on the database queried, locate the primary sources of the information supplied (Anderson, 2019).


Anderson, S. (2019, September 17). 6 tips to finding research paper sources that set you apart. Retrieved from

Greener, S., & Martelli, J. (2018). An introduction to business research methods (Third ed.). Bookboon. Retrieved from


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Replying to Masaki

I need help responding to my fellow student’s post. Thank you.

Masaki’s Post

What would I tell novice researchers if they asked me what is the purpose of the literature review? How would I suggest they find useful published work?

To the point, I would start from sharing the interesting statements of Taylor (2010) who defines what are out of scope as the literature review is not an essay or research paper to state or prove a novice researcher’s main

Replying to Masaki

Replying to Masaki

points but major and narrow topic with snapshots and major concepts from literatures. Then, Taylor concludes the purposes of the literature review as improving understanding and demonstrate knowledge of the novice researcher. I would suggest if the novice researcher plans to write a paper, she/he should target to make the contents unique from any previous researches, then, the person will start from the literature review. The person should not jump into proving her/his main points yet. Rather, the person should realize what previous researchers have done. During the process, the literature review can give some insights or updates to the novice researcher.

For the paper preparation process, I would suggest that the novice researcher should have her/his hypothesis. Greener & Martelli (2018) indicates that hypothesis can be tested through the literature review.

Libncsu (n.a.) indicates that the literature review helps the novice researcher develop her/his own ideas and the ideas can turn into introduction of the novice researcher’s paper accordingly in the later phase. I would tell that all papers should grasp readers’ interests immediately at the beginning of the paper, especially during the introduction. That means, better literature review works can make the paper more attractive.

“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person” (Colossians 4:6). Literature reviewing process plays a seasoning role for the paper developing process.


Greener, S., & Martelli, J. (2018). An introduction to business research methods (3rd ed.). Bookboon.

Libncsu (n.a.), Literature Reviews: An Overview for Graduate Students. Retrieved from

Taylor, D. (2010), Writing the Literature Review (Part One): Step-by-Step Tutorial for Graduate Students, retrieved from