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Reflecting on Communication Concepts- Transforming Self-Perception and Enhancing Effectiveness

Reflecting on Communication Concepts- Transforming Self-Perception and Enhancing Effectiveness

Communication Concepts

Improving Listening Skills

Based on what I have learned, I would describe improving listening skills as developing and enhancing one’s ability to effectively receive, interpret, and understand spoken information. It is a crucial component of effective communication and involves actively engaging with a speaker’s message. Accordingly, some key aspects of improving listening skills include attention and focus by directing full attention to the speaker and minimizing distractions to maintain focus on the conversation. Secondly, having open-mindedness means approaching the conversation with an open mind, without preconceived notions or judgments. The third aspect is nonverbal cues, which means paying attention to the speaker’s body language, facial expressions, and gestures for additional context. The fourth aspect is avoiding interruptions, which allows the speaker to express their thoughts without interrupting, providing them with the opportunity to fully communicate. The fifth is cultural sensitivity, meaning being aware of and respectful of cultural differences that may impact communication styles. Additional aspects include asking clarifying questions, reflective listening, empathy, feedback, patience, and constant practice on listening skills.

Using Nonverbal Communication Effectively

My understanding of using nonverbal communication effectively is that it involves the conscious and intentional use of gestures, body language, facial expressions, and other nonverbal cues to enhance the overall communication process. Nonverbal communication can convey messages, emotions, and information without relying on spoken or written words. Some of the characteristics of using nonverbal communication effectively include body language. One should pay attention to their posture, gestures, and movements. Moreover, employing purposeful and natural gestures to emphasize points, illustrate concepts, or enhance verbal communication while avoiding distracting or excessive movements is important. In addition, one should maintain an open and relaxed posture to appear approachable and engaged. Secondly, one should use facial expressions to convey emotions and reactions. Smiling, frowning, raising eyebrows, and other expressions can complement or reinforce verbal messages. Thirdly, being aware of cultural norms regarding personal space and adjusting one’s proximity accordingly is vital. Notably, one should respect others’ personal space to create a comfortable communication environment. Fourthly, the use of voice tone and pitch, varying one’s voice tone and pitch to add emphasis convey emotions, and keep the audience engaged as a monotone voice may lead to disinterest. Lastly, using nonverbal cues to signal active listening, such as nodding, maintaining eye contact, and responding appropriately, encourages the speaker and demonstrates one’s engagement.

Using Inclusive and People-First Language

Using inclusive and people-first language is essential when communicating with individuals who are different from us, whether in terms of abilities, backgrounds, identities, or experiences (Barna Group, Inc., 2015). This approach fosters respect, promotes dignity, and helps create an environment that values diversity. Several things I have learned from this communication concept include using inclusive terminology by choosing words that include rather than exclude. For instance, using “partner” instead of assuming a person’s marital status or “everyone” instead of gender-specific terms like “guys.” Secondly, we live in a multicultural world, and therefore, it is wise to educate ourselves and stay informed about appropriate and respectful language by educating ourselves on the preferences and perspectives of diverse groups. Notably, language evolves, and it’s important to be aware of current standards.

Thirdly, one should avoid using labels as defining characteristics; this means refraining from reducing someone to a single characteristic or condition. Instead of saying “the autistic person,” say “the person with autism” to acknowledge their identity beyond the condition (Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities. n.d.). In addition, when in doubt, ask individuals how they prefer to be described and listen to their preferences. This shows respect for their autonomy and agency in defining their identities. Lastly, one should ensure that their communication is accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities. This includes providing alternative formats for written information and using inclusive design principles.

Communication Approaches to Keep, Adopt, and Change

Following this, one of the communication approaches I want to keep is empathetic communication. Empathetic communication involves recognizing and validating emotions, showing compassion, and demonstrating a genuine interest in the well-being of the other person (Jenkinson, 2014). Subsequently, a communication approach I want to adopt is inclusive communication. It ensures that communication is accessible and respectful to individuals of all backgrounds and abilities. Inclusive communication aims to create an environment where everyone feels valued and understood (Jenkinson, 2014). Active listening is the second communication skill I need to adopt. Active listening is about focusing on and fully engaging with the speaker and demonstrating understanding through verbal and nonverbal cues. This approach involves providing feedback. It will also teach me how to listen before responding and how to ask clarifying questions to ensure comprehension.

Another communication approach I need to adopt is nonviolent communication, a communication approach developed by Marshall Rosenberg, which focuses on expressing needs, feelings, and requests in a non-judgmental way (Rosenberg, 2002). Further, it is particularly useful in conflict resolution because it emphasizes understanding and addressing the underlying needs and feelings of individuals involved in the conflict. Since conflict resolution is a skill I need to work on, nonviolent communication is an ideal approach.


Barna Group, Inc. (2015). What most influences the self-identity of Americans? Barna.

Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities. (n.d.). People’s first language.

Jenkinson, P. (2014, June 3). Gibb’s communication climates. [Video]. YouTube.

Rosenberg, M. B. (2002). Nonviolent communication: A language of compassion. Encinitas, CA: Puddledancer Press.


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The concepts of communication studied throughout this course demonstrate that there is more to being an effective communicator than knowing what you want to say and to whom you want to say it. It also involves an understanding of how your message will be received by others and how you will be perceived. However, communication isn’t limited to the perceptions of others.

Reflecting on Communication Concepts- Transforming Self-Perception and Enhancing Effectiveness

Reflecting on Communication Concepts- Transforming Self-Perception and Enhancing Effectiveness

Your communication skills can shape and change who you are as a person.

Every discussion you have, every text you send, every paper you write, and every glance you exchange with a coworker or a stranger is part of this transformation. Even though each change is tiny, together, they add up. Through completing this course, you are, in effect, starting to transform yourself in ways that can positively affect your personal and professional life.

In this final Assignment, you reflect on the communication concepts covered in this course and examine how they have changed your perception of yourself. You also explore which communication behaviors you plan to keep, change, or add to become a more effective communicator.

Write a 500- to 750-word paper addressing the following:

Look at your Week 1 Journal Assignment. How might your communication competence have changed over the last 6 weeks?
Select at least three communication concepts from the list below. Provide your own definition of these terms.
Improving listening skills
Using nonverbal communication effectively
Explaining how verbal responses contribute to positive communication climates
Identifying social media engagement that ensures civility online
Using inclusive and people-first language when communicating with those who are different from ourselves
Examining how rhetoric is used to persuade
Explain what communication approaches you will keep, what ones you will adopt, and what ones you will attempt to change to be a more effective communicator.
Reference your Week 1 Journal Assignment, at least three resources from the course, and at least two examples to support your response. Download the Walden Writing Center Undergraduate Paper template from the weekly resources.

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