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Reading Response-Charles Darwin as an Influential Writer and Early Thinker

Reading Response-Charles Darwin as an Influential Writer and Early Thinker

Charles Darwin is among the most influential writers and early thinkers. Darwin was a good communicator, primarily influenced by his knowledge of artificial or natural selection. Therefore, in his piece, effective writing is depicted using facts, arguments, and illustrations to explain and support his beliefs in several aspects. First, Darwin’s writing was influenced by his knowledge of artificial thinking. However, he vastly used facts and personal opinions to express his ideas. For example, he says, “This preservation of favorable variations and the rejection of injurious variations, I call Natural Selection” (Darwin 1). This is an opinion based on the use of the word ‘I.’ However, Darwin did not stop at the idea. He further substantiates his argument using facts and explanations, for example, after saying what he believes is natural selection. Darwin further explained, “Variations neither useful nor injurious would not be affected by natural selection, and would be left a fluctuating element, as perhaps we see in the species called polymorphic” (Darwin 1). This shows he does not depend on opinions only. His writing is effective because facts substantiate arguments. Our assignment writing services will allow you to attend to more important tasks as our experts handle your task.

Secondly, Darwin uses illustrations to support and make his ideas or opinions more persuasive and understandable. Darwin perfectly uses examples while explaining the action of natural selection. He elaborates explicitly on how natural selection acts in plants and animals by using one to two imaginary illustrations. For instance, he gives an example of the wolf, “Let us take the case of a wolf, which preys on various animals, securing some by craft, some by strength, and some by fleetness” (Darwin 8). Darwin also uses another complex case of a plant, “Let us now take a more complex case. Certain plants excrete a sweet juice, apparently for the sake of eliminating something injurious from their sap” (Darwin 10). Darwin uses these illustrations to demonstrate how natural selection action happens in animals and plants, making his writing more persuasive and effective as the information or idea is more understandable.

Work Cited

Darwin, Charles. On the origin of species, 1859. Routledge, 2004.


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Please use the assigned chapter from Darwin for this writing.

It has often been noted that scientists who are good communicators are more successful in disseminating their discoveries and theories. One classic example of this is Watson and Crick, who first published an account of the structure of DNA in a very clear, direct, and effective short piece of writing. Other scientists working on the same problem but didn’t write as well were largely ignored.

Charles Darwin as an Influential Writer and Early Thinker

Charles Darwin was an Influential Writer and Early Thinker

Of course, Darwin was writing in the 19th century, so his style is more embellished than we use today. Still, he was a very good communicator, which is probably one reason he succeeded in popularizing his theories.
Write about 300 words in which you identify some aspects of effective writing in Darwin’s piece.
*Include quotations to support your points.

Please write your response in two paragraphs.