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Public Service Announcement on Cyber Espionage

Public Service Announcement on Cyber Espionage

In modern times, every business can be a target of cyber espionage. No matter the size or sector a company is in, they are at risk. Cyber espionage is such a significant threat, and this public service announcement aims to raise awareness about it. The goal is to give organizational leaders some insights on how to protect their systems and data from attacks. This announcement will address three common threats that companies face, provide countermeasures for them, and outline the steps needed if the system ever gets compromised.

Potential Security Threats

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)

APT attacks are not only hard to spot, but they also last a long time. This means that hackers have ample amounts of time to do whatever they want inside of a target network. Their main goal is to gain unauthorized access and maintain that access as long as possible. APT attacks often come with data breaches, espionage, and disruption of operations.


These include implementing strict network segmentation since APT attacks rely heavily on lateral movement by attackers (Vukalović & Delija, 2015). All software and hardware should be kept up-to-date as much as possible because updates usually patch vulnerabilities. Intrusion detection and prevention systems must also be in place for real-time identification and response against APT activities.

Phishing Attacks

The weakest point in every organization’s cybersecurity protection will always be its people, regardless of how sophisticated its security measures get. Phishing attacks prey on people’s inability to spot fake emails or websites pretending to be legitimate entities.


To minimize these attacks, the organization should conduct cybersecurity awareness training for employees so they can recognize phishing attempts when they see them. Second, they should implement email filtering and authentication mechanisms so malicious emails can be blocked. Finally, multi-factor authentication should be implemented across the board to enhance account security.


Forcing an organization’s hand by encrypting its data until a ransom is paid is an effective way for attackers to make quick money. When an attack like this happens, the financial repercussions are huge, and operations usually come to a halt (O’Gorman & McDonald, 2012).


The first step is to regularly back up critical data and systems to offline or isolated storage. The organization must also have a robust incident response plan ready for when ransomware attacks occur. Time is of the essence, so it is essential that everyone knows what to do when this attack happens. Finally, employees should be educated about the dangers of downloading or opening suspicious files. They should always think twice before doing either one.

Appropriate Countermeasures

In addition to the countermeasures listed above, organizations must develop an overarching strategy to proactively defend against cyber warfare threats. These include creating and enforcing a well-defined cybersecurity policy that encompasses security practices, guidelines, and responsibilities within the organization. Secondly, organizations should conduct routine vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to identify and rectify weaknesses in the organization’s systems. Lastly, they should establish partnerships with cybersecurity experts and organizations to stay updated on the latest threats and best practices.

Measures in Case of System Compromise

Unfortunately, even if the company follows the required countermeasures, system compromises can still happen. In these cases, prompt responses are needed. Firstly, the cyber defense team must isolate the affected system or network segment immediately to prevent unauthorized access. Secondly, they should engage an incident response team. The activation of an incident response team is vital since their job is to investigate and contain the breach. Notably, operations should be minimally disrupted. Thirdly, legal requirements must be met, which means appropriate authorities must be notified as soon as possible. Stakeholders must also be given a notification so they know what has transpired.


Organizations are facing an increasing amount of challenges in the realm of cyber espionage. A robust cybersecurity posture can be achieved by acknowledging potential threats, implementing appropriate countermeasures, and having a well-defined response plan. It is vital that organizations stay informed about emerging threats and prioritize cybersecurity as a fundamental aspect of their operations. Safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring the continued success of the organization is entirely possible through proactive measures.

Part 2Reflection

The Internet’s Role in Cyberwarfare Affecting Corporate Privacy

The Internet is a dangerous place as it has turned into a battlefield where companies have to fight to protect their data from attackers. When it was first created, the Internet was meant to be a way for people to share information and communicate with each other. In recent times, it has become an incredibly complex digital landscape used by nation-states, criminal organizations, and hacktivists to engage in cyber espionage and warfare (Freet & Agrawal, 2017). Unfortunately, every company holds valuable assets and customer data, which makes them a valuable target for these hackers. One of the most common tactics attackers use is Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). These threats can last weeks or even months without detection. The Internet is perfect for them because it allows attackers to stay under the radar while stealing critical information or interrupting operations.

Moreover, the Internet helps with the delivery of malicious payloads and command-and-control communications. Almost everyone has received sketchy emails that ask them if they want to receive a package from FedEx. Instead of a free headset, the attackers are sending malware to the device. On the other spectrum, it also makes it easier for less experienced hackers to get their hands on tools and tactics they most likely would not know where to find otherwise (Powers & Jablonski, 2015). Dark web marketplaces were created with one thing in mind: anonymity. Moreover, because of this, it is no surprise that they offer stolen data, malware, and hacking services as part of their product list. The Internet might make it easier for cybercriminals, but at the same time, it helps organizations gather intelligence on incoming threats and provides a space for information sharing. Notably,  while everyone is making advancements in all sorts of industries — so are threat actors.


Freet, D., & Agrawal, R. (2017). Cyber espionage. Encyclopedia of Big Data, 1-5.

O’Gorman, G., & McDonald, G. (2012). Ransomware: A growing menace. Arizona, AZ, USA: Symantec Corporation.

Powers, S. M., & Jablonski, M. (2015). The real cyber war: The political economy of internet freedom. University of Illinois Press.

Vukalović, J., & Delija, D. (2015, May). Advanced persistent threats-detection and defense. In 2015 38th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO) (pp. 1324-1330). IEEE.


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Cyber Espionage Public Service Announcement
Organizations look to cybersecurity professionals to provide expertise in preventing and implementing countermeasures against security threats. Imagine you have been asked to create a public service announcement that can be used to assist organizations in their efforts to protect against security threats.

Public Service Announcement on Cyber Espionage

Public Service Announcement on Cyber Espionage

Part 1: Public Service Announcement
Research examples of public service announcements that target a specific audience, creatively capture a viewer’s attention and make clear assertions with facts and/or data when communicating their messages. Write a 2-page public service announcement directed to organizational leaders to warn against cyber warfare threats.
Include the following:
1. State a minimum of three potential security threats any organization may face.
2. Describe appropriate countermeasures organizations may employ against security threats.
3. Describe appropriate measures to be taken should a system compromise occur.
4. Properly use the vocabulary associated with cybersecurity.
Part 2: Reflection
Write a 250- to 500-word reflection discussing how the internet is being used to wage a cyber war that affects corporate privacy.
Make sure to support your reflection with at least 3 scholarly resources.