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Progress in Writing Dissertation and the Literature Review Plan

Progress in Writing Dissertation and the Literature Review Plan

Presentation outline

I will begin the presentation by discussing my progress in the literature search. The next slide will be a discussion of my research journey. I will then discuss what I have learned from my research journey and what I might forget in the next six months. The next slide will be a discussion of my literature search strategy. The subsequent sections will be a discussion of improvement areas, possible resources and practice activities respectively.

Literature search progress

I have made significant progress in my literature search. For instance, I have identified search terms for the literature search, the types of literature that I will use in the research, the year of publication for articles, case studies, and discussion papers I will use in the research, and the databases where the literature will be sourced. The search terms that I will use to get literature supporting my arguments include employee turnover, work environment, role conflict, role ambiguity, work-life balance, employee turnover in the hospitality sector, job insecurity, working conditions, Herzberg’s Theory, organizational culture, the link between organizational culture and employee turnover and the link between job satisfaction and employee turnover

I will use peer reviewed journal articles, case studies and discussion papers published between 2015 and 2023.The literature will be sourced from Google Scholar and A-Z databases.

The journey

I have developed the introduction, problem focus, theoretical framework, literature strategy and working themes of my dissertation. In the introduction section, I have defined employee turnover and work environment and discussed the need for employee retention and the relationship between employee turnover and work environment. In the problem focus section, I have discussed the trends in employee retention, employee turnover in the hospitality industry, and the importance of addressing the employee turnover problem. In the theoretical framework, I have discussed Herzberg’s theory. In the literature strategy section, I have identified the search terms I will use to find information relating to the research topic, types of literature, their year of publication, and the databases where they will be sourced. In the working themes section, I have discussed the link between organizational culture and employee turnover and the link between job satisfaction and employee turnover.

Lessons learned

The process of looking for information for my research and compiling it to present my main and supporting arguments has helped me learn how to use keywords to find information in information databases and how to develop a thesis statement. Planning the research writing process has enabled me to learn how to create a Gantt chart. Analyzing the information from different sources has enabled me to learn data coding. However, I might forge data coding in the next six months because it includes technicalities that I struggled understanding.

Literature search strategy

One of the approaches in my literature search strategy is using key terms to find relevant information. The second approach is creating a list of literature sources and classifying them based on content and year of publication. The third approach is to eliminate peer-reviewed journals, discussion papers, and case studies that have not been published between 2015 and 2023. The fourth approach is identifying the main themes in the literature to determine whether they relate to the topics and subtopics discussed in my research. The fifth approach is identifying additional themes for possible exploration. The two themes that I will consider are the causes of employee turnover and the relationship between employee motivation and turnover.

Improvement areas

The three areas that I will work on to improve my research study are the introduction, theoretical framework, and working themes sections. I will start with the introduction, whereby I will briefly discuss my research hypothesis. I will then proceed to the theoretical framework, where I will add information about the assumptions of Herzberg’s two-factor theory and its application in preventing employee turnover. After completing the theoretical framework, I will work on the working themes by briefly discussing case studies on the link between organizational culture and employee turnover and the link between job satisfaction and employee turnover.

Possible resources

The possible resources that will be used to get relevant data supporting the arguments in the research will include peer-reviewed journals, e-books, discussion papers, thesis and dissertations, case studies, and conference reports. However, as mentioned earlier, the main sources of information will be peer-reviewed journal articles, discussion papers, and case studies. The year of publication for all resources will be between 2015 and 2023.

Practice activities

One of the practice activities I will use to improve my research skills is annotating course readings and journal articles by identifying the thesis statement in the articles and course materials, the main themes, and arguments. The second practice activity will be writing short research papers and asking an experienced researcher to give feedback on areas for improvement. The third activity is reviewing past research papers and dissertations to identify what to include in different sections of the research study. The fourth activity is practicing how to use different data analysis tools


We’ll write everything from scratch


For this lesson’s assignment, create a PowerPoint or Kaltura presentation for your future dissertation candidate self. The presentation is to be narrated and accompanied with visuals. Also, submit a written copy of the outline or narration of topics/concepts covered in your presentation. The written copy may be needed by your Instructor in case your presentation is not viable.

Progress in Writing Dissertation and the Literature Review Plan

Progress in Writing Dissertation and the Literature Review Plan

Inclusion in your presentation

Congratulate yourself! Remind yourself of your strengths! Make this assignment fun and insightful. However, avoid personal or unprofessional content that you would not want to share with your instructor!

Determine where you are in your literature search.
Identify how far you have come.
Identify what you have learned; consider a visual “walk-through” of things you might forget in the next 6 months.
Focus on your literature search strategy.
Demonstrate how to read your synthesis matrix.
Remind yourself of additional search terms or themes for possible exploration.
Gently provide for yourself an objective identification of areas to work on and outline a plan on where you might start.
Include possible resources (could be self-discovered resources, resources from the required and optional resource areas).
Consider practice activities from the Empower Yourself: Dissertation Activities sections.

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