Practicing Research and Avoiding Plagiarism
I enjoy spending time with my grandmother. Recently, I visited her at the assisted living facility and noticed that she had grown quite frail. She claimed to have fallen while trying to get up from the bed the previous night, leaving her with some injuries on her arm. My interest was piqued when I sat outside the facility and overheard someone talking about how Tai Chi can be a good exercise for fall prevention and physical fitness. Therefore, I committed to finding everything I could before proposing this to the facility. I went online and searched, “Tai Chi for fall prevention in older adults.” This gave me 343 results. I then narrowed down the publication date to range between 2017 and 2024 to obtain the most recent articles. This gave me 171 results, which was still a big number. Therefore, I adjusted my search to “tai chi for fall prevention in older adults in assisted living facilities.” This gave me 26 results, which was a reasonable number.
Whereas I found 26 results after my search, only one had explicitly included “assisted living facilities” in its title. The article also specified the type of Tai Chi to lower extremity exercise. Since its publication date is also recent, 2024, and it is peer-reviewed, I felt that this would be a good choice for my research. This article will help me determine if Tai Chi is applicable and effective in assisted living facilities.
According to Mao et al., (2024), “about 30% of older adults fall at least once a year” (p.2). Tai Chi has commonly been used as a generic fall prevention practice with no consideration for intensity and how older adults with different capabilities might react to the exercise. A simpler form that entails lower extremity exercise has been found to “improve balance and functional mobility in older adults” (Mao et al., 2024, p.10). Given the proven effectiveness in improving balance among older adults, Tai Chi can greatly improve the quality of life of older adults.
Mao, M., Mercer, V. S., Li, F., Gross, M. T., Blackburn, T., & Yu, B. (2024). The effect of Tai Chi lower extremity exercise on the balance control of older adults in assistant living communities. BMC complementary medicine and therapies, 24(1), 112.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Spend some time researching credible and/or scholarly sources in the Chamberlain online library based on your passions in your field. Are you, for example, keenly interested in innovations in neonatal care? Perhaps you want to discover more about advances in a particular diagnostic process or a particular form of cancer. Let your passions take you where they may in finding out what is happening right now in your field and in an area that fascinates you. Once you have chosen a source, compose your main discussion post.

Practicing Research and Avoiding Plagiarism
What process did you use to decide on a topic and to research, narrow your search, and locate this source? (1 paragraph minimum)
Example: My decision to research Wilms Tumors in children was relatively easy because I love a child with Wilms. I went to the main search bar in the Chamberlain online library and typed in: Wilms Tumor. I knew I would get many results, and I did receive over 25,000 hits so began using the options, cutting down to just the past few years for dates, and choosing “Peer-reviewed Journals” so I knew I would have scholarly sources. Narrowing to very recent publications took me down to 668 hits and narrowing to scholarly and full text took me to 401 hits. This is still quite a bit, so I decided to click on the “limit by subject” area and chose “survival,” which narrowed my list to 9.
Why did you ultimately choose this specific source? (1 paragraph minimum)
Example: In my list of 9 sources, one title contained the question: “Has the Final Word Been Spoken?” I was intrigued and opened and read this article because I was intrigued by the hint that there is more good news to come on Wilms Tumors.
Practice writing your own sentence with a quotation from that source. Use a signal phrase, integrate the quotation, use quotation marks, and cite it fully directly after in an in-text parenthetical citation in the correct APA. Follow this with a brief discussion of why you find the source and concept interesting, and end with a correct end reference for the source in APA style.
Example: According to Kurian et al., (2023), “Complete tumor excision with no spill is of paramount importance” but “biological behavior” remains “unclear, and concerted efforts to study this are required” (p. 26). This conclusion did give me hope because while I know that we always need more information, I also know that in my family’s case, the removal was a success.