Power and Responsibility
The relationship between power and responsibility is interconnected. The more responsibility individuals have, the more power they possess, and the more the power, the more the responsibility. Individuals who abuse power overlook their responsibilities and exploit the power they have. Subsequently, several factors influence the relationship, such as ethics, morals, and characteristics of the individuals involved, and there are effects related to this relationship.
For this discussion, I chose the poem by Pastan, ‘Ethics,’ which demonstrates the relationship between power and responsibility. The relationship between responsibility and power is created in the question the Ethics teacher asked the students. The student narrator of the poem says that their ethics teacher asked them a difficult question, “if there were a fire in a museum which would you save, a Rembrandt painting or an old woman who hadn’t many years left anyhow?” This question gave the students the responsibility to save either the painting or the elderly woman, which gave the students power. The decision the student would make influenced their use of power.
A couple of factors would influence the choices made by students. These factors, morals, ethics, and personality of the student would influence the decision. The student’s character is evident in the poem, as the older woman possessed the grandmother’s face, which implies the student felt obligated to save the older woman. This decision, therefore, illustrates the student’s morals and indicates the seriousness of their responsibility. However, towards the end of the poem, the student concludes that saving the painting and the old woman was a responsibility too big for them as students. The student says, “I know now that woman and painting and season are almost one and all beyond saving by children.” Accordingly, it shows us the burden of the responsibility was too much to handle. In conclusion, this poem shows us that responsibility may sometimes be too much to bear. When the responsibility and power are given to under-qualified people, the effects may not be pleasant.
Work Cited
Pastan, Linda. “Poem: Ethics By Linda Pastan.” Poetrynook.Com, 2021, https://www.poetrynook.com/poem/ethics. Accessed 15 Apr 2021.
We’ll write everything from scratch
ENG 122 Module 6 Discussion Board
In this module, consider all the narratives you’ve been assigned to read for this module.
Power and Responsibility
Post, at least, one S.E.E .-1.T. paragraph that addresses the reading in this module that you most strongly identify with (you must pick from readings listed in this module),and be prepared to explain why. What is it, exactly, about your selected reading that you connect with? Is it a situation you recognize? If so, what an why? Finally, what does the reading you selected suggest about the nature of (1.) power and (2.) responsibility? What is the connection between them, as suggested in your chosen reading?
The length of this assignment is, at least, one full paragraph, mini mum. Be sure to study the S.E.E.- I.T. model of paragraph building to understand what you r instructor’s expectations are on the minimum number of complete sentences (and what kind / purpose). Then, be sure to use the S.E.E.-1.T. model of paragraph-building to construct the paragraph(s) in your response.
In addition to your own initial post, which should conform to the instructor’s directions, using the s.E.E.-1.T. method for all paragraphs, you should also respond to, at least, two other fellow students’ initial responses. This writing assignment will be considered incomplete (i.e., “zero”) unless you have (1.) you r own acceptable initial answer/ response to your assigned Homework question, (2.) an acceptable reply Iresponse to the initial response of two different students in the class. Reply ONLY to students who have not yet received two replies. If a student already has two replies, move on to a different student. Begin your replies with the student’s name, e.g., “Jack, I found several issues with the argument you discovered for this week’s discussion board post. These are…”