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Personal and Professional Strategies Reflection

Personal and Professional Strategies Reflection

Central to the effective administration of healthcare services is individual and group responsibilities. Restivo et al. (2022) note that the success of healthcare operationalizations rests on the ability of healthcare professionals to execute their mandate and collaborate with other caregivers in providing care to the patients. The past group work was a manifestation of individual and group responsibilities in healthcare. My experience as Revenue Cycle Manager at a hospital gave me insight into what it takes to be a leader in the healthcare landscape and the role healthcare leadership plays in leveraging resources towards the organizational goal and vision.

Project management often involves communicating with others. As a healthcare manager, I got to interact with other organizational stakeholders. While the activity was insightful, it wasn’t easy. I contemplated changing my mind several times during the initial phases as I had difficulties interacting with others. During this phase, I received mixed feedback from other organizational members. Most of them were of praise and encouragement, while others criticized my way of doing things. Notwithstanding, I grew into the organization and developed confidence not only when interacting with others but also in making bold decisions targeting to improve the quality of healthcare operationalization in the hospital.

The healthcare environment plays a role in fostering information sharing and the free flow of ideas. Koinig & Diehl (2021) report that a healthy healthcare environment allows healthcare professionals to interact freely, share ideas, and collaborate in clinical decision-making processes. This was the case at the hospital where I worked. The hospital had a clear framework of healthcare operationalizations with a clearly defined scalar chain of commands. All employees were also engaged in the decision-making process on critical aspects of the care provision. This environment made it easy for me to share my ideas freely with others. It also helped organizational leaders arrive at a consensus on various clinical decisions.

Effective healthcare leadership forms the groundwork for quality improvement. Healthcare leaders play a role in coordinating care processes, facilitating organizational communication processes, and conflict resolution. My experience during the projects furthered my desire to become a healthcare leader. Interacting with other organizational members, understanding the varied viewpoints on many aspects of healthcare, and acknowledging the diverse nature of the healthcare landscape made me understand how important healthcare leadership is. As a future healthcare leader, I intend to sharpen my interpersonal skills to better my engagements with other hospital staff and patients. I believe I can make a difference as a healthcare leader by mastering best practices in communication, the principles of teamwork and collaboration in healthcare, and maintaining cultural humility and awareness.

Strong and effective leadership epitomizes healthcare success. A healthcare leader should be a good communicator, an active listener, a mentor, ethical, and confident. In my journey to be a healthcare leader, a specific area I feel I need to focus on is healthcare communication. Healthcare communications have evolved considerably over time. Monrouxe & Bloomfield (2021) note that the diversity in the modern healthcare landscape often presents challenges to healthcare professionals and leaders. With many cultures being represented in today’s care workspace, maintaining cultural awareness and demonstrating excellence in cross-cultural communications may be a challenge to many caregivers. In my pursuit of becoming a healthcare leader, I seek to improve my knowledge of various cultures. This will improve my cross-cultural communication.

Working with the group, I got to understand group dynamics during critical decision-making processes. My biggest challenge was to create a buy-in into the ideas I proposed to improve the quality of care within the hospital. However, with the help of fellow leaders and other organizational employees, I was able to overcome this challenge. Through the project, I did not experience any conflict with other employees. Despite having differing options in some aspects, we always arrived at a consensus on what was best for the hospital. The experiences I had interacting with others gave me insight into the significance of communication in fostering teamwork. To make future teamwork more effective, I intend to sharpen my communication and interpersonal skills. This will help me engage with others freely.

A growth opportunity I identified during the project is in the use of technology in healthcare communications. Health information technologies enhance communication efficiency and effectiveness. Its cost-effectiveness makes it attractive for healthcare systems across the globe. I intend to continue learning about these technologies and how they can be leveraged to enhance communications processes in healthcare.


Koinig, I., & Diehl, S. (2021). Healthy leadership and workplace health promotion as a pre-requisite for organizational health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health18(17), 9260.

Monrouxe, L. V., & Bloomfield, J. G. (2021). Specialty grand challenge: Diversity matters in healthcare professions education research. Frontiers in Medicine8.

Restivo, V., Minutolo, G., Battaglini, A., Carli, A., Capraro, M., Gaeta, M., Odone, A., Trucchi, C., Favaretti, C., Vitale, F., & Casuccio, A. (2022). Leadership effectiveness in healthcare settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cross-sectional and before–after studies. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19(17), 10995.


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Navigating the challenges of leadership requires not only knowledge of the health care organizations and systems that impact decision-making, doing so effectively is a testament to your interpersonal effectiveness and ability to communicate with a wide range of personnel and managers who each have a stake in decisions. The presence of often opposing viewpoints sets the stage for conflict as each side defends the interests of their group or organization. Honing the skills of conflict management is essential experience for effective leaders.

Personal and Professional Strategies Reflection

Personal and Professional Strategies Reflection

Consider a recent experience you had working with a group.

Write a 700-word reflection on what you learned about communication, collaboration, and conflict-resolution strategies during your group work. In your reflection, consider the following:

  • Did you change your mind at any point during the project, based on feedback from others?
  • Was it easy to share ideas freely and come to a consensus on a common goal or solution?
  • Would you be comfortable, as a leader in health care, choosing which ideas would be used?
  • What areas do you feel you need to focus on to make yourself a stronger and more effective leader?
  • What did you perceive as your biggest challenges in working with the group? Was there any conflict? If so, how was it handled? If not, how was it avoided? What can you glean from that to make future teamwork more effective?
  • Within the areas of growth opportunity, you identified for yourself, which can you put into practice immediately?

Cite any sources to support your assignment. Format your citations according to APA guidelines.