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Peer Responses

Peer Responses

Response to Classmate 2

Hello, great post. Clear and effective communication is the key to better patient outcomes. A healthcare facility with chronic communication breakdown will be headed for poor patient outcomes, un-endless malpractice lawsuits, high employee turnover, and an unbearable environment to work for employees and patients to get healthcare assistance. Poor communication is the leading cause of medical errors (Hicks, 2019), despite most hospitals having systems to prevent the mistakes. This is because physicians and staff nurses fail to document patient care precisely, accurately, and timely. When this kind of communication is lacking, healthcare professionals cannot correctly identify mistakes before adverse medical events occur. Further, when physicians take up autocratic leadership styles over the nurses and other subordinates, information exchange and feedback that could benefit patients may be hindered. This is because authoritarian leaders tend to hold information from nurses to retain power (Chaudry et al., 2008).

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The healthcare system stands on the two principles of beneficence and non-maleficence. Under these two, the plan seeks to do all it can to benefit the patient while not causing any harm to the patient. In non-maleficence, the physician makes decisions that do not damage the patient or society. However, the current healthcare system has physicians that make decisions that aim at causing no damage to the community at the expense of the patient. For example, using human subjects for studies that could benefit the community yet harm the patient at an individual level is morally wrong (Walshe & Shortell, 2004). The Bible states that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and should not be involved in any unholiness. When experiments are done on human subjects without their knowledge, it goes against Biblical morals and those of the persons involved.

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Chaudry, J., Jain, A., McKenzie, S., & Schwartz, R. W. (2008). Physician leadership: the competencies of change. Journal of Surgical Education, 65(3), 213-220.

Hicks, J. (2019).Effects of ineffective communication in medical offices.

Walshe and Shortell (2004). When things go wrong: how healthcare organizations deal with major failures.


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Peer Responses

Discussion Post Responses

Please see Classmate’s two posts in response to Classmate 1 post. I want to respond to Classmate 2. Thank you.

Peer Responses

Peer Responses

Classmate 1

In this week’s reading,g, it is clear that there are many different situations where healthcare organizations have failed, whether due to drug tampering, mistreating patients, or committing fraud. As we reviewed in session 1, this is a part of the accreditation process and where the Joint Commission comes in. “The commission develops performance standards that address crucial elements of operation, such as patient care, medication safety, infection control and consumer rights” (Rouse, 2015). A study by Kieran Walshe and Stephen Shortell details some of the significant failures within healthcare organizations. The first common failure within healthcare organizations is that many of the problems happening in healthcare are not being bought to light. They happen for months, years, or even decades before they are addressed. For example, “doctors at the National Women’s Hospital in New Zealand left women with cervical cancer untreated to follow the progress of the disease for two decades until the late 1980’s, despite opposition to what they were doing” (Walshe & Shortell, 2004).

The second issue is that many times if one or more people know about a problem, they don’t do anything to fix it. In many accounts, when ethical situations are brought forward, it is also brought forward that individuals knew but didn’t care to stop or say anything. Physicians at Redding Medical Center in California completed many unnecessary surgeries and procedures on healthy patients. When the news broke, it became evident that many staff knew what was happening. Unfortunately, the only people who didn’t know what was happening were the patients and their families. Lack of care or attention leads to the third issue, resulting in patient harm and mistreatment. For example, failures in blood treatment left 30,000 patients in Canada injured and amounted to additional health care costs. These kinds of issues draw bad reputations for healthcare organizations. If you look at all these issues from a birds-eye view, I think it comes down to a lack of management. The management lacks quality review and control, incident reporting, and performance-based management. Circling back around, these are all kinds of issues addressed with the Joint Commission. Lastly, I think problems can come down to integrity and the fact that these healthcare organizations can get away with these kinds of things; then why would they not continue to do so? Morals and integrity come into this part because how we respond to these situations has a large amount to do with what worldview and lens we are looking a the world.

Think that plaintiffs should be able to pursue a claim in the malpractice of fraudulent info. Individual’s lives are on the line, and in some cases, like the Quaid twins, lives were lost. If a doctor or a practice has failed to do their job, then I think a person has every right to move forward legally. Negligence is critical here because a person must violate a reasonable standard of care under negligence laws. However, I think there needs to be clear standards and limits because malpractice lawsuits happen often, and I believe that the doctor or clinic may not have always been at fault. Human error, machine failure, and other factors all come into play and come sometimes be disguised.

I believe there must be a perfect balance between patient care and criminal acts. If an organization puts all its eggs in only one of the two baskets, it will miss a considerable aspect of a functional and ethical organization. Moral, it makes sense to focus on both parts because we shouldn’t want either area to go unattended.


Pozgar, G. (2019). Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration (13th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Walshe, K., & Shortell, S. M. (n.d.). When Things Go Wrong: How Health Care Organizations Deal With Major Failures. Retrieved from

Rouse, M. (2015, July). What is Joint Commission? – Definition from Retrieved from

Classmate 2 Response to Classmate 1

Healthcare organizations have been lacking immoral patient care and job satisfaction values. The healthcare system needs to step back and reconsider how they provide care to others. They also need to look at the storage of the staff. This would help with patient satisfaction. There needs to be a balance of communication between staff and patients to have a positive outcome. Often criminal acts occur because of a lack of management about the detail of the team. This is something that should be addressed more closely in the future. Do you believe that leadership is lacking in communication with staff? If so, how and why? From a Christian perspective, how do you feel about the moral values in the healthcare system today?

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