Pascals Wager
Write at least 2 paragraphs describing exactly what Pascal is trying to prove with his wager and the sort of reasoning he’s using. Present Pascal’s wager and present each possible outcome with its own sentence. Present one objection to the position that was covered in this class and explain how damaging you think it is to Pascal’s stance.
Pascal’s wager is associated with the concern for the existence of God as long as the probability is more significant than one. Subsequently, it is dependent on probability theory and a game of the theory of games (Duff, 1986). Therefore, individuals are expected to live with the consideration that God exists, and thus, individuals should live as though God exists. Consequently, if God doesn’t exist, individuals who live according to His existence lose more when they believe in him. But, on the other hand, if God exists, individuals who live according to His existence have more to gain than to lose.
Based on religion, all religions have a higher being, and God is an example of a higher being. Consequently, if a claim that belief in God is properly basic with respect to warrant has a warrant, then for any proposition accepted by any community, if the claim is adequately essential concerning a warrant, the claim would have a warrant. Therefore, according to Pascal’s warranty, belief in God has the probability of ensuring a blessed life if God exists and loss if God doesn’t exist. The opposition to this claim is based on the idea that there is life after eternal death. In reality, life ends after death; therefore, the idea that life exists after death is an idea that is opposed. Consequently, this ideology brings the opposition to Pascal’s wager on the belief in God as the basis of all living.
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Duff, A., 1986. Pascal’s Wager and Infinite Utilities. Analysis, 46(2), p.107.
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Assignment 6 – Pascal’s Wager
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Pascals Wager
Write at least 2 paragraphs describing exactly what Pascal is trying to prove with his wager and the sort of reasoning he’s using. Present Pascal’s wager and present each possible outcome with its own sentence. Present one objection to the position that was covered in this class and explain how damaging you think it is to Pascal’s stance.
A Note on Writing Assignments in this Class:
The ultimate purpose of every writing submission is to clearly and correctly explain and apply philosophical material in your own words. When writing your responses, imagine that the reader is not in the class and is entirely unfamiliar with the material. If the only introduction to the topic she has was your paper, would it give her proper understanding of the issues? It is imperative that your submissions are in your own words, using sentences that you could use in conversation. Using someone else’s words, or making slight changes to words from the text or another source, do not prove that you understand this material, so explaining things yourself is vital. Submissions will be evaluated using plagiarism detection software.
Begin writing your answer in this document (but use double-spacing) and save the file in .docx format. When you are ready to turn in your work, press ‘Upload’ in the appropriate area for this assignment. Each assignment is worth 30 points. Your response should begin just below this paragraph. ¯