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NSG 4029 Week 2 Project

NSG 4029 Week 2 Project

The first step in building a team is to evaluate and analyze the tasks the team needs to address. You need to develop a list of tasks to be addressed and the types of personalities you need to create a team that can manage and accomplish those tasks. Team building is an important skill that is required to be able to achieve these tasks. Team building is a management technique used to enhance the performance and efficiency of a group of individuals to complete tasks effectively. (Bhowmik, 2021) You need to determine the objectives required to develop a scheduling team for your unit. You want your team to be efficient and invested in the team’s success. Your objectives need to be specific to the goals of the group. Your dreams also need to be divided into specific tasks. (Bhowmik, 2021)

Your first step is to obtain the data on the current scheduling system for your unit. This data should include determining the information needed, gathering all available information, surveying the staff and clinical manager to determine what works and doesn’t work about the current scheduling system, obtaining the recent and average unit census for the last year, and getting the hospitals staffing expectations per daily census. (Murray, 2017) Once you have compiled all of this information, you can see the types of personalities that your team needs to complete the tasks and approach those staff members to be a part of the team.

When choosing the team members, you must consider the skill set or sets required to accomplish your tasks effectively. You should seek out people who exhibit the skills that you are looking for, not just staff members who repeatedly participate in team activities. Forming, storming, norming, and performing in 1977, Tuckman and Jensen reviewed the literature published since the original four stages were identified and added a fifth stage, adjourning. (Murray, 2017) Forming us when you first meet your team. This is the introduction phase. We learn about the project, introduce ourselves, and begin to brainstorm about the task at hand.

During this phase, the manager and team leader help the members understand the project’s purpose. (Murray, 2017) Storming is when the team starts to work together to develop ideas for the project. In this phase, the manager and team leader must stay very involved and give direction. The team members that you have chosen have different personality types. Inevitably, there will be differences of opinion. The manager and leader must stay positive at this phase and keep the team on track. Norming is when the team overcomes the conflict or difference of opinion and begins working together. (Murray, 2017) Creativity tends to be high during this phase. At this stage, managers and leaders can start stepping back and allowing the team members to assume responsibility and accountability. In the performing stage, your team members are invested in the project. They understand their roles, work well as a team, and are motivated to complete the task. “This stage is characterized as “functional role-relatedness” (Tuckman, 1965). The group becomes interdependent with a strong group identity. At this point, nurse leaders and managers should not need to be involved and can focus energy on other projects” (Murray, 2017) Finally, at the adjourning stage, your project is complete. The most important part of this stage is for the manager and project leader to celebrate and recognize the hard work, success, and accomplishment. (Murray, 2017)

NSG 4029 Week 2 Project

When selecting the members of my scheduling team, there are several qualities that I would look for. The member needs to understand the role they are being asked to take and be motivated towards the change the team is making. They must be willing to work with other personalities and participate in a collaborative group. “Working with a team means there will be varying opinions and ideas. Even if you think your idea is best, you should listen to all ideas before pushing yours. Search for compromises, and remain respectful if your work is criticized.” (SENNETT, 2021) The member must be flexible with their time, accountable, and have a positive attitude. As mentioned, it is also important to seek out staff members who have not previously participated in teams and not just those who continuously join. Involving all staff in groups is important to improve the team mentality of the unit.

When planning the first meeting of the new team, the most important aspect to me would be presenting the project positively and energetically. The conference aims to get the team excited about what we are doing. It is also important for everyone to get to know each other. There could be staff members who do not typically work the same shifts and see each other in passing. The team needs a specific schedule of objectives, due dates, and meeting times. They are working around their plans to be a part of this team; it is only fair that, as a leader, I respect their time. The team also needs to understand the role of the team leader. They need to know I am available and when. According to Forbes magazine, there are eight qualities of a great leader. (Fries, 2018)

  1. Sincere enthusiasm
  2. Integrity
  3. Great communication skills
  4. Loyalty
  5. Decisiveness
  6. Managerial competence
  7. Empowerment
  8. Charisma

I want to think I can bring all these things to a team. I have noticed that as I move forward in my career and education, some are becoming easier than before.


 Bhowmik, S. R. (2021). Looking ahead to building a strong team in nursing. Nursing Journal of India; New Delhi, 12(5), 195–198. Retrieved April 3, 2022, from

Fries, K. (2018, February 8). 8 essential qualities define great leadership. Forbes. Retrieved April 5, 2022, from

Murray, E. (2017). Nursing leadership and management for patient safety and quality care with Davisplus resources. F.A. Davis.

SENNETT, P. (2021, April 28). 6 qualities make a great team player. University of Rochester. Retrieved April 5, 2022, from

Tuckman, B. W., & Jensen, M. C. (1977). Stages of small-group development revisited. Group & Organization Studies, 2(4), 419–427. Retrieved April 4, 2022, from


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NSG 4029 Week 2 Project

Your nurse manager has asked you to establish a scheduling team for your nursing unit.

As you begin to think about developing this team, how would you start this process?

What steps would you take?

What would you need to consider in building this team

Assess your strengths and skill gaps as a leader of the group.

When selecting team members, what specific characteristics/skills would you look for in team members?

Knowing the stages of team development, how would you plan your first meeting?

What would you need to consider?