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NSG 4029 Week 1 Project-Personal Leadership Assessment

NSG 4029 Week 1 Project-Personal Leadership Assessment

After taking the self-assessment quiz and analyzing the results, many ENFP traits scored true. It stated that ENFPs are thinkers but emotional, tend to have short attention spans, are outgoing, and genuinely like people. We are unconventional and tend to do things spur of the moment, but we can plan when needed. We are creative and positive, but following through can be an issue; we are easily distracted and tend to procrastinate. We also can sometimes make hasty decisions when emotion is involved. We are exceptional conversationalists and can hold our own with various topics. We do not like to be alone and prefer working in a group. We can diversify and work with many types of personalities. People are often very interested in our opinions. (Humanmetrics, n.d.)

These are just the traits that I felt I could relate to. There are several of these that are good qualities in a leader and many that are not. Being easily distracted, procrastinating, and making hasty decisions are the main cons of my personality. These are the ones that I struggle with the most. However, I recognize that these are part of my personality and try to work around them. I try to stay on track and stay organized. I set goals and do my best to stick to them. My best features are my interactions with people and the pleasure I get from them. I truly enjoy human interaction. I have been known to spend too much time in an inpatient’s home because I am a chatty Cathy, but this makes me good at what I do. Patients respond to someone personable and not all business. As a leader, this is beneficial because people sense that I care about what they are saying and tend to be more responsive.

Of all the leadership theories, I tend to lean more towards the behavioral approach. I have certain personality traits that I was probably born with, but I firmly believe that our experiences develop our personalities. As a child, I was always very shy. I was a follower and never a leader. I was never the kid in class that raised my hand. I sat in the back of the course and tried to be invisible. My ability to communicate effectively and with so many types of people has developed through good and bad experiences. Experience, confidence, and knowledge have enabled me to be this way. “Behavioral theory seeks to explain human behavior by analyzing the antecedents and consequences present in the individual’s environment and the learned associations he or she has acquired through previous experience.” (Angell, 2013)  As a leader, I feel this is a more beneficial approach. If we recognize that we are the sum of our experience and knowledge, we are more open to learning from our mistakes.

The traits that benefit me the most also help me when looking at the QSEN core competencies. I feel that I address all six of the competencies but excel at “Patient Centered Care.” Being a person with a lot of emotion and a real people person, I care wholeheartedly about every patient I see. I strive to be a patient advocate, create the best environment for healing, and enable patients and their families to care for themselves with the tools needed. The patient I am with is the center of my attention when I am there. I follow through with anything required after the visit.

NSG 4029 Week 1 Project-Personal Leadership Assessment

When discussing the difference between leadership and management, my first response is that a manager is in charge of a group of people, but a leader inspires people to do great things. A manager is a job title, but a leader is completely different. In a keynote discussion at the Harvard School of Business, they defined them as “Leadership, he wrote, is the creation of positive, non-incremental change, including the creation of a vision to guide that change—a strategy—the empowerment of people to make the vision happen despite obstacles, and the creation of a coalition of energy and momentum that can move that change forward,” and “Management is getting the confused, misguided, unmotivated, and misdirected to accomplish a common purpose on a regular, recurring basis,” Fuller said. “I think the ultimate intersection between leadership and management is an appreciation for what motivates and causes individuals to behave the way they do, and the ability to draw out the best of them with a purpose in mind.” (Gavin, 2019)

In healthcare, change is all around us. It is something we deal with constantly. Now more than ever. Nurses must understand and adapt to change to give our patients the best care. There are many theories of change, but to me, we face all of these theories in healthcare. Environmental change has been at the forefront of our lives over the last 2 years. The pandemic has forced changes in healthcare that we were not ready for. Yet, we jumped into action and adapted. You can also say that chaos theory can apply to the changes we have undergone during the pandemic. There are always planned changes in healthcare. System updates, process and procedure changes, and regulatory changes are the norm in healthcare.

Nurses are not strangers to change. “Change and conflict are ever present in health care today, thanks to constantly evolving technology, new regulations, changing public expectations, increasing environmental concerns, and heavy demand on scarce resources. In turn, nurses must be knowledgeable about the change process and understand that conflict can result when the process is ineffective. In the dynamic environment of health care, change is inevitable and unpredictable, and it affects staff, patients, and the organization overall.” (Murray, 2017) As nurse leaders, we have to be agents of change. We must be role models to other nurses, patients, and families. We have to listen, assess, and encourage those we work with to make the change work for the benefit of our patients.


Angell, B. (2013, June 11). Behavioral theory. Encyclopedia of social work. Retrieved March 27, 2022, from

Gavin, M. (2019, October 31). Leadership vs. management: What’s the difference? Harvard Business School online. Retrieved March 27, 2022, from

Humanmetrics. (n.d.). Jung typology test.

Murray, E. (2017). Nursing leadership and management for patient safety and quality care with Davisplus resources. F.A. Davis.


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NSG 4029 Week 1 Project-Personal Leadership Assessment

In a Microsoft Word document of 3-4 pages formatted in APA style, identify personal leadership style(s), theories, and skills that may positively and negatively affect patient outcomes through self-assessment, concept application, and Quality Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) principle discussion.

  • In your paper, address each of the following criteria:
  • Self-Assessment to identify strengths and weaknesses of personal leadership skills
  • Leadership theory (at least one) related to personal leadership assessment Include at least one Quality Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) principle(s) (see additional resources)
  • Compare and contrast leadership and management.
  • Please include at least one suggestion on applying Week 1 concepts within the workplace. Select one idea from Week 1 and suggest how that concept can be used within your workplace concepts, including time management, innovation and change, leadership styles, and leadership theory as they relate to the personal workplace.