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NHS-FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem or Issue

NHS-FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem or Issue

Analysis of a Current Health Care Problem – Limited Access to Healthcare

Limited access to healthcare has impacts on the type and quality of care provided to various populations. This problem affects individuals with both acute and chronic conditions. Healthcare providers should collaborate with patients, their families, and other external stakeholders to improve access to healthcare services. This paper evaluates the problem of limited access to healthcare and proposes solutions to the problem. Do you need help with your assignment ? Reach out to us at

Elements of the Problem/Issue

Limited access to healthcare occurs when individuals fail to access timely quality health services. Timely access to quality care is associated with better patient outcomes and safety. In this context, access to healthcare entails both healthcare facilities and providers. Limited access to healthcare worsens the prognosis of diseases, increases the risk of complications, and increases mortality and morbidity rates (Salami et al., 2020). This problem affects people from various sociodemographic backgrounds. However, it is prevalent among immigrants, ethnic minorities, and populations with low socio-economic status (Salami et al., 2020).

Various etiological factors are linked with limited access to healthcare. Firstly, high treatment costs limit access to quality healthcare services. Patients are forced to choose between basic needs such as food and costly healthcare services (Ayón et al., 2020; Fante-Coleman & Jackson-Best, 2020). When this happens, they are likely to forego healthcare services to cater to their basic needs. Notably, this is an issue of concern among the uninsured population forced to adopt the out-of-pocket payment method (, n.d.). Secondly, lack of appropriate transportation limit access to timely and quality healthcare. Limited transportation can occur in the form of physical barriers and a poor public transport system (Fante-Coleman & Jackson-Best, 2020). Thirdly, inadequate public and patient education limits access to healthcare. The public should be educated about available community health services, healthcare sites, and available primary care services (, n.d.). This increases the likelihood of accessing these healthcare services by the public. Fourthly, social determinants of health impact access to healthcare services. This entails aspects such as society and community factors and the environment. As aforementioned, immigrants, ethnic minorities, and populations with low socio-economic status are likely to have limited access to healthcare (Salami et al., 2020).

NHS-FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem or Issue


Setting or Context for the Problem

As earlier stated, limited access to healthcare occurs when individuals fail to access timely quality health services. This problem affects people from various sociodemographic backgrounds. However, it is prevalent among immigrants, ethnic minorities, and populations with low socio-economic status (Salami et al., 2020). Organizational factors and social determinants of health (SDOH) are the major causes of this problem. Organizational factors comprise aspects such as high treatment costs, inadequate healthcare providers, and lack of programs that promote public and patient education (Ayón et al., 2020; Fante-Coleman & Jackson-Best, 2020). SDOH entails aspects such as low socio-economic status and environmental factors such as a poor public transport system (, n.d.). Regardless of the cause, limited access to healthcare worsens the prognosis of diseases, increases the risk of complications, and increases mortality and morbidity rates (Salami et al., 2020).

Why the Problem or Issue Is Important To Me

The problem of limited access to healthcare is relevant to me. As a clinician, my core role is to provide timely and quality healthcare to all patients. To accomplish this, I uphold justice and avoid discriminatory practices. Clinicians should increase access to healthcare via policy formulation, patient education, and improving organizational culture and environment.

Groups of People Affected By the Problem or Issue

As aforementioned, this problem affects people from various sociodemographic backgrounds. The problem is likely to occur among immigrants, ethnic minorities, and populations with low socio-economic status. Furthermore, it is also likely to be propagated by healthcare facilities having shortages of healthcare providers, lacking cultural sensitivity, and those with high treatment costs.

Considering Options

Various strategies can be used to address the problem of limited access to healthcare. Firstly, healthcare coverage should be availed to more people. Health insurance will allow more people to access cost-effective and quality healthcare services (, n.d.). The expansion of health insurance can be achieved through policy formulation and state and federal initiatives. An example of such an initiative would be to expand Medicaid services. The expansion of Medicaid will allow more people to be insured and access cost-effective services (, n.d.). Furthermore, all employers should provide health coverage for their employees. Policies that advocate for the eradication of barriers to healthcare access by immigrants should be adopted (, n.d.).

Secondly, telehealth services should be adopted. Telehealth promotes access to healthcare via technologies such as wearable devices and videoconferencing (, n.d.). Videoconferencing eliminates transport and geographical barriers by allowing real-time communication between patients and clinicians (, n.d.). Wearable devices enable clinicians to achieve remote patient monitoring (, n.d.). As such, telehealth enables patients to access quality care from specialists and healthcare providers. The need for face-to-face appointments is eliminated. Telehealth is of significant relevance to populations from rural areas and those faced with other geographical barriers (, n.d.).

Thirdly, the public should be educated about the available community healthcare resources and other care facilities. Education should focus on the type of services offered in community healthcare facilities. This will enable the public to seek timely healthcare interventions from available primary care facilities (Fante-Coleman & Jackson-Best, 2020). Public education will reduce the incidence of unnecessary visits to the emergency department and enable them to minimize treatment costs.

Fourthly, improving cultural sensitivity will improve access to healthcare. Patients are likely to avoid seeking medical care from facilities that don’t embrace cultural congruence (Salami et al., 2020). Patients are likely to be discriminated against in facilities with limited cultural responsiveness. Healthcare facilities should formulate policies that advocate for inclusivity and cultural sensitivity. Cultural sensitivity creates a therapeutic rapport between patients and healthcare providers. Furthermore, it is an enabler for holistic care and improved patient outcomes.

NHS-FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem or Issue


The proposed solution is the adoption of telehealth services. Telehealth creates flexibility and improves access to healthcare services. Notably, telehealth is beneficial to those living in rural areas and those facing other geographical barriers (, n.d.). Access to healthcare is improved via technologies such as video conferencing and the use of wearable devices (, n.d.). These technologies facilitate remote patient monitoring and real-time interactions between patients and healthcare providers (, n.d.). Telehealth eliminates the need for face-to-face interactions between healthcare providers and patients. It allows patients to access their preferred specialists (, n.d.). Furthermore, telehealth enables patients to seek timely healthcare services for both acute and chronic conditions. Other than improving access to healthcare, telehealth improves the quality of healthcare services by permitting interdisciplinary collaboration in the decision-making process (, n.d.).


The implementation of telehealth requires appropriate resource allocation. Adequate resources are required to acquire hardware and software and to train patients and healthcare providers. The implementation of telehealth requires a concerted effort among various stakeholders. The first step is planning and resource allocation. The second step is the acquisition and installation of hardware and software. This is succeeded by training healthcare providers. Training facilitates the appropriate use of telehealth. Patients should also receive adequate training. Training is key because it helps to achieve buy-in from patients and healthcare providers. The fourth step is implementing telehealth technology. Finally, the impact of the technology should be evaluated. In this context, the impact of telehealth on access to healthcare services will be evaluated.

Ethical Implications

Healthcare ethical principles are key when implementing telehealth. The principle of justice requires healthcare providers to avoid discriminatory practices when caring for patients (Varkey, 2021). In this context, all patients should be eligible for all telehealth services. Autonomy requires healthcare providers to engage patients in making decisions (Varkey, 2021). In this context, each patient will be involved in the formulation of treatment plans. Beneficence and non-maleficence require healthcare providers to offer services that promote the overall well-being of their patients (Varkey, 2021). In this scenario, healthcare providers should embrace the HIPAA’s directions to ensure that the privacy, confidentiality, and security of the patient are achieved (Moore & Frye, 2019). Furthermore, healthcare providers should adopt the best evidence-based practices when formulating treatment plans. This will improve patient outcomes.


Limited access to healthcare worsens the prognosis of diseases, increases the risk of complications, and increases mortality and morbidity rates. This necessitates the formulation of pertinent interventions to address the problem. Examples of these interventions include expanding healthcare coverage, telehealth, cultural sensitivity, and public education. Healthcare providers should embrace healthcare ethical principles when implementing telehealth.

See Also: NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 1 Applying Ethical Principles


Ayón, C., Ramos Santiago, J., & López Torres, A. S. (2020). Latinx Undocumented Older Adults, Health Needs and Access to Healthcare. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 22(5), 996–1009.

Fante-Coleman, T., & Jackson-Best, F. (2020). Barriers and Facilitators to Accessing Mental Healthcare in Canada for Black Youth: A Scoping Review. Adolescent Research Review, 5(2), 115–136.

Moore, W., & Frye, S. (2019). Review of HIPAA, Part 1: History, protected health information, and privacy and security rules. Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology, 47(4), 269–272.

Salami, B., Mason, A., Salma, J., Yohani, S., Amin, M., Okeke-Ihejirika, P., & Ladha, T. (2020). Access to healthcare for immigrant children in Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(9). (n.d.). How to Improve Access to Health Care: Current Issues and Potential Solutions.

Varkey, B. (2021). Principles of Clinical Ethics and Their Application to Practice. Medical Principles and Practice, 30(1), 17–28.

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