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Nature of Work and Jobs

Nature of Work and Jobs

The past several decades have witnessed dramatic shifts in the nature of jobs due to many reasons. One of the leading factors for change in the nature of work is technological advancement. Technological advancement has opened other platforms that workers could use to do jobs. Employees can use personal devices such as laptops and smartphones to do most tasks (Aliah Wright, 2013). Besides, the invention of online meeting platforms such as Zoom and Google Meet means employees can meet virtually.

Another factor contributing to the changing nature of work is globalization. With globalization, companies have more projects to handle, hence having a 24-hour working cycle (Dudovskiy, 2014). Orders have also increased, meaning that companies have to work around the clock to fulfil market demands.

Besides, more companies embrace community social responsibility (CSR) practices internally. There has been increasing awareness among consumers that organizations are judged by how they handle employees. Companies that fail to treat their employees fairly lose favour with customers.

Also, the declining popularity of lifetime employment is changing the nature of work. One reason for the change is the job insecurities that characterize the private sector, such as downsizing. Besides, modern employees are willing to change sectors and cross industries depending on market conditions.

One of the results of the changing nature of jobs is the introduction of part-time work. Part-time working is not an entirely new practice, but it has gained popularity recently. Organizations introduced the practice to create a work-life balance among employees. Working hours are specified, but it is incumbent upon the employee to decide when to work.

The changing nature of work has also led to increased informality. The change has mostly manifested in the private sector, and it aims to reduce bureaucracy and adopt flexibility (Dudovskiy, 2014). Adopting flexibility and informality encourages creativity among employees.


Aliah Wright. (2013, June 21). 5 Trends Changing the Nature of Work. SHRM; SHRM.

Dudovskiy, J. (2014, October 3). Changing nature of work in the 21st century – Research-Methodology. Research-Methodology.


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Nature of Work and Jobs

Nature of Work and Jobs

For many individuals, the nature of work and jobs is changing. Describe some reasons for the changes and how they are affecting HR management and organizations.