Navigating the Digital Landscape- Marketing Strategies for the Modern Age Kristi Rogers, in her TedTalk, delves into the issue of relevance in the advertisement. She admits that the current world of...
Latest News - Marketing
Personal Selling in The Brazil Market Modifying the Personal Selling Approach Based on the Brazilian Target Market The success of personal selling lies in the ability to create a strong relationship...
Marketing Management in a Business Marketing research is critical for startups because it helps entrepreneurs identify the actual gaps in the market. These gaps provide a foundation for the...
Healthcare Marketing- Advancing Consumers up the Loyalty Ladder Customer loyalty is one of the most valuable elements of marketing. Loyalty is a measure of how much customers are likely to repeat...
Healthcare Marketing- Advancing Consumers up the Loyalty Ladder Customer loyalty is one of the most valuable elements of marketing. Loyalty is a measure of how much customers are likely to repeat...
Advertising – Ford Bronco Sport The Ford Bronco Sport’s internet advertisement on YouTube features Brooke Raboutou, a sports lady. The 3-minute commercial casts the 4-door Ford Sport in...