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Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan

Social Media


Facebook adverts will be shared on Facebook pages with many followers. Through the implementation of this strategy, many people will be served with information regarding the training services. Further, the business will create its site, which will cost approximately $50.


Twitter is one of the most influential sites. The approach to advertising the business services on this platform will include reaching out to influential Twitter users because they can influence their followers to adopt training services offered by the business (Ali et al., 2021). A budget of $1,000 will be set to pay the influencers.


Recorded training sessions will be posted on the business’s YouTube channel. Notably, this will play a role in attracting clients to the training sessions. Further, by offering recorded training sessions, the business will earn through views attained and watch-time the funds that will be used to further market activities. It is estimated that the YouTube channel will generate up to $20,000 per year, which will be enough to pay all marketing costs.


Just like in the case of Twitter, Instagram influencers will be approached to market the business services. A budget of $1,000 will be set aside for this channel advertising.

Company Website

The company website will be a major platform for communicating the training services being offered in terms of location, type, prices, and time schedules. However, the website will serve clients who already know the company and visit its website for more information. Setting up the company website will cost $3,500.

Print Media, Articles, Press Releases, and/or Ads


Flyers will be used to serve local customers. They will be served at church meetings, political events, and other congregations within San Antonio, Texas. Notably, the flyers will play a role in informing the public of the available training services (Nutting, 2018).


Brochures will be used in the same way as flyers. They will be used to target local customers and youths. A budget of $5,000 will be created to meet the creation and distribution of flyers and brochures.

Ads in local newspapers or other publications

Paid ads will be created and advertised in local newspapers about the business. A budget of $1,500 will be allocated for this advertising.

Television Ads

Radio ads

Local radios will be paid occasionally to create and air an advert regarding the business services, which will cost the company $2,000.

Participation in community activities

The business will actively participate in community activities like cleaning and health awareness. Notably, these activities will cost the company $3,000.

5K runs

The business will sponsor 5K runs in partnership with other companies. A sponsorship of $5,000 will be offered.

Health and fitness fairs

The business will offer health and fitness fairs free of charge, and this will cost them $2,000.

Interviews or Regular Educational Spots for Local Publications and Radio or Television Stations

The business will arrange regular educational spots and interviews for local publications, radio, and television stations. Through such arrangements, the business will become popular in the region. The budget for these events will be $1,000.

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Ali, B. J., Saleh, P. F., Akoi, S., Abdulrahman, A. A., Muhamed, A. S., Noori, H. N., & Anwar, G. (2021, May). Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: Case Study at Online Meeting Platforms. In Ali, BJ, Saleh, Akoi, S., Abdulrahman, AA, Muhamed, AS, Noori, HN, Anwar, G. (2021). Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: Case Study at Online Meeting Platforms. International Journal of Engineering, Business, and Management (Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 65-77).

Nutting, M. A. (2018). The Business of Personal Training. Human Kinetics Publishers.


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PTR 375

This week’s assignment:

Research marketing outlets and events in your area, get real-world pricing information, and develop a marketing plan for your fitness business. Your plan should be as complete as possible, covering every major marketing type we learned about in this week’s lesson, and should include costs associated with each outlet you choose. Submit your assignment to the dropbox below.
Requirements: answers must be in your own words, 250-word minimum.

Marketing Plan for Fitness Business

Marketing Plan for Fitness Business

Nutting, M. A. (2018). The Business of Personal Training. Human Kinetics Publishers.

Chapters: 11-14

Weblinks Week 4 (Links to an external site.)

How reinvesting in your fitness business impacts three important KPIs: (Links to an external site.)