Introduction to Logic
Consider this:
If Sam gets 100 points (out of 100) on the test, she will get an A grade on that test.
It turns out Sam got an A on this test.
Therefore, Sam must have gotten 100 points on the test.
The sentence in blue is the conclusion. But is the conclusion logical? Think about it and write your thoughts on Blackboard. Log in to Blackboard, find Intro to Logic, then click on Discussions Board.
Find Forum Discussion for Week 1. Post there your answer to the question above. Again, your first assignment is simply to say if the conclusion is logical in your view. Can we really conclude that Sam got 100 points on the exam? Remember to briefly explain why or why not. Explain your view clearly.
Logic does not involve giving one’s opinion over a matter. When evaluating an argument, specific criteria and principles are used. When one uses these criteria and principles, then one is said to be using logic; a person who fails to do so is said to be illogical. This is significant because sometimes, a person may not realize that what they think sounds reasonable is not always logical. This process of reasoning that utilizes principles of logic, even reasoning, arguments, and thinking, is critical for practicing philosophy.
There is a high probability of making assumptions and getting the wrong answer. The statement reads that Sam would score an A by getting 100/100. This can be assumed to mean that an A is equivalent to a 100 percent score. If that is the case, then Sam must have gotten 100 percent to score the A. However, the statement does not read that to get an A; one needs to score 100 percent. The A score can range anywhere from 0 to 100 percent. It is not known what the range of percentage is deemed to be a score of an A. The statement is quite open, and perhaps even a person who has a 1 percent score also gets to score an A. Hence, based on this latter argument, Sam’s score of an A could result from getting anything between 0 percent and 100 percent.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Introduction to Logic
Week 1: Introduction
What is Logic?
Dear students,
Introduction to Logic
Welcome to Phi 170, Intro to Logic!
In this class we will learn about logic. I’m sure you consider yourself a logical person. But what does it mean to be logical? Many people think that to be logical means to say something true and to be illogical means to believe in something false or to believe in things that do not exist. As you will see soon in this course, logic has little to do with beliefs. Rather, it is a way of getting from one idea to another idea, from one claim to another claim, in a way that makes sense.
But what things make sense?
What makes sense and what does not make sense may not be immediately and equally apparent to all people.
Check for yourself! Consider, for example, the following line of reasoning:
- If someone (anyone, any person) lives in New York, then this person lives in the US.
- I live in New York.
- Therefore, I live in the US.
These three claims put together indeed make sense. The first claim is true because New York is part of the US. So if you live in NY, then you definitely live in the US. Thus, if you live in NY, then it follows that you live in the US. The second claim is also true – I indeed live in New York. The third claim is also true – I do live in the US.
The third claim is a conclusion. I concluded correctly from the two previous claims that I live in the US.
Now consider this line of reasoning:
- If someone (anyone, any person) lives in New York, then this person lives in the US.
- Ana lives in the US.
- Therefore, Ana lives in NY.
Does this make sense? Does sentence number 3 follow logically from the information given in sentence 1 and 2?
If you said “no” then congratulations, you are on the right track in this class!
So far, so good; But consider this:
- If Sam gets 100 points (out of 100) on the test, she will get an A grade on that test.
- It turns out Sam got an A on this test.
- Therefore, Sam must have gotten 100 points on the test.
The sentence in blue is the conclusion. But is the conclusion logical? Think about it and write your thoughts on Blackboard. Log in to Blackboard, find Intro to Logic, then click on Discussions Board.
Find Forum Discussion for Week 1. Post there your answer to the question above. Again, your first assignment is simply to say if the conclusion is logical in your view. Can we really conclude that Sam got 100 points on the exam? Remember to briefly explain why or why not. Explain your view clearly.
(Please give a short response in own words.)