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Internal Business Environment

Internal Business Environment

Introduction to the concept

The external and internal environments of an organization influence performance. However, greater emphasis on the internal environment reveals its significance in developing unique aspects that an organization can use to compete with other players. Leaders can influence this environment through their character as well as competence. This article review will reveal different perceptions and findings from various internal environment studies.

What were the differences and similarities in the research done regarding the concept?

The five articles possess differentiating factors. The regions in which the studies are conducted are different. The first and third studies were conducted in Jordan public universities. The second study was conducted in South Korea and mainly featured start-ups. The fourth study was conducted in Albania’s Northern region and featured Small and Medium-sized enterprises. The fifth study did not focus on a specific region. All five studies used primary data to prove or disprove their hypothesis and answer the research questions. However, two studies incorporated secondary data in their analysis and methodology, providing an additional information source and a point of comparison.

What was unique in each article regarding the author’s approach to the concept?

Alshura and Al Assuli (2017) investigated the concept using a learning institution’s approach. The study, which was conducted in Jordan, highlighted the faculty’s perspectives regarding the issue. It used 200 respondents for data collection purposes. Seo and Lee (2019) focused their study on start-ups in South Korea by highlighting the internal and external factors that affected their performance. The study featured 213 start-ups as respondents in the study. Al – Rawashdeh (2019) focused on Jordanian public universities highlighting the employees’ perspectives regarding the issue. The data was collected from four main public universities. Kraja (2016) highlighted the topic by studying the internal and external environments of SMEs in the Northern region of Albania. The author sought to investigate the roles of these factors as competitive advantages for these enterprises. Sturm, Vera, and Crossan (2017) highlighted the topic of a leader’s character and competence entanglement.

What are the similarities in the research findings?

All researchers agreed that every enterprise should understand its internal and external environment. This understanding results in the development of unique advantages following the filling of a gap in the market. Managers play a critical role in steering employees toward understanding the business environment since the rare resources that each entity hopes to possess are difficult or impossible to attain. However, this does not hinder the development of unique internal aspects that give an organization a competitive edge. A business’s resources and abilities should be its first consideration when seeking to identify its competitive aspects. The unique aspect of this is the ability to remain authentic and unique. An organization that harnesses these capabilities is able to retain competitive advantages without the persistent threat of loss. Some of the aspects that the studies recommend for improving the organization’s concepts include training employees, developing a unique organizational culture, and investing in developing employees’ capabilities. Furthermore, the consideration of these aspects improves an organization’s performance and position to attract more clients. Each of the studies’ results emphasized the critical importance of the internal business environment at all levels of operation to performance. Seo and Lee (2019) and Kraja (2016) agreed that local government support is critical for new businesses.

What are the differences in the research findings?

Firstly, Alshura and Al Assuli (2017) highlighted the importance of constant analysis of the internal strengths of public universities in Jordan; raising the standards of performance within these institutions is expected to lead to sufficient fulfillment of the stakeholders’ expectations. In addition, a constant review of the internal stakeholders’ perspectives regarding the institutions’’ internal aspects is critical for growth. Once the strengths have been identified, the institutions should focus on reducing the effects of the weaknesses and expounding on the strengths.

Secondly, Seo and Lee (2019) highlighted the importance of support from the local community for the successful setup and continuous growth of start-ups. This support can be provided through enabling and empowering policies by the government. Such policies from the local government should provide opportunities for business creation. In addition, the authors highlight the importance of innovation as a start-up growth facilitator. The internal business environment is critical to this innovation process.

Thirdly, Al – Rawashdeh (2019) highlighted the importance of adopting fact-based management strategies is critical for strengthening the universities’ internal environment. Finally, Sturm, Vera, and Crossan (2017) established the importance of leaders to the internal environment of a business and its growth. High levels of character and competence lead to excellent performance, while the opposite is true. To foster continuous development, the leaders are encouraged to learn continuously, leading to higher levels of competence and character.


The internal and external business environments are critical to the performance of each entity. As established in all five studies, organizations can develop unique advantages that can be used to compete in the market through an emphasis on internal factors. The ability of managers to strengthen these organizational aspects is critical to the performance of enterprises. Therefore, all organizations, new and old, are encouraged to embrace innovation and employee development as methods of improving their competitive advantages in the market.


Al – Rawashdeh, T. T. (2019). Factors of the Internal Environment and Their Impact on Organizational Excellence in the Public Universities in Southern Jordan from the Point of View of Workers. International Business Research, 12(4), 175-186.

Alshura, M. S., & Al Assuli, A. H. (2017). Impact of Internal Environment on Performance Excellence in Jordanian Public Universities from Faculty Points of View. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 8(1), 45-57.

Kraja, Y. (2016). Importance Of External And Internal Environment In Creation Ofcompetitive Advantage To Smes.(Case Of SMEs, In The Northern Region Of Albania). European Scientific Journal, 11(13), 120-130.

Seo, Y. W., & Lee, Y. H. (2019). Effects of internal and external factors on business performance of start-ups in South Korea: The engine of new market dynamics. International Journal of Engineering Business Management.

Sturm, R. E., Vera, D., & Crossan, M. (2017). The entanglement of leader character and leader competence and its impact on performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 28, 349-366.


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Key Concept Paper Instructions

Choose a DB topic that you have written about this term (in this class) that you would like to further explore and write a 900 – 1000 word paper on the topic. The paper will have 5 scholarly articles, which have been published within the previous 4 years; you may use articles used in the original DB, however, each of the articles must be a narrative on the results of a study/research.  The paper is not a restatement of the original DB post, but is a review of all 5 of the scholarly articles.  Some of the questions that must be addressed in the paper are:

Internal Business Environment

Internal Business Environment

What are the common themes among the findings all 5 of the research articles?

What are the differences among the findings of all 5 of the research articles?

What is unique in each article regarding the author’s approach to the concept?

According to the authors of the articles, why is the concept important to an organization’s leadership?

Paper Requirements: 

  • The paper is to be your original work and written solely for this course. Although past papers can be minimally referenced, papers previously submitted or work from previously submitted assignments cannot be used to fulfill this assignment.
  • The paper must be written using current APA format and include a title page, an abstract, and a references list.
  • The paper must have a minimum of 900 words and a maximum of 1000 words. The word count does not include the cover page, abstract, or reference pages.
  • It must be submitted as a Word document (.doc).
    • The finished paper must be uploaded, as an attachment, by the published deadline.
  • Any charts, graphs, pictures, etc. must be put in an appendix and do not count toward the word count.
  • Block quotes cannot be used and will not count toward the word count requirement.
  • References must be as follows:
    • A minimum of 5 peer-reviewed references must be used.
      • Each reference must be from a different peer-reviewed journal published within the past 4 years.  Each of the articles chosen must be a narrative on the results of a study/research.
      • Textbooks, books, web blogs, abstracts, dissertations, magazines, and other ancillary materials cannot be counted as one of the required references.
      • All references must be cited somewhat equally in the narrative with no references over- or under-represented.
      • Quotations must not be more than 15% of the paper – paraphrase and properly quote the citations.
  • The following should be used as headings:
    • Introduction to the concept (definition and overview of the paper)
    • What were the differences and similarities in the research done regarding the concept?
    • What was unique in each article regarding the author’s approach to the concept?
    • What are the similarities in the research findings?
    • What are the differences in the research findings?
    • Conclusion
  • Submit this assignment via SafeAssign by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module 8.