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Impacts of Weight Loss Techniques on Overall Health

Impacts of Weight Loss Techniques on Overall Health

Many advertisements have been for weight loss; women especially want to have the perfect body. Obesity has increased in every group over the last 30 years, causing healthcare costs to increase by billions of dollars. The weight loss business has become a 50 billion dollar, be it surgery for weight loss, fad diet, support program, or exercise. Losing weight and getting healthy is hard work and determination. “According to the CDC (2010) obesity is defined as anyone that have a BMI above thirty” ( So many products and programs are available today to promote weight loss and healthy living.

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Obesity can cause many health problems, such as high blood pressure, psychological problems, diabetes, stroke and heart disease. As you know, most of us enjoy food; I always think about eating good food. Hunger goes beyond just simple nourishment; there are biological and psychological factors around hunger. “Appetite control is a function of the brain, more specifically the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus controls appetite and coordinates this with energy utilization. It is therefore, responsible for maintenance of body weight, carefully adjusting food intake to physical activity” (Schwartz, Woods, Porta, Seeley, Baskin 2000).

It’s no secret many diets can help obese people lose weight. A good diet plan is effective for obese people to lose weight. Our nutritionist for Weight Watchers says it is the best diet to help lose weight and keep off the pounds. But it does not guarantee it works for everyone. Some dieters have problems staying on the wagon even when using the best weight loss diet. The Biggest Loser Diet ranks behind Weight Watchers; it is very effective because of the calorie restrictions and physical activity. For a person to keep the pounds off, you have to burn calories. Combining a healthy diet and physical activity are the most effective method to lose weight. Dieting does have its pros and cons; these have been the topic of debate among doctors worldwide. It is not a bad idea to diet the question is, is it healthy? Specific diets, especially fad diets, can harm, causing illness and various health issues. They have been around for a long time, such as low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets. These diets make you look good, but they damage your body; one disadvantage of low-carb diets is that you lose the weight but regain all of it. The lack of vital nutrients in these diets, such as nutritional fibre, vitamins and minerals, creates problems later in life.

Not only does dieting cause different issues, but exercising can also cause issues because they possess some drawbacks. It is best to consult your doctor before beginning any exercise regimen to prevent injury. Another option people consider when on the journey to weight loss are diet pills, but these also come with risks, such as blood pressure problems, heart problems, and strokes. Exercise can put a lot of stress on your body; some effects are dehydration, and sweating removes water from the body, which causes dehydration. You should drink plenty of water and have an exercise schedule to keep from overworking your body. The diet pills’ side effects range from mild to severe; some of the side effects are cramping, gas, diarrhoea and constipation these are some of the mild side effects. The severe are increased heart rate, blood pressure, and stroke. With all diets, we should consult our doctors about how they will affect us, whether they are beneficial, or whether we need vitamin supplements.

Over the last forty years, obesity specialists have found that despite extensive research, there is no proven method for lasting weight loss, whether through exercise, diet or drugs. Weight loss surgery is a little more effective than any other method; there are risks, just as with anything else, plus some hard decisions involved. Before the bypass surgery, the patient has to meet strict guidelines, for example. The patient has to be a least one hundred pounds overweight. If not, their life will be in danger. Their medical history has to have some bad problems such as heart problems, diabetes and high blood pressure due to them being obese. They must see a psychologist before surgery and eat certain foods here in Memphis. The doctor has to ensure the patient understands that they have to a strict diet after the surgery because the stomach can stretch back out, and they will regain the weight if the diet is not followed. A crucial step for the patient is to quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption; it is essential because these can cause significant problems.

Most patients with gastric bypass are told by their doctor what the health risks are. However, they can be fatal patients can die from the procedure, develop gallstones, have nutritional deficiencies and breakdown down the staple line. A team of professionals must help people to effectively manage their lifetime behavioural changes that will take place for the person to achieve their goals. I know there can be complications if you do not follow the guidelines before and after surgery. My sister had the surgery years ago before it became popular. She had to have it because of sleep apnea. She did not do what she was supposed to do after the surgery, such as exercise, walk daily, and overate every time. She lost weight but not as she should have, and then the weight loss stopped because she did not exercise and kept overeating.

“The single most important challenge in the clinical management of obesity is improving long term maintenance of weight loss. Research on treatments for obesity has doubled over the last 20 years in regard to effectiveness in inducing weight change. Short term weight losses now average about 10% of initial body weight” (Jeffrey, Kelly, Rothman, Sherwood, Boutelle, 2004). “Reduction in weight following a cognitive-behavioral weight loss intervention were associated with improvements in overall well-being, depression, anxiety, and ratings of self-control, vitality, and positive well-being” (Swencions, Wylie-Rosett, Ginsberg, 2013).

Adolescent eating disorders are anorexia nervosa wh, ich they use to starve themselves to lose weight. They will become skeletal and thin and still think they are fat. Bulimia is when they binge on food and then make themselves throw up. They often use laxatives to get the food out of their system; all of these young adolescents who have these problems are considered to suffer from psychiatric disorders. These biological changes are caused by increased dieting and unhealthy behaviours, like negative body images, when someone always tells them they are fat in early childhood and lack confidence.

“There are multiple behavioral pathways to and from obesity (Go-Science 2007). Many weight management programmers combine these approaches, and all encourage or induce fundamental changes in behavior at the level of self-management, diet and/or physical activity. There are very limit selection of drugs for the treatment of obesity” (Stubbs, Lavin 2013). Obesity runs in the family, which means it is genetic; however, our families share genes, diets, and other habits contributing to obesity. It’s in children’s genes, but it’s also what they eat, such as junk food like candy, drinks, hamburgers and fries. Most families today do not cook hot meals. They feed their children fast foods like pizza and Mcdonald’s. We cannot change our genetic makeup, but we can change how we feed our families and help them be active. Our children are not getting the right amount of exercise; video games and television have made it hard for children to go outside to play. My girls and I, plus my grandchildren are obese, the girls are more obese than I am, and they know it’s very unhealthy because I am always preaching it to them.

Gradual elevation of body weight leads numerous individuals to diet and weight loss behavioural. Nevertheless, the prevalence of obesity continues to rise in industrialized countries. The current study aimed to examine motivation determinants of dietary modification (“dieting”) to identify clusters of individuals in the first six months of their efforts to control body weight. The theories of self –determination and self-esteem formation guided our analysis” ( Georgiadis, 2006). You have internal motivation to lose weight. Many people will start a program to lose and then suddenly stop doing it because they lose the little motivation they did have. All because they do not see the weight going anywhere and are discouraged. I am very guilty of this also.

There are many false and misleading claims in weight-loss advertising; I have fallen victim to this advertisement. Especially if they say no exercise; however, I still have to walk or go to the gym to lose weight. Losing weight is an arduous journey, and people make many attempts to lose weight to no avail. Americans struggle to shed unwanted pounds, so they must choose products like weight watchers or the biggest loser; these offer methods for achieving moderate weight loss over time with exercise. Over the last few years, popular weight loss methods have been diet pills, over-the-counter drugs, surgical procedures, stomach stapling and jaw wiring. The key to long-term weight loss is a permanent lifestyle change, like nutritious diets, at maybe a 1200-calorie level and exercising.

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Georgiadis, Manolis M., (2006). Health Education Journal

Jeffery, R.W., Kelly K.M., Rothman A.J., Serwood N.E. Boutelle K.N., (2004). The Weight Loss Experience: A Descriptive Analysis.

M.W. Schwartz, S.C. Wood, D. Porta Jr., Randy J. Seely and D.G. Baskin, Central nervous system of food intake.

Stubbs, R.J. Lavin, J.H. (2013) The Challenges of Implementing Behavior Changes that Lead to Sustained Weight Management.

Wylie-Rosett, J., Swencionis, C., Ginsberg, M., Cimino, C., Wasserthiel-Smoller, S., Caban, A., (2013). Weight change, psychological well-being and vitality in adults participating in a cognitive-behavioural weight program. Body Mass Index (BMI)


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Impacts of Weight Loss Techniques on Overall Health

Impacts of Weight Loss Techniques on Overall Health

Examine weight loss techniques and how each impacts overall health. Share both positive as well as negative approaches.

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