Immigration and Amnesty of Unlawful Immigrants
Immigration is the movement of individuals from their countries of origin to other countries where they become citizens. Accordingly, the immigration process is either legal or illegal based on the movement process. Due to the complexity of legal migration, some people opt for illegal immigration as a method of obtaining citizenship. Accordingly, the U.S. has the most significant number of immigrants globally, representing 13.4% of the American population back in 2017 (Lopez and Bialik, 2017). According to Budiman (2020), Pew Research revealed that the U.S. foreign-born population totaled 44.8 million in 2018. Additionally, a quarter of the immigrants live in the U.S. illegally, while the remaining 76%, the majority, live in the U.S. legally. Subsequently, since immigrants make up a percentage of the American population, the question of whether to pardon illegal immigrants through the issuing of amnesty is raised. Subsequently, illegal immigrants should not receive amnesty, an official pardon, because it would set a precedent that would encourage unlawful immigration to increase cases of death, kidnapping, and smuggling during immigration, boost the economy, and make healthcare accessible.
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Illegal immigrants should not receive amnesty because it would set a precedent for unlawful immigration. According to Inserra (2017), amnesty will set a precedent for other people to immigrate illegally with the idea that they will also obtain amnesty. Subsequently, amnesty promotes illegal immigration instead of limiting it; hence, interfering with the immigration procedures and the enforcement of policies. Additionally, Inserra (2017), argues that amnesty is an excuse used to prevent the reinforcement or improvement of immigration policies and reforms. This perspective is based on the burdened immigration process and the large number of immigrants living in the U.S. Also, according to Inserra (2017), amnesty breaks the law because lawbreakers are rewarded for their illegal activities instead of promoting fairness under the law. Accordingly, a few suggested solutions include; enhancing the security at the border, enforcing immigration policies, improving the current legal immigration process, and enforcing a step-by-step process of obtaining citizenship instead of offering amnesty.
Once the amnesty precedent is set, an increase in illegal immigration will result in death, kidnapping, and smuggling cases. Subsequently, giving amnesty to illegal immigrants will increase fatality cases. Illegal immigration is associated with death while crossing borders. The southern border has the most fatality cases due to the desert that must be crossed to reach the southern border due to the harsh environment that most immigrants succumb to. Additionally, the brutality and the brutal treatment of the immigrants caught crossing the border illegally increases the chances of damaging their health status, and some illegal immigrants may succumb due to the wounds incurred. Also, unlawful immigrants lack access to proper healthcare due to their un-documentation. Subsequently, when they cannot access proper health care services, illegal immigrants succumb to their illnesses (Artiga & Diaz, 2019).
Also, cases of smuggling and kidnapping will increase. According to the ‘Human smuggling equals grave danger, big money’ (2021), the smuggling of people in cargo brings in a lot of money for the smuggling organization. Accordingly, with the idea of amnesty in mind, most illegal immigrants seek the assistance of smuggling organizations to move to other countries at a fee. This fee promotes the viewing of smuggling as a business opportunity that will yield a lot of profit. Therefore, people are viewed as commodities transported to another country while evading immigration laws; also, they are transported in unsuitable conditions that are not fit for humans. Subsequently, according to the ‘Human smuggling equals grave danger, big money’ (2021), the Rio Grande Valley is a well-known location for smuggling businesses. Furthermore, in some cases, smuggling leads to kidnapping cases that contribute to human trafficking. Accordingly, amnesty will promote instances of illegal immigration through processes such as smuggling.
Offering amnesty to illegal immigrants leads to an increase in illicit activities. Illegal drugs are smuggled into the U.S. due to the high demand for drugs. Illegal drugs are brought into the U.S. through smuggling, and in some cases, illegal immigrants are used to smuggle these drugs in. According to Sinclair (2021), the U.S.’s Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and its Border Patrol have intercepted tonnes of drugs being smuggled into the country through the borders, “CBP seized over 42,645 pounds of cocaine, 5,222 pounds of heroin, 324,973 pounds of marijuana, 156,901 pounds of methamphetamine, and 3,967 pounds of fentanyl.” These drugs being intercepted are smuggled by specific individuals, and therefore, offering amnesty will allow smugglers to obtain citizenship while still conducting illegal businesses.
Despite these negative impacts of amnesty for unlawful immigrants, the offering of amnesty will allow the improvement of the economy. Subsequently, all immigrants, whether legal or illegal, help boost the U.S. economy; Sherman et al. (2019), argue that immigrants help boost the economy in various ways. First and foremost, immigrants work at high rates and make up more than a third of the workforce in most industries; hence workforce is always available. The ease of obtaining an employee due to the many immigrants boosts the economy locally, and the effect is felt in states and in the country. Additionally, the children of immigrants also contribute to boosting the economy as adults. According to Sherman et al. 2019, “In these and other jobs, immigrants help fill key gaps in the U.S. economy.” Immigrants without college degrees take part in work such as construction and farming. All these fields influence the U.S. economy by boosting it. Subsequently, providing amnesty for unlawful immigrants will help boost the economy due to the part they play in the workforce. Consequently, limiting their citizenship acquisition and immigration will cause a loss to the U.S.
Offering amnesty will allow illegal immigrants to obtain proper medical care. According to Artiga & Diaz 2019, most illegal immigrants cannot access proper medical care because they are uninsured, the medical cost without insurance is high, and fear of deportation. Also, unlawful immigrants aren’t eligible for coverage by Medicare and Medicaid. Furthermore, the inaccessibility of healthcare services due to one reason or the other interferes with the workforce since an ailing individual cannot report to work. Subsequently, this interference of the workforce interferes with the boosting of the economy. Therefore, amnesty will allow illegal immigrants to access proper medical care and contribute to the flourishing economy. Also, health care is vital for all individuals, whether legal or illegal.
In conclusion, the negative impacts of offering amnesty to illegal immigrants outweigh the positive effects of providing amnesty, and therefore, the U.S. shouldn’t offer amnesty for unlawful immigrants. Amnesty will promote illegal immigration, human smuggling and fatalities, and drug trafficking; these negative impacts result from an increase in the illegal immigration of immigrants due to the idea of amnesty. On the other hand, amnesty will help boost the economy in the U.S. due to the large workforce dominated by immigrants. It will allow the immigrants to access proper healthcare services and acquire insurance. Appropriate healthcare ensures that immigrants are fit enough to contribute to the economy. Therefore, considering all these factors, the result yields that not offering amnesty to unlawful immigrants is the most appropriate action.
Artiga, S., & Diaz, M. 2019. Health Coverage and Care of Undocumented Immigrants. KFF.
Human smuggling equals grave danger, big money. ICE. (2021)
Inserra, D., 2017. Dreaming of Amnesty: Legalization Will Spur More Illegal Immigration. [online] Available at: <>
Lopez, G. and Bialik, K., 2017. Pew Research Center: Key findings about U.S. immigrants. [online] Available at: <>
Sherman, A., Trisi, D., Stone, C., Gonzales, S., & Parrott, S. 2019. Immigrants Contribute Greatly to U.S. Economy, Despite Administration’s “Public Charge” Rule Rationale. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
Sinclair, M. 2021.The wicked problem of drug trafficking in the Western Hemisphere. Brookings.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Week 7 Argumentation Paper
My topic is about US illegal immigration
NOTE: I have been working on this since the beginning of the semester. I need you to put them together. You are allowed to add or delete whatever you need to do. I have attached my work from weeks 1, 3, 5. You need to do Week 7 (argumentative Paper) à put them all together ( edit, delete, add what you like)
Immigration and Amnesty of Unlawful Immigrants
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
- Textbook: Chapter 15
- Lesson
- Completed Week 5 Source Evaluation Worksheet (included annotated bibliography)
- Minimum of 5 scholarly sources (last 5 years)
This week ( meaning week 7), you will complete your argumentative paper. Following the directions in the assigned textbook reading on how to write an argumentative essay on the issue, you chose in Week 1 ( I chose US illegal immigration). Be sure your essay contains the following:
- An opening paragraph that states a clear thesis that is focused, plausible, and arguable and that gives direction and purpose to the paper
- A fair-minded, balanced, and objective development of the pros and cons of the issue in a well-organized sequence of ideas, free of mechanical errors
- Credible, reliable, and authoritative evidence in support of the points made
- A strong conclusion that summarizes your views, reminds the audience of the issue and its importance and shows in brief that you have successfully defended your thesis
Once you feel you have got the final draft, try to put the paper aside, even for a few hours, and then read it again.
- Did you address at least three aspects of the issue you chose?
- Does each aspect have relevant and authoritative evidence in support of your point?
- Have you included a view that is in opposition to your viewpoint, and have you answered that opposing view, pointing out its flaws in such a way as to refute it?
Writing Requirements (APA format)
- Length: 4-6 pages (not including title page or references page)
- 1-inch margins
- Double spaced
- 12-point Times New Roman font
- Title page
- References page
- Week 1 topic selection
- Week 3 Issue review (both side)
- Week 5 Thesis & Annotated Bibliography (both sides)
- Week 7 Argumentation Paper-à you are doing this part ( put everything together, again add, delete, and edit what you like)
******Attention: If you got confused try to find something from course hero to guide you! They provide sample students examples!! This course is PHIL 347N ( taught in chamberlain school of nursing)