Human Resource Management- Global Operation
Methods for Staffing Global Organizations
Staffing global organizations can be accomplished using four specific strategies, namely ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric. Ethnocentric staffing involves hiring expatriates to occupy critical positions in an organization. The advantages associated with this strategy include the expatriates’ ability to align the global company’s goals with the parent organization’s objectives. Since most of these expatriates are transferred to new locations, the process and costs of recruitment and training are reduced significantly. The disadvantages include the high costs of relocation as the expatriates move to the new location. In addition, most expect to receive higher pay when working in an international branch (Techo, 2016). The expatriates also lack knowledge of the local cultures, norms, rules, regulations, and policies, aspects that may affect interactions with locals and integration into the new market.
Polycentric staffing allows an organization to hire local individuals to occupy all positions. This strategy offers reduced costs because local labor may be affordable. The employees also understand the local cultures, an aspect that may present as an advantage or disadvantage. It can only be implemented in countries where highly educated locals are available to fill these positions. Geocentric staffing involves the recruitment of the best candidates regardless of their nationality. This exposes a company to top talent from different locations. However, the diversity of the workforce may be challenging initially. Regiocentric staffing involves hiring or transferring staff from the subsidiary’s region. The method allows a company to manage its costs without interference from the headquarters (Techo, 2016).
Competencies important to the selection of candidates for global assignments
When selecting candidates for global assignments, it is important to consider their technical competence. This competence refers to one’s ability to fulfill the job description. They should demonstrate awareness of the company’s operations, goals, values, and strategies. They should possess leadership skills, which enable them to chart a path for other employees who will join the foreign subsidiary. Their ability to adapt to new environments is critical because they will need to deal with unfamiliar situations and people. The candidate’s willingness to learn or undergo training is critical for success due to the need to learn new things, such as language and culture, during the adaptation process. Finally, they should possess cultural awareness and sensitivity, which will ensure they remain open to the different cultures they find in the new branch.
Pre-departure onboarding opportunities
A pre-assignment visit is one of the onboarding opportunities that the chosen candidates can utilize. The organization should organize the visit to the subsidiary’s host country. It may include family members, which allows the candidate to find accommodation and schooling facilities for the children. It is usually conducted prior to the signing of the work contract and allows the candidate to get familiar with the people and the environment (Waxin & Brewster, 2020).
Training is an important opportunity for successful onboarding, especially in relation to culture. The training can be behavioral, cognitive, or affective. The training approaches can include ‘attribution, culture awareness, interaction, language, didactic and experiential’ (Waxin & Brewster, 2020, p. 8). Such training is important for easy adaptation and blending into the new environment. Family members should be included in this training process for a seamless process after relocation. The coaching of experts is important because it prepares the candidates for the relocation. It provides an insight into some of the elements that they will encounter in the country and takes them through decision-making processes that align with the values and cultures of the location.
Ongoing training and development opportunities
Training programs that are mainly related to culture should not cease upon departure. It is necessary to continue training expatriates even during an assignment. Cultural awareness provides the experts with information that determines leadership strategies, interactions with the locals, marketing strategies, and other aspects that affect the success of the entity (Abdullah & Jin, 2015). Thus, an organization should continue to support cross-cultural training in all its different elements because it also expands the expatriate’s knowledge and skills.
Repatriation policies that will attract and retain global talent
Repatriation is not easy for the candidate or the organization. Thus, the employer needs to stay in touch with the challenges that the expatriates face in the new country. They should allow them to visit their family members to keep in touch with their culture. It is important to address all immigration issues related to the assignment so that the expatriate can enjoy their stay in the other country. In addition, payments should be made in full and according to agreed periods. The employer should also ensure that the funds are accessible to expatriates through banks or other platforms (Waxin & Brewster, 2020). These are just a few of the factors that an organization should consider when creating repatriation policies.
U.S. employment laws and ethical responsibilities to consider in staffing for global assignments
Specific laws apply to American citizens who are employed overseas. These include;
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Americans With Disabilities Act
Age Discrimination in Employment Act
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
Occupational Safety and Health Act(U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2021).
Abdullah, D. M., & Jin, C. S. (2015). Determining the Types of Training and Development Supports for Expatriates. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 172, 548-554. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.01.401
Techo, V. P. (2016). International Staffing- Strategic Considerations for Different World Regions. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1589.4640
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2021). Employee Rights When Working for Multinational Employers. Retrieved from U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission:
Waxin, M., & Brewster, C. (2020). The recruitment, selection, and preparation of expatriates. In Global Mobility And The Management of Expatriates (pp. 31-57). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108679220
We’ll write everything from scratch
scenario: You are an HR manager of a company that, since its inception, has only operated locally. In a recent meeting, your boss informed you that the company is planning to go global in the next 1 to 2 years. She would like an introduction from you to HR-related issues for a global operation.
Human Resource Management- Global Operation
Create three pages, including the following:
List and briefly describe methods for staffing global organizations. Include the pros and cons of each method.
Identify five competencies important to selection of candidates for global assignments that are essential to success.
Describe pre-departure onboarding opportunities you would recommend to enhance the global experience. Onboarding examples may include the expatriate as well as family members.
Describe ongoing training and development opportunities that are essential while on global assignments.
Describe repatriation policies that will attract and retain global talent.
Identify U.S. employment laws and ethical responsibilities to consider in staffing for global assignments.