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How to Write a Nursing Research Paper  

Writing nursing research papers follows a similar style, structure, formatting, and source requirements as every other research paper. Nursing research papers are usually grounded on nursing books, peer reviewed nursing journal articles, or other academic resources that’ve been publicized in the past five-year evidence. Crafting a nursing research paper tends to be a skill that’ll improve your skills in nursing practice, help you boost your knowledge, and explore concepts.

This article is an in-depth summary of what a nursing research paper is including its format and structure and the tips for writing a compelling nursing research paper.

What are nursing research papers?

Nursing research papers are thesis-driven academic papers crafted on a particular topic in nursing, either assigned by an instructor or selected by a student. A nursing student writes a nursing research paper to submit evidence to back up particular topics nursing research papers.

Nursing research papers can be crafted by nurses engaged in nursing methodology, clinical practice, evaluation, or nursing education. The procedure entails conducting a systematic review to investigate provided facts, applying theories in nursing, and making conclusions.

The nursing research paper structure and format

This is the nursing research paper structure and format;

Title Page

  • Because you’ll be handling scientific papers, the majority of nursing papers are Harvard or APA formatted.
  • Your paper’s title page tends to be a crucial part of the paper since it notifies the professor what the entire essay includes. You might lose marks in case you don’t complete your task accurately.
  • The nursing research paper’s title page, also called a cover page, must include your research paper’s title, your name, name and course code, university names, the submission date, and professor names.


  • The abstract must be the nursing paper’s synopsis. It’s just as significant as the paper’s title page since it provides readers with your research paper’s quick overview.
  • Abstracts have approximately a word count of 200-250 and must be focused and concise. If the nursing research papers are divided into various sections, you may provide each section’s summary for more direct navigation.
  • In the abstract, refrain from using citations and acronyms.
  • When writing the abstract, follow the Harvard or APA guidelines.
  • It isn’t included in the number of words unless otherwise stated in your Rubric.
  • It must include the recommendations, purpose statement, conclusions, paper contents, and results.


  • An introduction will always be any nursing paper’s first section, which serves as your nursing research paper’s outline.
  • It must constitute 10% of your total number of words.
  • Include a good topic hook for your nursing research paper.
  • Have the subject’s background knowledge.
  • Present the issue in nursing that the nursing paper is emphasizing.
  • Inform the reader primary thesis or goal of the research paper.
  • Carefully outline your paper’s scope and its aim. Present your PICOT question here if you’re writing a Pico nursing research paper.

Review of Literature

  • It’s also a significant section where you peruse various literature of nursing scholars that address your topic or your thesis statement.
  • The literature review must critically analyze other journals and articles discussing theoretical frameworks, nursing theories, scientific words, theories, and concepts.
  • It is here you analyze how other individuals have approached a subject. You must approach the section critically, write well-structured paragraphs, and cite ideas.
  • This section must demonstrate vital writing, research, and organization skills.

Research Methodology

  • Document the approach you used in collecting your data. For instance, you can conduct mixed methods, qualitative, or quantitative research.
  • Grounded theory, ethnography, symbiotic interactionism, historical research, and phenomenology are examples you may encounter in nursing research papers.
  • Quantitative nursing studies can be correlational, descriptive, or quasi-experimental. As its name suggests, this approach will need you to calculate numbers and statistics.
  • You must cite secondary sources, like meta-analyses, literature reviews, or systematic reviews in this part. If that is the instance, an inclusion and exclusion criterion is necessary.
  • Include every analysis and describe how they assisted test hypotheses in the case of statistical papers. Elaborate how you applied SPSS or R to evaluate information, including the interest variables.
  • You must also explain the methods of sampling you used.

Discussion and Results

  • It’s here you present the research findings
  • Avoid creating definitive statements
  • Your results must suggest whether a thing is either untrue or true, even if you’re testing hypotheses.
  • Your results discussion must also ensue. While discussing your research findings, use your literature review’s information, concepts, and facts. Ensure you discuss any delimitations and limitations.
  • You are permitted to present concept maps, graphs, or tables here.

 Recommendations and Conclusions

  • Summarize your research findings, problem, and methodology.
  • Restate your thesis, differently from the introduction.
  • It must be your total number of words 10%.
  • Discuss the literature review’s findings.
  • Investigate the researcher’s future suggestions.


  • Arrange the references from A-Z alphabetically.
  • You format the reference list in Harvard or APA, based on the Rubric or prompt.
  • Double-check that all references in your list are academic and were used in the paper.
  • Include the needed links.

Writing Tips for Nursing Research Papers

1.      Examine the Rubric and prompt of your research paper

This might appear obvious, but it’s crucial to comprehend the framework on which you’ll write your nursing research paper from your teacher/instructor, external markers, or your professor’s perspective before you start writing the nursing research papers.

If you find that you don’t understand the paper’s instructions, look for clarification before making important progress or selecting a topic.

2.      Choose nursing research topics that you find comfortable

If you’ve got the option, select nursing research topics that are interesting to you.

As it’s an extensive-form structure advanced paper, it’s essential to make sure that your topic in nursing has been explained in peer-reviewed journals or is backed up using relevant information.

3.      Plan the nursing research papers

Nursing research paper topics can be in the form of expository, analytical, or argumentative essays. They’re always crafted in the (APA) American Psychological Association format.

After selecting your topic of discussion and thinking about your number of words, devote time for paper planning.

4.      Conduct in-depth research and start drafting the paper

Begin the process of research early enough if you aspire to write outstanding research papers on all topics.

Search scholarly databases in nursing for credible sources and craft the information as required. You’ll develop or have so far developed the thesis as you perform the research. You could then select which peer-reviewed sources to utilize.

5.      Conduct the research using pertinent academic sources

For accuracy, recency, and relevance, a nursing research paper should be grounded on scholarly journals published in the past 5 years.

You may consult relevant clinical nursing research sources such as:

  • Cochrane Library
  • Full-Text CINAHL Plus
  • Science Web
  • EBSCOhost
  • Health and Psychological Instruments (HAPI)
  • Scopus
  • Medline either through PubMed or Ovid
  • Research Methods Sage
  • BMC Nursing
  • PsychINFO
  • Google Scholar

6.      Organize the information on nursing research

After selecting possible sources, arrange them in folders and use the software on citation management to run them. Next, arrange the bibliography of your research paper using step 1 information. You might also utilize the web browser for bookmarking the resources. Better still digital bibliography or the tools of citation management help you in merging your selected resources.

7.      Citation management tools

Use software citation management to monitor the citations

  • RefWorks
  • Legacy RefWorks
  • Zotero
  • EndNote

These citation management tools can help you in arranging your research-related citation database. You could also get a correct citation style because they’ve different styles of citation such as Harvard, AMA, ASA, or APA formats.

8.      Make use of a well-crafted nursing thesis

Now that you have completed your research, determined your scope, chosen your topic, and organized the findings, you could begin a preliminary basic idea. The nursing research paper should have a main idea or thesis, even if you’re not arguing against or for anything.

9.      Develop your nursing paper’s outline

Create nursing research paper’s outlines following the provided instructions to conclude your homework, just like in the case of your bibliography. You might be required to submit your outline initially as the assignment’s part. If that’s the instance, outline your professor’s requirements, examples, or guidelines.

If you aren’t required to give the outline, you must plan the paper thoroughly. It helps in your research paper’s development.

10.  Begin the process of drafting

Finally, you should write your research paper in nursing. Following your paper’s outline, you can select sections randomly or you may begin from top to bottom. When you begin early, you’ll have an increased possibility of handing in a remarkable nursing research paper. Nevertheless, it’ll help you in crafting an interesting, clear, and strong nursing paper.

11.  Finish editing, proofreading, and submitting the nursing research paper punctually

You must make sure that the nursing paper fulfills the strict requirements. Before handing in your research paper, you should always edit it to remove errors.

You could also hire professional editors for nursing research papers to review the paper, instructions, and requirements.


A nursing research paper is crucial for advancing EBP, fostering the nursing field’s development, and boosting patient care. However, writing nursing research papers can be daunting, especially for people not familiar with academic work.

If you’ve followed this article to this juncture, you’re already a professional in writing distinguished nursing research papers. You must choose a reliable paper topic, search for relevant and credible sources in nursing, use an outline of a nursing paper, and proofread the paper before submitting it. These are only some essential steps that’ll assist you nail all your nursing research papers.

Don’t hesitate to contact us at if you require assistance with the nursing research paper assignment at hand. Use our website nursing research paper examples to compose your papers, and rest assured of writing your best papers forever.