Historical Context – Globalization
Describe the historical context surrounding your historical event.
For over a century now, the mission for several all-inclusive government-supported services has extended in the US in several events. Advocates believed that they were almost achievements, although every time they confronted dispelled. The development of the above endeavors and the reasons for their disappointments are exciting examples in US history, character, and belief system.
In the last part of the 1800s to 1912, the public authority did not attempt to finance intentional assets or make mandatory debilitated protection. Simply, the central government passed on matters to the states, and the states conveyed them too to willful and private projects. The US did not have many willful assets that harbored their individuals in cases of infection or death (Center, Woods, & Manchikanti, 2017). However, in the late 19th and mid-20th centuries, there were no public or authoritative projects.
In the Progressive Era, President Theodore Roosevelt was in power. Although the president upheld medical coverage as he believed that a nation could not be strong with wiped-out poor citizens, most of the influence for change originated outside the government. Most of Roosevelt’s replacements were by large, moderate pioneers who, for around 20 years, deferred official administration that may have included the public government, specifically in the social government assistance administration.
Eventually, the American Association of Labor Legislation (AALL) in 1906 drove a medical coverage mission. They were an ordinary moderate convention whose command was to change the private enterprise and not abrogate it (Manchikanti, Benyamin, & Hirsch, 2017). In 1912, AALL created a panel on friendly government that had its initial public meeting in 1913. Despite its extensive command, the board of trustees decided to lean on health care coverage, creating a model bill in 1915. The bill limited the involvement of the general laborers and all other individuals who made below 1200 dollars annually, including wards. The doctors, medical clinics, and attendants’ administrations were included as pay, maternity benefits, and a fifty-dollar passing for costs of burial services were wiped out. The advantages of the above passing became significant later. Costs were shared among states, managers, and laborers.
Describe a key historical figure or group’s participation in your historical event.
Although several key historical figures participated in healthcare globalization, I will speak about Harry S Truman. By the time Truman joined the military in the First World War, he was awed by the number of men considered unfit for administration due to chronic defects (Schimmel, 2016). Truman felt that the above was an impression of a lack of health care services for some of the population.
Impoverished persons could obtain aid for medical care from noble cause programs, and wealthy people could handle the cost. Nonetheless, Truman felt that the working class was disregarded and served badly. Thus, shortly after assuming power over the administration in 1945, Truman suggested what he considered a sensible and functional arrangement: medical services for all, catered for by a form of finance charge (Manchikanti, Benyamin, & Hirsch, 2017). Unfortunately, the arrangement never worked through as it never came to a vote. Later, Truman referred to it as the biggest disappointment of his rule.
Explain the key historical figure or group’s motivation to participate in your historical event.
President Truman recommended a public health care plan to Congress in 1945. The following are the five principal objectives he laid out in the arrangement. The first was to account for the lack of prepared medical care professionals in every network. The second was to establish general well-being administrations. The third was subsidizing clinical evaluation and schooling (Schimmel, 2016). The next objective was to lower the cost of individual clinical reviews. The last objective was to focus on the problem of pay when severe sicknesses struck.
Articulate how the historical context caused or influenced your chosen historical event.
The US continued with its fight for public medical care in the administration of Lyndon B. Johnson. Johnson signed the Medicare Act of 1965. The act would provide medical services to US citizens aged 65 and over. Harry and Truman were present at the signing, and President Johnson acknowledged former President Truman as the genuine father of healthcare services (Center, Woods, & Manchikanti, 2017). The matter again came to the forefront during Clinton’s and Obama’s reigns. Whereas the Affordable Act became law during Obama’s reign, resistance to the rule continues. Most individuals cannot resist contradicting the contribution and orders of the main government concerning medical care. The above contentions resonate with the response against Truman’s, Johnson’s, and Clinton’s bills. Truman planned for medical care transformation in the US, and responses against his bill have further remained across American history.
Explain how connecting your historical event and current event improves the understanding of your topic.
Truman’s view on public healthcare coverage authorization sounded similar to the contentions continued by the Affordable Care Act defenders (Center, Woods, & Manchikanti, 2017). Truman asserted that a healthy person would transform into a more functional labor force and encouraged people to consider preventive measures rather than delaying till their conditions worsened before seeking medical help.
In 1949, during a special message to Congress, while assisting officials in recalling the arrangement he had proposed four years before, Truman asserted that the real cost of the inadequate clinical review was not approximated in medical clinics and specialist bills. Truman progressed his vision through the passing days of his reign. In 1953, roughly 14 days before the proclamation of his successor, Truman sent the President’s Commission on the Health Needs of the Nation’s primary volume to Congress, a board he had established.
Center, H., Woods, C. A., & Manchikanti, L. (2017). Evolution of US Health Care Reform. Pain Physician, 20, 107-110.
Manchikanti, L., Benyamin, R. M., & Hirsch, J. A. (2017). Evolution of US Health Care Reform. Pain Physician, 20(3), 107-110.
Schimmel, N. (2016). Harry Truman’s November 19, 1945 Address to Congress on Healthcare Reform. In Presidential Healthcare Reform Rhetoric (pp. 111-142). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
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Historical Context – Globalization
First, you will describe the context of your historical event using evidence from the sources you have explored. You should focus on a particular historical perspective (social, political, economic) to describe what was occurring at the time. Next, you will examine how and why a key figure or group participated in the historical event. Use the “historian think aloud” examples from the module resources as inspiration for how you might answer these questions.